Chapter 40:

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We stared at each other for a moment, Ambrose had a mix of shock and confusion on his face as he seemed to be frozen in place.

He moved his hand off of my head, Staring down at it in shock as if it held the answers to this surprise.

He looked up from his hand to stare at me, I could almost swear his eyes looked slightly teary.

A small formed on his face, Now I was sure there were tears in his eyes.

''We're. . .'' I whispered, Stopping myself before I could end up ruining the moment.

Shoot, I messed up the moment. . . Now he's gonna be mad. . .

''Soulmates. . .'' He finished for me, The small smile growing into a charming lopsided one.

His face was surprisingly less scary when he was smiling, I'd almost go as far as to say he looked. . . Kind.

I felt my shoulders relax slightly as the tense feeling in the air lessened slightly.

I found myself staring at him, Mostly just at his eyes.

Huh. . . I thought his eyes were brown. . .

Upon closer inspection I noticed that they had a slight tinge of blue to them.

He of course noticed me staring, ''Something the matter? You've been staring for a while now'' He said, Sounding almost amused.

I blinked in surprise before looking away, Kinda embarrassed that he caught me staring.

 ''It's just. . . I could have sworn your eyes were brown. . .'' I muttered, My face blushing slightly.

Damn it, Rude much Roux?

I heard a quiet huffed chuckle from him, ''They are brown'' He said simply.

I heard the sound of some sort of plastic case opening, I glanced back at him, Noticing now that he was holding a contact case.

I blinked in surprise as he closed it and took a pair of glasses out of his coat pocket, ''The contacts just make my eyes look. . . Off'' He explained.

 He gave me a small smile as he perched the thin frame glasses back on his face, I tilted my head to the side slightly.

''Then. . .why do you wear contacts if you have glasses?'' I asked quietly, Trying to be as polite as I could with something that could be interpreted as rude.

''Ah, Well it can get dangerous to wear anything breakable here, I for one don't want to lose a eye thanks to glass shards. . .'' He further explained calmly.

 ''Oh. . .'' I whispered, Feeling stupid for not knowing something so simple.

The tense feeling started to return to the room as we both fell silent, I glanced nervously at the barred windows in the room, My hand absent rubbing at the bandages on my wrists.

This place is built so much like a prison. . .

I jumped slightly as I felt someone lightly touch the bandages on my wrists.

I looked nervously at Ambrose, He was staring down at my wrists, His brows furrowed and the scarily stern look back on his face.

''Why did you do this?'' He asked, His voice cold again as he lightly turned my wrist over to keep examining it.

What is he talking about? I didn't. . . Oh. . .

I blushed bright red and carefully tried to pry his fingers off my wrist, ''I-I didn't!'' I squeaked out, Before I could continue he ended up interrupting me.

''Really? Really. I have heard that excuse so many times, You really think I'm going to believe that?'' He demanded, Sounding pretty upset by now.

I curled in on myself slightly, My brain rushing to try and find a way to explain that it wasn't my fault.

He stared at me, Frowning before grabbing the folder again and marking something down in it.

''I-It's electric burns'' I blurted out quickly.

He glanced up from the folder, Arching a eyebrow at me as he stared over his glasses slightly.

''And how did you get electric burns?'' He asked quietly, His eyes narrowing slightly as he pushed his glasses back into place.

''Long story?'' I tried, Glancing away nervously.

The tense silence continued for a moment before Ambrose broke it, He sighed and grabbing my wrist again, He was starting to say something but he fell silent at my hiss of pain.

He had grabbed my wrist right on top of the burns, I'm sure it wouldn't have hurt. . . If I had remembered to apply the pain medication this morning. . .

''Ah fucking hell! I'm so sorry!'' He said, Hurriedly letting me go.

''I-Its okay!'' I squeaked out, Trying to placate him as he got, Moving closer to my side.

''Are you sure? Do I need to call the nurs- Oh wait. . . That'd be a bad idea. . .'' He muttered to himself.

''I-I'm fine, Really, I've felt worse then th-'' I started to say before catching myself and shutting up.

He stared at me, The worried look on his face being replaced slowly with a practiced blank one.

That was close I almost got my parents in trouble. . .

Why did I think that? Why should I care about them? They never cared for me. . .

I was about to finish what I was originally going to say before Ambrose cut me off.

''I'm sorry'' He muttered quietly.

I glanced over at him, He had a guilty look on his face as he slowly took his glasses off.

''I already told you it's okay. . .'' I whispered quietly, My eyes trained on his suddenly tired looking face.

Woah those are dark bags under his eyes. . .

''Not that, Well, I am still sorry for that'' He said, Falling silent for a moment before continuing, ''I'm sorry for taking my hate for Paris out on you. . . Both today and last time we met. . .''

I stared at him in surprise, He set his glasses back in his pocket, His tired eyes settling on me.

A small smile formed on my face, ''That's okay! I've had worse'' I said cheerfully, My surprise (and joy) at him saying sorry making me let down my guard a bit.

His brows furrowed at that, A worried frown forming on his face.

That was the wrong choice of word-

My thoughts were derailed as someone slammed the door open, Both of us jumped slightly as Paris stormed into the room.

''Get the fuck away from Roux.'' Paris growled out, Storming over to us.


So, Ambrose can be nice! what a surprise. . . He won't be in the next chapter. . .

Anyways, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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