Chapter 57: Better?

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Here we go


Bailey and I were cuddled up on the couch together, An old episode of The Munsters playing on the Tv.

Kadin had gone upstairs to get a shower a few moments ago, Having grumbled something along the lines of 'I gotta go wash all the crushed dreams off of myself'.

At least he's upbeat?

''I'm going to go get some coffee, I'll bring you back some pop, I expect you to at least take a few sips'' Bailey said, Carefully extracting himself from the tangle of blankets as he spoke.

A shiver went up my back as soon as the blankets were moved, The man's warmth having kept me warm as well.

He glanced back at me as I moved the blanket up over my head, Making a cocoon around myself with the blanket.

He chuckled quietly, A fond expression crossing his face as he shook his head slightly, Heading back towards the kitchen.

I snuggled down into my warm cocoon, Listening absently to Bailey bustling around in the kitchen, The Munster's theme song repeating as it waited for us to pick another episode.

Wonder when things will go back to normal. . . Have things ever been normal?

 A small, Stressed sigh escaped me before I covered my mouth, Coughing quietly into my elbow.

I moved over to the spot Bailey had been in before, Laying down in the still warm spot as I waited for Bailey to come back.

After a few seconds, The lock on the front door clicked before opening, Allowing me to hear the argument between the two men coming in through the door.

''Well it's not my fault, I was told to report everything so I reported everything.'' Ambrose snapped at who I assumed to be Paris.

''You're supposed to report anything to do with Roux! Our disagreements is none of our boss's business.'' Paris snapped back, The sound of him forcefully setting his keys on the rack clinking loudly in the quiet house.

''Welcome home Paris'' I called out quietly, Sitting up and resting my blanket covered head on the back of the couch.

Both men looked surprised by the fact I was down here, They briefly glanced at each other before moving ever so slightly away from the other one.

 ''Hey buddy, What are you doing down here? Are you feeling better?'' Paris asked, Looking concerned as he moved over to the couch.

''A little bit, I was just lonely'' I answered, Smiling up at him tiredly as he gently ruffled my hair, Walking around the couch so he could sit next to me.

''Paris, Can you stay in here with Roux? I have to head back into work'' Bailey grumbled, Coming back into the room, A small glass of soda in his hand.

''Drink it'' He ordered quietly, Handing the cold drink to me.

I accepted it as Paris got up, Giving Bailey a light kiss on the lips.

''What happened now?'' Paris asked, Following Bailey into the hallway.

I moved around on the couch, Resting my head on the back of the couch.

Ambrose was standing next to the couch, Staying out of the two men's way.

''There was a murder, The murderer is still in the building with civilians though'' Bailey explained as he tugged his coat on.

A what?

I could feel my heart beat stutter with fear, The possibility of Bailey being in danger making a familiar chill of fear go down my back.

''You'll be safe right?'' I checked, My voice wavering slightly as I spoke.

Bailey shrugged, Grabbing his keys from the key rack, ''We'll see'' He muttered only to have Paris smack him upside the head.

Paris gave him a 'really?' looks while Bailey just looked confused, ''What? I was being honest'' He grumbled, Trying to excuse what he said.

''He'll be alright'' Ambrose said, Catching everyone's attention.

''They'll most likely have someone there to talk the killer down, He'll probably only have to keep the onlookers at bay'' Ambrose continued, Leaning back on the couch slightly as he spoke.

I glanced back at Bailey, My heart beat calming down a bit as I had a small bit of hope now.

''He's got a point'' Bailey added on, Calming me down with that simple assurance.

He walked back over to me, Pausing to give me a kiss on my forehead before glancing over at Ambrose.

Said man very slowly moved away from Bailey, Clearly nervous.

I opened my mouth, About to warn him as soon as I spotted Paris, quietly approaching.

However, Ambrose took another step backwards before I could, Ending up bumping right into Paris.

He jumped slightly, Nearly tripping over his own feet.

Before he could even really stumble, Paris wrapped his arms around Ambrose's waist, Catching the man.

Bailey and I both stared at them as Ambrose's face started to slowly flush bright red.

''Let go of me'' He snapped, Pushing Paris off of himself before storming outside, His face bright red.

Bailey sighed, Shaking his head before lightly ruffling my hair, ''Drink your soda. . . And good luck'' Bailey said, Whispering the last part.

A small chuckle escaped me before turning into a quiet coughing fit.

Bailey patted me on the back gently until the little fit was over.

''I'll be back soon, Don't let Paris cook anything'' Bailey said, Gently pulling my blanket cocoon up over my head a little more.

''Be safe'' I called out as he opened the front door, He gave me a small salute before heading outside.

Paris sighed, Moving back over to the couch, Leaning on it slightly.

''You were trying to scare him weren't you'' I guessed quietly, Timidly taking a sip of the cold bubbly soda.

Paris let out a sigh, Nodding, ''Yeah, That was unexpected'' He said slowly before a small mischievous smile formed on his face.

''Might be useful later though. . .'' He said thoughtfully, His eyes sparkling.

''Please don't torment him'' I asked quietly, Laying back down in my warm cocoon of blankets.

Paris let out a hum, Neither agreeing nor disagreeing.

Oh boy. . .These upcoming days are gonna be hard. . .

A small cough escaped me.


And Paris found something else to use against Ambrose, Any guesses what he's gonna use this new knowledge for?

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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