epilogue: 3

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Hope everyone is having a fun time with their family, either biological family or chosen! (3/10)

Ambrose POV!!


I felt like I had been run over by a truck. . .Multiple times by the time I peeled myself off of my desk where I had fallen asleep while trying to get some more work done.

What hour is it?

Checking my phone, any hope of joining my husbands in our bed was dashed as I read the time.

4 am. . .Alright then.

Figuring my meager amount of sleep was good enough, I went back to the current puzzle I had to work out.

A mass hysteria event that's been affecting half of a college campus.

A mass hysteria event that we have no clue the cause of. . .And is still in effect.

--- Time skip ---

It was six in the morning when my continued, manic research was interrupted by a soft knock on my office door.

Forgetting for a moment that I was at home, I blinked in confusion before calling out 'come in'.

In stepped Kadin, a cup of coffee held in his oh so kind hands as he approached me, looking well rested and as soft as always.

''You're amazing'' I sighed out gratefully as my eternally kind husband handed me a god send of a cup of coffee.

A small, closed lipped smile formed on his face as he sat down at the edge of my desk, watching as I drained the cup at a probably concerning speed.

We both remained silent as I tried to go back to my work, Kadin looking over the papers all the while.

Normally Roux would be up at this hour as well. . .

Paris or Bailey must have done something. . .

''You spent all night here?'' Kadin questioned softly, drawing me from my thoughts, my attention turning fully to the other man as he lightly trailed his fingers over a few of the many scattered pages, gently moving them aside to look at the ones under them.

It was and still is so very hard to read the calm man across from me, despite that, I had the distinct feeling he wasn't happy about where I spent my night.

''You're not going to believe me if I said 'no' would you?'' I tried to joke, my words only making Kadin's lips twitch down ever so slightly.

Sighing softly, I took another long sip of the coffee before speaking again.

''Yeah, I'm just so close to figuring this out! I swear the solution is right in front of me. . .I just. . .Can't see it'' I explained softly, moving around a few more papers as I spoke, feeling the other man's eyes boring into me.

''If you can't see it. . .Maybe. . .You just need a break and another pair of eyes'' He reasoned quietly.

He has a point. . .I can figure this out on my own though. I have to. . .Others can do it so easily after all. . .

''Thanks for your concern, but I should be fine. . .Honest! I'll sleep in our bed tonight too, promise'' I placated, watching as Kadin rolled his eyes slightly before pushing himself off of my desk, moving over to stand right next to me.

''You do that, see how that turns out'' He sassed, pressing a gentle kiss to my lips before leaving my office.

Swallowing nervously, I turned my attention back to the work in front of me.

I have around two more hours before I need to head into work. . .

--- Time skip ---

The issue with trying to get some work done while at home is the fact that most of my husbands have absolutely no care for knocking.

Once again, I was absorbed in my researching when one of the men entered my office, drawing an annoyed sigh from me even before I looked up.

''What now.'' I grumbled out, the coffee Kadin had been so kind to bring me having barely had any effect on my three hours of sleep.

The silence from the 'intruder' should have been my first warning that I should tread lightly.

Unfortunately, I didn't take that warning, opting to look up with a clear expression of annoyance.

My gaze locking almost instantly with Bailey.

Well shit. . .

I felt my heart start racing as the other man slowly pushed himself off of the door frame he was leaning on.

If I wasn't so scared of the consequences, I'd make a comment on his flair for dramatics.

However, my husband, who was stalking ever closer, looked to be in no mood for me messing with him.

''Bailey. . .What's up? Can I help you with anything?'' I questioned nervously as he calmly stepped around my desk, his loose fitting shirt hanging off of his muscles.

''Where were you last night?'' My spouse questioned, moving to place both his hands on my swivel chair's arm rests, caging me as I tried to avoid making eye contact with the other man.

''I um. . .I was doing work and. . .Kinda lost track of time'' I nervously explained as he narrowed his eyes at me, making me swallow hard.

Bailey wouldn't hurt me, I knew that much, he wasn't the type to harm those he cares about. . .Unless they're into that. . .But that didn't mean he didn't have ways of instilling deserved fear in those he loves.

''Like the night before. And the night before that. And every. Night. These past two weeks.'' Bailey commented, leaning closer with the last few words.

Has it really been that long since I last slept in our bed? Damn, explains a bit. . .Makes sense why it's so hard to think. . .

''And. . .And what exactly do you propose I do? I can't exactly help the fact that I loose track of time sometimes'' I retorted defensively, narrowing eyes right back at him as he arched an eyebrow slightly.

''Don't worry Rose. We'll find a solution to that'' Bailey promised, his tone sending a bolt of dread down my spine as he pressed a gentle kiss to the corner of my mouth before backing off.

''Breakfast will be ready in two, do come down to eat with us today'' He called back to me as he left my office, reminding me that I hadn't eaten yet today.

Fuck, when was the last time I had breakfast again?. . .Right, two weeks ago.


:) Amobrose is a workaholic.

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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