Chapter 14: Cuddles

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So this chapter is slightly filler, mostly just fluff really, There is very little plot after the first bit.

Again, Sorry for being late and all that


I watched as Bailey seemed to perk up, Intrested ''So who did you lose it to?'' He asked, Leaning his head slightly on Paris's shoulder.

I Glanced away before quietly muttering, ''I don't know''.

I attempted to shrug and was surprised to find I could move ever so slightly.

Paris tightened his grip around my waist, Moving slightly away from Bailey as he scowled at me.

''Um, What do you mean? How do you not know?'' Kadin asked gently, I kept my eyes down as I twisted my hands together.

I remained silent as they kept their eyes on me, In a matter of seconds I wanted to bolt from the room due to the awkward silence.

Just as the silence was starting to become overbearing, I chose I speak up a bit, ''I wasn't exactly. . . All there when it happened'' I admitted quietly, My face burning with the shame I felt building up in my chest.

''Where you drunk?!'' Bailey snapped at me suddenly, My eyes flicked up to his own pissed off gaze.

I shook my head as rapidly as my partly paralyzed body could, ''O-Of course not!'' I squeaked out, My stutter returning as my composure failed.

I felt Paris tighten his arms around me, His lips moving to rest on top of my head.

''So, You where high then?'' Kadin asked from somewhere behind me, His voice seemed very worried for some reason.

''N-No. . . Well, Not k-knowingly'' I quietly stuttered out, My hands twisting together painfully at this point, The sting really being the only thing keeping me slightly sane.

Paris moved his hands from my waist and gently gripped my hands, Keeping them from wringing themselves painfully, I felt his lips gently kiss my neck, Encouraging me to continue.

''My um. . . Old friends, Convinced me to come to a party at a. . . Older friends house'' I paused, Feeling Baileys eyes bore into me, ''Um well, Someone at the party put something in the punch. . . I honestly should have known seeing as those who threw the party and helped invite people didn't drink any of it'' I paused again, My voice refusing to work as my brain started to distance itself from what was going on around me.

Paris silently rubbed his thumbs up and down my hands gently, Holding me close as my brain slowly returned from it's stony state.

''That's as much as I remember, I woke up the next morning sore and bleeding from. . . Erm well'' I Started to blush brighter at the mention of my nether regions.

So, What's the chances I can score a knife to use to get out of this?


Dang it. 

''Bailey no. Don't'' Paris said sternly, I looked up to see Bailey standing over Paris and I, A blank look on his face.

He didn't say anything, He simply pulled me up by my arm until I was standing weakly in front of him.

''Out.'' He growled, I felt my face pale as tears started to form in my eyes.

I glanced up in time to see Kadin pull a protesting Paris out of the room, I glanced back at Bailey and started to make my way to the front door.

Maybe I can stay with Jason or Reese for tonig-

 Bailey let out a annoyed grumble and scooped me up bridal style, Carrying me over to the front door.

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