Chapter 97: Meddling

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Roux Pov! (Also. . .Shhh. . .Extra update. . .)


Slowly, I came to, My eyes opening to see a dark room around me, My arms bound behind my back by something plastic. . .I was guessing zip ties.

''Dude. . .This is so fucked up. . .He's just a kid. . .Look, The blue haired one. . .Sure, Understandable why the boss wants us to catch and kill him but this runt? He seems like an okay kid. . .'' I heard someone mumble out, Sounding torn.

''We've been over this before T. . .If you're worried about morality and right and wrong. . .You picked the wrong job'' A different voice muttered back, Sounding emotionlessly rough.

I looked around the room as what sounded like footsteps approached the room.

It was around that moment that I realized that it wasn't a room I was in, But instead, The back of a van.

Swallowing nervously, I huddled back near the seats just as the back doors opened, Letting dim light into the 'room'.

I squinted my eyes as two figures reached into the van, Dragging me out.

Flinching back at their touch, I very briefly tried to struggle away before I was dropped onto the ground, Right next to a grave, The dirt covering it was still freshly disturbed.

Tears were welling up in my eyes as I trembled slightly.

I was scared and very confused about what was going on.

What did I do to deserve this?

''Ah fuck. . .This is gonna be hard. . .'' The taller one muttered, His face still masked.

''Alright, It's all dug up'' One of the other two people said, Next to one of the other slightly disturbed graves.

They had pulled the coffin out of it. . .

Swallowing fearfully, I turned my gave back up to the taller one, Warm tears spilling down my face.

''Why. . .Why are you doing this'' I asked quietly, My voice shaking about as much as my body was.

''Ah fuck. . .'' The taller man whispered as the other three slowly joined him.

''Look kid. . .From what I understand. . .This ain't really your fault. . .You've just seen something you shouldn't have and we kinda have to deal with you now'' The tall man muttered apologetically.

I closed my eyes, More tears spilling down my face.

I left Paris on a bad note. . .And I never got to say goodbye to the others either. . .What if they wake up and are worried about where I am? What if they're hurt thanks to these guys?. . .

Hesitantly, I opened my eyes, Staring up at the four people through blurry tears.

''You. . .Didn't hurt them did you?'' I asked quietly, My voice shaky.

They shot me. . .Did they shoot the others too? Are they okay?. . .They aren't bleeding out are they?. . .Please. . .Please. . .

''Hurt who?. . .The other people you were with?'' The short person next to the tall man asked before one of the ones who had been digging up the grave spoke up.

''They're fine. . .They'll most likely wake up with headaches, But they should be fine'' They said as they picked up a different shovel.

The two who had dug up the grave collected slightly pointer shovels before heading back to said grave, Hopping down into it.

Sighing, I closed my eyes, Hanging my head slightly in defeat.

At least the others are okay. . .

The sound of a gun's trigger being pulled back echoed in the peaceful morning air.

A few seconds late, Wing beats.

I opened my eyes, Looking up towards the trees hopefully, Expecting to see my pale grey bird perched among the branches.

Instead, I was greeted by the dark black eyes of a raven, It's claws dug into the branches of a nearby tree.

My heart sunk as a cold metal barrel was pressed to my temple.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a snow white hare, It's odd eyes watching me before the sound of sirens broke the relative silence of the graveyard.

''Oh shit'' One of the people hissed out as the two in the grave struggled out.

They started to run towards the van before three squad cars pulled up, One blocking their escape from the front and the second one pulling up behind their van.

''Get down on the ground!'' One of the officers shouted out, The four cops had their guns pulled out and trained on the kidnappers.

I could see the people contemplate resisting before the shorter one slowly raised their hands into the air, Getting down on their knees as the others followed suite.

My attention was no longer on my captors after that though, My full attention turning instead to the man who hurriedly embraced me, Pulling me close in a tight hug.

Closing my eyes, I buried my face in Bailey's chest as he kept a tight grip on me, Almost crushing me against his chest as he checked me over.

''B-Bailey. . .'' I squeaked out quietly as he finally loosened his grip enough for us to both pull apart.

I held still as he quickly examined my face as well.

''Are. . .The others okay?'' I questioned as he finally released me, Getting up and walking around behind me to remove the zip ties.

Bailey let out a small huffed laugh as the plastic ties on my wrists were removed.

''Priorities Roux.'' He muttered quietly before hauling me to my feet, His arms wrapping around my waist to hold me close.

I rested my head against his chest, Just barely able to see the four kidnappers being dragged into the back of the squad cars.

''The others are perfectly okay, Ambrose and Kadin have slight head injuries but other than that, They're fine. . .And Paris is pissed'' Bailey explained as he finally let me go, Guiding me over to the third squad car.

I huffed out a tired chuckle at that as Bailey helped me into the passenger seat.

Buckling myself in, I tiredly let my eyes drift closed as Bailey got in behind the wheel.

I was exhausted by this day. . .And it wasn't even noon yet. . .



Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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