Chapter 38: Nightmares (Pt2?)

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Uh. . . Don't kill me? (This carries over into the next chapter too. . .)


I sighed peacefully, The warm bath water easing my sore muscles.

The sound of the front door opening caught my attention.

I sunk further into the bath, Attempting to hide amongst the bubbles as the sound of footsteps came closer.

I felt cold fear trickle up my spine as my chest tightened.

I listened closely as the footsteps fell silent, The only sound was the quiet popping of the bubbles in the bath.

A moment later the bathroom door slammed open, My father stumbled into the room.

His suit was wrinkled and his hair all messed up, I could faintly smell the reeking stench of some sort of alcohol coming off of him even from this distance away.

His eyes landed on me, I nervously covered myself with soap bubbles as he scowled at me.

He stumbled over, Almost falling into the towel rack.

I cowered back into the tub, ''Y-You know, Your mom's preg-pregnant right?'' He slurred out.

I watched wearily as he took off his tie and rolls up his sleeves.

''So, So now there-there's no use for you!'' He slurred out cheerfully, As if such a statement was good news.

Cold fear gripped me as he roughly grabbed my neck, Forcing my head under the bath water.

I choked as the beloved air in my lungs was forced out by the water slipping into my nose and mouth with a agony filled earnest.

My tears and soap stung eyes as I stared up through the bubbly water at my father above me.

My vision flickered as the little breath I had left was draining from my lungs, My limbs starting to feel numb.

I closed my eyes as the faint sound of distant wing beats just managed to reach my ears.

And just like that I sunk into the endless darkness that surrounded me, My limbs unable to move as I fell into emptiness.


I felt the slowly return to my limbs, By this point I could tell my memory was thankfully over.

Yet. . . I was still dreaming. . .

I stared around at the endless darkness, ''W-Why am I still here?'' I wondered out loud quietly.

As if responding to my question the darkness pulled away, Returning to simple harmless shadows.

I looked around at my surroundings, They almost seemed familiar.

Soft wild grass blew in the breezes that just managed to reach me through the tall trees around me.

I looked around, My eyes scanning the many diverse trees around me, Trying to find a clue as to why I was here.

Oddly enough there were trees here growing next to ones from different biomes.

I approached a elderly pine, Engraved In it's bark was a odd little orb like thing.

I reached out to touch it but paused, Something about doing that felt wrong. . . Like when you almost step on a grave.

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