Chapter 67: Meddling

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And Paris has done something. . .


''Here. Paris managed to convince Roux's friends to give him a copy of the photos.'' Bailey told Kadin coldly, Pulling a folder out of the brief case he had brought with him.

I swallowed nervously, ''C-Can I go up to bed? I'm kinda tired. . .'' I lied, My voice quiet even to my ears.

Kadin frowned slightly, Th folder still thankfully closed though.

''Sure, You don't have to ask. . .'' He said slowly, His concern seeming to grow after my request.

I gave him a grateful nod before getting up and hurrying up the stairs, I could feel Bailey's eyes on me as I retreated.

As I reached the top of the stairs, I briefly glanced down the second hallway up there.

I paused in my retreat to the bedroom.

The door to Paris's office was open, Spilling soft golden light out into the darkened hallway.

Like sailors being drawn to a siren's song, I found myself slowly approaching the door.

I remembered the drained and tired look on the other man's face when he had got home.

Tentatively, I knocked lightly on his door.

''Come in Roux'' Paris's voice said tiredly from the other side of the door.

I carefully pushed the door open the rest of the way.

''How did you know it was me?'' I asked quietly as I stepped into the office, Sticking close to the doorway.

He gave me a small lopsided smile, His face still looking drained and tired.

''The others know they don't have to knock'' He said quietly, A bit of amusement in his voice.

''Sorry'' I muttered quietly, Instinctively .

His smile fell at that, His face turning to a blank impassiveness.

I swallowed nervously, Taking a step back towards the door.

He sighed quietly at the simple movement, His impassive mask falling slightly to reveal a very tired man.

''Are. . .Are you okay?'' I asked quietly, Worry clinging to my voice.

He gave me a strained looking smile before gesturing to the chair in front of his desk, Right across from him.

''I'll be fine, Come, Sit down'' He answered quietly.

 I glanced back at the hallway before slowly approaching the chair.

''W-Why. . . Why do you look so tired?'' I asked tentatively, Unsure if he'd take offence to such a question.

He gave me another strained smile before leaning forwards in his chair slightly, ''That's not really important right now'' He said simply.

When I continued to stare at him, Concerned, He eventually sighed.

''Don't worry, I have a feeling everyone here will be finding out soon. . .'' He said cryptically.

That's. . . Concerning. . .

''Oh. . . Well. . . That's good?'' I said, Wincing internally when my statement came out sounding more like a question.

He gave me a small smile before getting up out of his seat.

''So, Why did you decide to come up here?'' Paris asked, Walking over to stand right in front of the chair I was sitting in.

''Um. . . Well I was going to go to bed. . .But then I saw you were in here. . .'' I explained the very simple line of thinking I had when I went up the stairs.

He tilted his head to the side slightly, His eyes softening as a small smile formed on his face.

''Why don't we head on in there then?'' He offered, Holding his hand out to me in an invitation.

I cautiously reached up, Accepting his offered hand as I got up.

He held my hand in his much warmer ones before gently tugging me towards the door.

I stuck close to his side as he turned off the lights and closed the door behind us.

I could just faintly hear Bailey and Kadin speaking downstairs, Neither of them sounding happy.

Just as we reached the bedroom door, Someone rang the doorbell.

Paris let out a tired sigh, But a small smirk was forming on his face.

''Might want to watch what's about to go down from the stairs'' Paris advised, Letting go of my hand before heading downstairs.

I sat down on the stairs, Watching Paris as he walked to the door.

Bailey and Kadin had apparently gotten up as I noticed them both waiting in the arch way that led towards the family room.

Paris briefly straightened his shirt before opening the door to reveal.

A very angry Ambrose.

''What the hell Harp!'' He snapped, His face flushed slightly with anger.

''Well it's good to see you too Ambrose.'' Paris said sarcastically.

''Ambrose.'' Bailey said calmly, Walking up behind Paris as Ambrose was about to clearly say something.

The other man gave Bailey a glare before turning his rage back to Paris.

''What the hell did you think you were doing?'' He demanded, His hands clenching into fists as he spoke.

''I think I was spending time with my soulmates'' Paris said, Amusement in his voice.

The flush on Ambrose's face seemed to darken a bit as he scowled at Paris.

''Don't play stupid with me. Anders told me exactly what you did.'' Ambrose snapped, Glaring at Paris with anger and. . .Hate?

Paris sighed before Bailey grabbed the door and pulled it open more.

''Why don't you come in and explain what happened.'' Kadin said, Having moved to join the other two at the door.

''Oh hell no. I was just stopping by to tell Paris. Fuck you. I'm not going to let you get away with this.'' He growled out before turning around and storming back to the car parked out on the street.

The three men remained at the open door for a moment longer before Bailey closed the door.

''What exactly did you do?'' Kadin asked, Turning to face the blonde.

I slowly walked down the stairs, Moving to stand next to Bailey as we all waited expectantly for Paris to explain the little visit.

''Well. . .Bailey found out that Ambrose was planning on transferring to a somewhat new facility. . .In a different state'' Paris started.

''What? Why would he do th-. . . Oh wait, No that makes sense'' Kadin muttered, Briefly surprised.

I noticed movement out of the corner of my eye, making me flinch slightly before I realized it was Bailey.

He frowned slightly but still gently rested his hand on top of my head.

''I had a few words with Anders. . .Explained how he was our soulmate and that if he left I would leave as well'' Paris continued, Moving to wrap his arms around Kadin in a hug.

''So. . . You sabotaged so-something he worked for so we don't lose him?'' I asked quietly, Blurting out my thoughts on accident.

That doesn't seem. . .Nice. . .


So, Paris meddled and Ambrose won't be leaving. . . Yet, Any guesses on what he's gonna try to do to leave?

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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