Chapter 24: The box

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I had some extra time on my hands so here's the next chapter! T-T


Kadin opened the front door for me, There had only been one other car in the drive way so I assume that Bailey was not home.

The sound of utensils on a pan caught my attention, ''Bailey? Is that you?'' Kadin asked, His arm wrapping around my waist.

''Nah, It's me!'' Paris called back, We walked into the kitchen to see him standing next to the stove.

Kadin cringed as he looked down into the pan of whatever Paris was cooking, ''Roux. . . It might be safer if you head into the family room'' He said while trying to shoo Paris out of the kitchen.

I followed his advice, On my way I overheard Kadin trying to get Paris to leave the kitchen.

''Oh come on! let me cook, I'm not that bad'' Paris reasoned.

''You caught salt water on fire.'' Kadin simply retorted.

''One time! That happened one time!''

''It shouldn't happen to begin with!'' 

I blinked in confusion before shaking my head.

I want to know but I don't want to know. . .

Sighing I pulled out the blue box Liz had left for me, I turned it over a few times.

It was a fairly complex looking puzzle box, I turned it over a few more times examining it.

Man Jason is really getting good at making these things.

I looked at it closely, After turning it around a few more times I noticed a slight scratch thin seam at a corner.

I carefully turned the corner, I heard a small click sound.

I looked at one of the sides to see the 'wall' was slightly loose, I flipped it open to see a small moth shaped wooden key inside.

I smiled slightly down at the little moth key, It was shaped like a silk wing, Like marty.

Marty was a moth my friends and I had 'Adopted' when we were around five.

We had been out on a adventure, Just exploring the woods near our homes.

Liz had dared us to race to the top of the largest tree, So we left our bags under a nearby tree before we started to climb.

We had only made if half way up before I chickened out, The others didn't want me to miss out so we all climbed back down.

We just sat under the tree talking about what we had managed to see from that height, Eventually it degraded into us teasingly trying to one up each other with wild claims about what we saw.

My favorite one had to be Reese claiming he could see Uranus from that height, Of course he mispronounced it causing all of us to break into fits of giggles.

Eventually we calmed down and went to gather our bags, However in the time we had been sitting chatting a giant caterpillar had crawled onto our bags. ((Like seriously, I have seen these caterpillars before and they are huge)) 

Liz ended up trying to crush the poor thing, She always hated bugs, Let alone ones that aren't fuzzy.

Jason and Reese calmed her down as I shielded the poor little baby bug, We eventually came to the decision to raise the baby seeing as we found it alone, And by five year old logic that made us it's parents.

I smiled down at the key as I set it aside, The moth had grown up over a week of us caring for him, Once he was a adult we set him free in the same forest we found him in.

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