Chapter 96: Downhill

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Maybe it's Bailey. . .

With that in mind, I started to head towards the door before Paris instantly grabbed my arm, Stopping me.

''Oh no you don't, And where do you think you're going?'' He questioned as he pulled me back until I was leaned up against his chest.

''To get the door?'' I said hesitantly as whoever was there rang the door bell a few times.

Maybe it isn't Bailey. . .Wouldn't he have his keys? And if he lost them he could just text one of us to let him in. . .

''Anyone who's knocking on people's doors this early in the morning is most likely not someone you want to interact with, Just leave it and let them wander off'' Paris informed me calmly as Kadin and Ambrose exchanged a few brief words.

''Oh. . .Sorry'' I muttered sheepishly, My face heating up as I now realized how stupidly I was acting.

What if it's a serial killer out there?. . .Or a kidnapper?

''C'mon, You don't have to apologize, I'm sure you had a really innocently sweet reason for wanting to open the door'' Paris muttered, Tugging me over to the couch as he spoke, Kadin and Ambrose having already headed into the kitchen by now.

''I. . .Thought it might be Bailey. . .'' I murmured, My face burning with embarrassment by now.

Paris stared at me for a moment before huffing out a chuckle.

''Sweet heart, He's at work, It takes him hours to get back, Not to mention he still has his work to do'' Paris explained as I nervously twisted at my hands in my lap.

Seemingly without another thought, Paris grabbed my hands, Holding them in his to stop my twisting.

''Roux, Sweet heart, What's the matter?'' He questioned, Holding my hands with one of his as his other one reached up, Gently carding his fingers into my hair as he cupped my face, Holding my head in the palm of his hand.

''I. . .Don't know. . .I just. . .Kinda feel like an outsider. . .I'm left out of most things. . .Except the sex. . .And it kinda feels like. . .'' I started to admit, Trailing off as I spoke though until I had stopped speaking all together.

Paris was quiet for a long moment before sighing, By now whoever was at the door had clearly left, Meaning there was no reason for Paris to keep me here.

''C-Can I go. . .Join the others?'' I asked hesitantly, Trying to back away from him.

I really shouldn't have started explaining my problems to Paris. . .I was already embarrassed enough, I really didn't want to deal with and try to explain my emotions.

''No. . .No, We really should discuss this, It's not healthy to repress your emotions. . .'' He commented, Sounding concerningly serious.

He guided me over to the couch, Gently pushing on my shoulders until I sat down.

I hesitantly sat down as Paris finally let go of my hands, Allowing me to nervously tuck them between my legs.

''Why do you feel like an outsider?'' Paris questioned, Resting his hands on my knees.

I shrugged slightly, Glancing away from him, I was about to speak when there was the sound of a crash than a thud from the kitchen.

''Kadin? Rose? You two okay?'' Paris asked as both he and I got up from the couch, Turning to look towards the kitchen.

Before much more could be done or said, The lights suddenly cut off, Still there was no response from the two men.

I felt my heart stutter in fear as Paris gently pushed me to stand behind him.

Looking around, I blinked quickly, Trying to get my eyes to adapt to the sudden darkness.

The very dim light coming in through the curtains was very barely enough to see the room around us.

But what I saw, Made me wish I couldn't.

Four masked people, Armed with guns, Stepped out of the kitchen and into the family room.

My eyes widened in horror before I reached out, Grabbing Paris's arm and tugging him down to the ground right as the loud crack of a gun firing filled the semi silence of the room.

We didn't have enough time to move before two more shots fired.

I felt a sting of pain in my back before the edges of my vision started to darken, My limbs feeling heavy.

The last thing I saw as I passed out was Paris, Struggling to pull me away from the men as he started to black out as well.

--- Ambrose Pov ---

The hell. . .

I stared blankly up at the forest around me.

Last thing I remembered was two men breaking the large bay windows in the kitchen while Kadin and I were talking.

Then I was here.

Sighing, I slowly got to my feet.

I knew where I was, The soulmate forest.

I had never been here as until just recently, I had however, Read about it many a time in my psychiatry books, Not to mention the constant talk about it from my classmates and friends.

Looking around, I searched for the small grouping of trees that represents my soulmates and I.

I guess I should be relieved the trees and the surrounding area seems to be pretty healthy. . . Some have had it worse. . .I really rather not have to deal with screaming, Bleeding soul trees today. . . That sounds a bit inconvenient.

Wandering through the forest, I was mostly lost in my own thoughts, One of the many things that was always consistent through every retelling of an experience in this forest is that you can't and won't be harmed, So I wasn't really concerned about where I was going.

You know. . .It was really stupid of us to think whoever was at the door had left. . .We're most likely going to die. . .And honestly that'd be deserved after all. . .

It wasn't long before the forest took me to the place it wanted me at, The five trees.

The forest itself represents the headspace of the person inside it. . .But the trees.

I eyed the small little clutch of trees up and down, Unsurprised but still disappointed.

Well. . .That's not good. . .



Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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