epilogue: 7

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Soft fluffy NSFW in this chapter :D (7/10)


Tilting my head back, I accepted kisses from my husband as he crawled into bed, leaning over me long enough for us to kiss.

As soon as the two of us parted, I started to undress as Kadin went to grab some lube and condoms.

It was around that moment that I noticed Bailey had followed us inside the room.

Kadin noticed the same.

The two of us exchanged a look before my spouse moved aside, allowing Bailey to join us in bed as well.

I was going to remark on Bailey just appearing out of nowhere before I fell silent as Kadin gently kissed me, drawing a small little sigh from me as I laid back down on the bed, relaxed.

Once Kadin pulled back, Bailey replaced him, gently kissing and nipping at my neck, causing me to gasp and writhe under him until he finally pressed his lips to mine, his partly clothed body pressing up against my naked form.

''Bailey.'' Kadin started to say in a warning tone, making the other man back off.

Whatever silent agreement they came to seemed to be in effect as Bailey laid back on the bed, moving his arms to rest behind his head, his 'member' straining against the cloth of his jeans.

Oh dear. . .Never a good sign.

I couldn't really worry for my poor rear end for long as Kadin gently turned my head to face him.

''You ready for this?'' My husband checked quietly, to which I excitedly nodded, spreading my legs so my spouse could kneel between them.

I watched with a burning face as my soulmate lubed up his fingers before gently prodding at my entrance, making me squirm a bit before settling.

The fingers slipping inside of me made me shiver slightly, a gasp leaving me despite everything.

My eyes fluttered closed as Kadin thoroughly and gently worked me open, his gentle touch stoking the burning fire of arousal inside me.

Soon, my entire body felt like jello as I laid there boneless as Kadin pulled his fingers out of me, his hands moving to my hips as he did so.

A gentle kiss was pressed to my closed eyelids, causing me to open them as Kadin carefully manhandled me about until I was laying on top of him, his crotch lined up with mine.

The two of us smiled softly at each other before I felt the other man slowly push inside of me, his every movement careful as slowly the sensation of being filled over took me and my eyes shut yet again, small pants leaving my open mouth.

Fully sheathed inside me, Kadin paused, a hand gently rubbing at my back to get my attention.

''Do you need a moment?'' My husband asked quietly, to which I shook my head slightly.

I knew he never accepted answers like that, only accepting verbal.

''Please move'' I asked softly, burying my face against the crook of his neck.

Kadin pressed a kiss to the side of my head before slowly pulling out of me, his 'member' brushing against all the right spots inside of me.

He proceeded to set a slow but nice pace, leaving me feeling pleasantly boneless, the warmth of arousal inside of me slowly consuming me, leaving me laying limply on top of my husband.

His hands gently ran up and down my back as I nuzzled against his neck, pressing a small kiss to his skin, making my sweet husband shiver ever so slightly.

''You're being so sweet, so pretty'' Kadin praised quietly, his voice a whisper, his words for me only.

''I love you'' I whispered softly against his skin as he continued to slowly thrust inside of me, hitting every single right spot.

My own organ was trapped between both our bodies, getting friction as my husband thrust inside me.

After a few moments, I slowly sat up, my arms trembling as I tried to get my loose and boneless arms to respond to me.

Seeing me sitting up, Kadin paused in his thrusting, waiting to see what it was that I wanted to do.

''Please continue'' I requested as I used my new position to gently run my hands over his chest, mapping his body as he went back to thrusting up inside of me.

My hands ran over his chest and stomach, feeling the faintest outline of muscles that were formed from hard work and healthy living.

He's so handsome. . .

Eventually, with a few more thrusts, the two of fell over the edge, my body's twitching sending him over as well.

Slowly, my spouse pulled out of me, the condom slipping out as well, making me shudder.

The soft sound of skin on skin drew my dazed attention over to the other man on the bed with us.

Bailey's eyes were closed as he was slowly jerking off next to us, surprising me.

Soon, his eyes opened ever so slightly, his gaze turning towards me.

A small, lop sided smile formed on his face as he got up, moving over to kneel over the two of us.

Groaning quietly, I buried my face back into Kadin's neck as I braced myself for a round two so close to the first round.

''What's that noise about?'' Bailey teased quietly. . .Before getting lightly kicked by Kadin as a reproach for his comment.

''You can leave if you're going to be mean to him'' Kadin murmured, disapproval leaking from his voice.

Bailey tsked quietly before proceeding to slowly push into me stopping with only his head inside.

Oh no. . .

Closing my eyes, I braced myself as best I could for the pounding I was about to receive.

Bailey is much bigger than Kadin is. . .Meaning. . .This was most likely going to hurt.

I could feel my husband shift inside me a few times, lining himself up for something.

Knowing him. . .This was going to me rough.

With that as the last thought in my mind, I was promptly reminded of my mortality as Bailey proceeded to thrust inside of me quickly enough to cause me to choke on thin air.

My eyes widened as he proceeded to pound me into Kadin, driving any and all thought from my mind as he targeted my sweet spot over and over again.


:) Bailey is very rough.

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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