epilogue: 10

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It was the weekend.

Meaning everyone was home, lazing about and hanging out with each other.

Bailey and Kadin were in the study, reading books together, snuggled up on the couch.

Paris and Ambrose were sitting on the couch in front of me, watching the Tv together as I texted with Liz about our birds - who were both brooding over an actual orphaned bird egg Liz got them -.

Looking up from my phone, I stared at the two men who were snuggled up together, Ambrose's head tucked against Paris's shoulder.

''. . .I want a child'' I stated, making both of the men's heads snap in my direction.

Paris and Ambrose exchanged a look before Paris very quickly got up, moving over towards me as I started to get up from my seat, about to make a bolt for where Kadin and Bailey are.

We stared at each other for a moment before I very quickly tried to make a run for it, almost instantly getting grabbed by the waist as my husband partly tackled me into the wall.

I was scooped up off of my feet and hauled over to the couch as I struggled all the while.

Without any ceremony or preamble, I was thrown down onto the couch, arms wrapping around me yet again seconds later.

''Hey, don't be so rough on him'' Ambrose scolded, his tone softer and meeker than usual. . .As is typical after one of his 'sessions' with Bailey and Paris.

''I'll be as rough with him as I want if it means he doesn't ask for a kid ever again'' Paris retorted back, his hands moving to my sides as he spoke.

A small shriek left me as the bastard of a man started to tickle at my sides, making me squirm and thrash about in Ambrose's grip as the other man tried to fight off a smile at what our husband was doing to me.

''Ambrose stop him!'' I squealed out as I tried to wriggle free from my husband's grip.

The two of them chuckled before Ambrose reached a hand up and yanked Paris down to the couch by the front of his shirt.

A small snicker left me as I very quickly squirmed out of Ambrose's grip, moving so he was between Paris and I.

Leaning to the side slightly, I childishly stuck my tongue out at Paris before ducking to hide my face against Ambrose's shoulder.

A gentle arm pulled me closer before a kiss was placed on top of my head, Ambrose moving to pull me back onto his lap, both his arms wrapping around me soon after.

''Paris. Leave him be'' Ambrose chastised as he held me closer, a grin dancing on his face when I playfully flipped our still standing husband off.

''Where did all this attitude come from? Who taught you this??'' Paris questioned teasingly as he flopped back down on the couch next to the two of us, making Ambrose quietly 'tsk'.

''Were you raised in a barn? Sit down properly. Don't flop'' Ambrose scolded the other man, causing Paris to arch his eyebrows in surprise.

Before he could sass back at our husband, the sound of someone coming downstairs drew all of our attentions.

''What's all the noise down here about?'' Bailey questioned sternly as he and Kadin joined us on the couch.

Kadin next to Ambrose and I, Bailey next to Paris.

''Paris is being a jerk'' Ambrose stated simply, drawing a quiet 'hey!' from the accused man.

Kadin reached out, tugging me off of Ambrose's lap and between the two of them, leaning over to press a gentle kiss to the side of the other man's face before kissing the top of my head as well.

''He always is, what is different this time?'' Kadin tacked on, getting an outraged huff from the man currently being mocked by his own husbands.

Glancing over towards him and Bailey, I noticed the darker haired man trailing his fingers gently through our sulking soulmate's hair.

Ambrose was about to speak again before I snuggled into his side with more force than needed, briefly winding him a bit.

''Ow, what was that for?'' He questioned quietly as he squirmed slightly away from me.

''Shh, let's just. . .Be for a bit'' I requested equally quietly, earning myself a briefly confused look from the other man before understanding lit up his gaze.

The sex was and is nice and all. . .

Snuggling back down into Ambrose's side, I let out a soft sigh as the two men on either side of me picked up on what I wanted.

But some days, I just want to just exist with my partners, my husbands.

Kadin shifted about a bit until he was leaning heavily on me, his head resting on top of mine as I was sandwiched between the two of them.

My eyes slowly dropped closed as I watched Kadin and Ambrose clasp hands together on top of my lap.

''I'm not a jerk'' Paris muttered sullenly in the silence before being quietly hushed by Bailey and Kadin at the same time.

''Hey Honey? Pass me the remote'' Bailey murmured quietly to Kadin, the other man moving slightly before the Tv turned back on, flipping through a few different channels before Ambrose quietly spoke up, excited for an episode of Gilligan's island that had shown up.

Silence descended over our group once again as everyone settled back down, soft sounds of hands gently running over skin or scratching at scalps were the only noise from my partners as Kadin gently scratched at my head, making me sigh.

The sex was nice, true. . .But I liked our cuddling much better.

Cracking my eyes open, I watched sleepily as the show played on the Tv, relaxed and boneless as my husbands on either side of me started to drift off, leaving us in a cuddle pile of sorts.

I found my eyes closing again as I drifted off to sleep as well, content, safe and more than happy with my lot in life.

Things weren't always perfect, sure.

We'd have our hiccups in our relationship. . .But they never lasted long as we'd work on them together.

Like the team we are, and at the end of the day. . .

We loved each other.


Is this chapter late? yes. Is it because of work? Also yes.

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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