Chapter 73:

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And they're still trapped together. . .


After a while of protesting, Ambrose finally accepted that he was going to be stuck in here for a while.

''You really should find a better way to deal with things out of your control other than locking those you care about behind a door'' Ambrose commented into the quiet room, His eyes locked on Bailey as he spoke.

I swallowed nervously as Bailey turned his attention to the man who refused to join us on the bed.

''The way I handle things is perfectly fine.'' He retorted before Paris hid a small laugh with a cough.

I slowly laid down further on the bed, Trying to not get in the way despite being right between the two men.

''Bailey. It's late, Don't start bickering with Paris'' Kadin chided, Having woken up enough to listen in on their bickering.

''We weren't going to bicker'' Bailey grumbled as I wriggled away from in between them.

''It sure seemed like you were'' Ambrose commented, Choosing foolishly to join back into the conversation.

Sighing, Kadin gently tugged Paris into his arms, Holding the blonde close in an attempt to keep him out of all of this.

I watched on as Paris rolled over to face Kadin.

I couldn't hear what they were saying to each other.

But I could see their lips faintly moving from where I was laying on the bed.

Glancing back over at Bailey and Ambrose, I noticed how. . .Uncomfortable Ambrose looked as Bailey continued to stare at him.

''Um. . .Well, Looks like the problem is done for now, I'm gonna head ou-'' Ambrose started to say, Readjusting his glasses slightly as he spoke.

''No. You'll be staying here.'' Bailey stated simply, Narrowing his eyes slightly at the other man.

''. . .You can't force me to stay Mr. Cresent, That would be considered kidnapping'' Ambrose explained slowly as if he feared Bailey wouldn't be able to understand if he said it any faster.

I blinked slowly as a small smirk formed on Bailey's face.

''We're in a soundproof room. No one knows you came to visit us. What exactly would be stopping us from kidnapping you?'' Bailey asked, Slight amusement in his voice.

. . .Oh, He's teasing. . . Maybe I should tell Ambrose. . .

I considered letting the brown eyed man know that Bailey wasn't serious. . .I really did consider it.

But before I could, Bailey turned back to me, Leaving Ambrose to quietly panic on his own.

''Don't you have work again tomorrow?'' He asked quietly, Laying Down again next to me, Seemingly ignoring Ambrose.

I had managed to get time off of work during everything that was going on, However, Tomorrow my vacation days were over and I will have to go back to work.

I nodded slightly, Looking up at him in confusion.

He gave me a tired, Slightly tense smile.

''You might want to try and sleep in that case, Tomorrow always comes much to early'' He commented, His arms wrapping around me slightly in a hug.

I hummed tiredly in agreement before Kadin squirmed out of bed.

 ''Aww, You really don't have to'' I heard Paris say quietly as Bailey and I both turned our attention to the two men.

I watched as Kadin pulled two extra blankets and a pillow out of the top shelf in the closet.

Oh right. . .Ambrose most likely won't want to sleep in bed with us. . .

''. . .Thank you Mr. Stone'' Ambrose said politely as Kadin handed the bedding over to him.

I could see Kadin grimace faintly before he nodded slightly, Giving Ambrose a strained looking smile.

''Not a problem Ambrose'' Kadin said, Putting a little more emphasis on the other man's name.

He's not happy. . .

I watched as Kadin walked back over and joined us in bed again, Leaving Ambrose where he had been standing.

I heard a small, Stressed sounding sigh, Escape the other man before I felt Paris encircle his arms around me as well, Just like Bailey.

Next thing I knew, Paris was pulling me away from Bailey so Kadin could snuggle in between us.

I smiled up at the tired honey eyed man as he settled down under the covers with the rest of us.

He returned a tired smile, Draping an arm Paris's arm and I. 

''Sweet dreams'' Were whispered quietly around, Or well, Forms of it.

Bailey mostly just tiredly grunted instead of actually forming words that could be considered English.

With a small sigh, I closed my eyes, Slowly drifting off in the safe warmth of my soulmates arms.


It was late, That much was clear thanks to the slightly blurry moonlight seeping in through the small little gap in the curtains.

I raised a hand to rub tiredly at my eyes.

I was exhausted, But sleep just refused to find me.

Sighing, I grabbed my glasses, Slipping them onto my face on instinct as I sat up slightly.

Why do weird things always happen when I'm around Paris. . .

From where I was sleeping on the floor, I could make out the shapes of my 'soulmates' sleeping peacefully in their bed.

They looked so perfect together.

Why exactly am I fighting this again?

Oh yeah. . .Andrew. . .Not to mention he hates me as well. . .Or he should. . .After what happened to his sister. . .

Sighing, I ran my fingers through my hair roughly, A nervous habit of sorts I had picked up a while ago.

But he seems like he's trying to bring me into this bond. . .Why though?

I didn't even have to wait to get my answer.

A certain little red-ish haired boy started to twitch in his sleep on the bed, Almost as if he was having a nightmare.

Like it was an instinct, I watched as Paris reached out in his sleep, Pulling the boy closer, Holding him in his sleep until he calmed down.

So. . .That's why he actually trying to make this all work. . .

Sighing, I stared at them silently, Sleep long forgotten now despite how late it clearly was.

I can't just forget them and act like they don't exist. . .But I can't just smile and accept them. . .Even thought they're the very type of partners I had wished for when I was young. . .

Why does everything have to be needlessly complicated. . .


So, Everyone's having sweet dreams as Ambrose trying to figure out how badly he's mentally fucked now, Any guesses how this is gonna go?

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen 

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