epilogue: 6

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No NSFW in this chapter, just flirting :) (6/10)


Dinner was a peaceful affair, the four of us calmly talking between bites, our conversation light and simple.

Eventually, Bailey and Paris both headed upstairs to further torment Ambrose. . .And offer him some supper.

I would feel sorry for the other man if I hadn't seen how pale and exhausted Ambrose had been looking lately.

According to Paris, he's been forgetting to eat or take breaks while at work, and I've personally seen him head to his office each and every night these past few weeks, only making it back to our bed a few times.

If he's relapsing into his workaholic ways again, then Bailey's not going to go gentle on him. . .

Kadin and I were cuddling together in the study, a book for him and a cup of hot chocolate for me as I read over his shoulder, snuggled up under his arm.

It was nice.

''Whatever happened to the dog Annie saved two chapters ago?'' I asked quietly, waiting patiently for Kadin to finish the sentence he was on before turning his attention to me.

''Doesn't say, pretty sure it was just a one off character'' Kadin explained equally quietly, flipping back a few pages to see if either of us missed anything.

A small pout formed on my face at that.

''That's a shame, he seemed so cute'' I commented, drawing a small chuckle from my husband.

He leaned over and gently pressed a kiss to my cheek, making me scrunch up my nose slightly in confusion, my face warming a bit at his gentleness.

''You think every dog is cute, you'd fill the entire backyard with them if you could'' Kadin chuckled softly, his amusement infectious.

We weren't allowed to get a dog due to the fact that Paris is allergic to them, which, while it doesn't effect him too much while out and about, he can't own one without being miserable.

''Fair point, I just don't like it when books only put in an animal companion for a few chapters before it just disappears without any explanation. . .Feels lazy'' I commented, plucking a random grey feather out from under my pillow, my nose wrinkling slightly.

We both were silent for a moment before Bailey entered the study, looking rather. . .Okay very, horny.

I tucked myself as close to Kadin as possible as the other man slowly made his way over to the two of us.

Kadin took my cue and moved so he was between Bailey and I, looking our husband up and down all the while.

''Bail? I thought you and Paris were having sex with Ambrose, why are you down here?'' Kadin questioned as the other man moved to try and stand in front of me.

''Ambrose is far too exhausted for us to safely continue messing with him. . .''Bailey started, Kadin and I instantly picking up on what he was hinting at.

I gave the other man an annoyed look as I moved out from behind Kadin, crossing my arms as I did so.

''So. . .You want to have sex with one of us. . .Because Ambrose is too worn out and you don't want to hurt him.'' Kadin deadpanned, entirely un-amused with our husband's audacity.

Bailey just stared down the other man for a long moment before nodding curtly.

''Yes. That is exactly what is happening'' Bailey stated calmly, drawing a small huffed laugh from me.

Kadin just shook his head before relaxing back against the couch again, drawing me closer until I was partly laying across him.

''We're reading a murder mystery book right now, why don't you and Paris either fuck or masturbate'' Kadin dismissed as I hid my smile against Kadin's side, adoring hearing our most patient husband sass at someone.

Bailey was silent for a long moment before someone sat down on the couch as well.

I removed my face from my husband's chest, turning to see Bailey sitting right next to me on the couch, still in his tank top shirt and far too tight jeans.

''Hey Bail, what's up?'' I asked quietly as the other man smirked slightly.

He reached over and grabbed the book from Kadin's hands to mild protest from the other man.

We both watched as he flipped to the back of the book, reading over something before nodding.

''The killer is-'' Bailey started to say before Kadin lunged forwards and covered the other man's face.

''You're such a brat you know that?'' Kadin grumbled as Bailey smiled proudly, knowing he won.

Bailey tilted his face slightly to press a kiss to the inside of Kadin's wrist, making the other man blush slightly.

''So. . .Are you two going to join Paris and I upstairs?'' Bailey asked, his tone pitched low, a quiet rumble that made my heart flutter.

Kadin looked the other man up and down, his eyelids hooded as he leaned closer, the two of them directly above me.

''No. You're being a jerk.'' Kadin stated bluntly, causing Bailey to raise his eyebrows in surprise.

During all of this  blatant flirting, my body had started to take an interest in the proceedings.

Smiling to myself, I snuggled up against Kadin's side, squirming about at my husband's attention turned to me.

We looked at each other for only a moment before we were both on the same page.

''Now if you'll excuse me, Roux and I are going to go cuddle in the guest room'' Kadin dismissed, reaching out to gently push on Bailey's face as the two of us got up.

The two of us left the study, heading for the upstairs 'guest room' we pretty much only used to have sex when we didn't want to disturb the others.

While we walked, I let my hands wander up and down my husband's sides underneath his shirt, walking backwards to achieve such a feat.

A kiss was placed against my mouth by said man as his hands went to my hips, more or less steering me into the bedroom and around objects I could trip over.

Once we were in front of the bed, I was gently pushed back until I was laying on it, watching as he slowly undressed in front of me, making my face warm even further.

Smiling back at him, I relaxed further into the bed.


Lead up for fluffy NSFW next chapter.

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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