Chapter 74: Work

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And things go back to it's new normal?


I woke up to the quiet sound of arguing.

No one else was in bed anymore, However, I could hear the shower running.

I don't wanna get up and hear Paris and Ambrose argue again. . .

Sighing, I tiredly opened my eyes, I froze in fear before laughing quietly.

I hadn't been expecting to see Ferris perched right above my head on the headboard, Staring down at me, It had startled me slightly.

''Morn' ''Ferris chirped, Not bothering to even finish the single word.

''Good morning to you too'' I whispered before yawning quietly into my hand as I sat up.

He whistled quietly to himself as I got up, Feeling tired and slightly sore.

''Oh gosh I hurt. . .''I muttered quietly to the grey feathered bird.

Ferris chirped sympathetically as he hopped down onto the bed, Moving so he was on whatever part of the bed that was closest to me.

''Aren't feeling talkative today?'' I asked, Glancing over my shoulder at the silvery bird, A bit of concern seeping into my voice.

He only ever really became un-talkative when he was sad.

He covered his beak with a talon, Doing a little birdy yawn.

''Tired'' He answered simply.

I frowned slightly, Taking a look around the room.

There were more than a few feathers in places there weren't any when we went to bed.

''Were you guarding us last night?'' I asked, Tugging my shirt off as I did so.

I could faintly hear the shower turn off, Signaling that whoever was in there would be coming out soon.

Ferris hummed quietly, Confirming my suspicion.

''Oh you sweetheart'' I sighed out, A fair bit worried about how he was going to manage staying awake today.

I slipped on a hoodie of mine, Wanting something soft and warm to sooth the ache that was in my body.

''Here we go'' I muttered quietly, Gently grabbing Ferris before placing him inside my hoodie's pocket.

There was more than enough room in there for him, So I wasn't really concerned about him feeling un-comfortable.

Sure enough, I felt him let out a birdy sigh before he snuggled in and presumably fell asleep.

Smiling, I ran my fingers through my hair, Wincing slightly as my fingers caught on some tangles in amongst my chaotic curls.

I don't have enough time to deal with that. . .I gotta get to work

I headed out into the hallway, Remembering as soon as I stepped out that people were arguing.

That doesn't sound like Ambrose and Paris though. . .

I frowned slightly as I hurried into the kitchen when there was a pause in the argument.

Paris and Kadin were standing back from a pan currently in the sink, A window was open, Letting cold air in and what appeared to be smoke, Out.

''How. How did you manage to set eggs on fire. I really want to know'' Kadin demanded of Paris, Sounding very tired and overwhelmed as he spoke.

Paris frowned slightly before shaking his head.

''I have no clue'' Paris started, Placing his hands gently on Kadin's shoulders as he continued, ''But I'll take care of the mess, You need to go sit back down''.

Kadin let out a sigh, But gave in, Moving to sit on one of the barstools next to the island counter.

I slowly made my way over to sit down next to Kadin, ''You okay?'' I asked quietly, Looking worriedly up at the other man.

He looked like he was in pain, He had a hand to his head as he held onto his coffee with his other hand.

He gave me a thin little smile, Clearly in pain.

''I'm alright, No need to worry'' He said calmly before I heard Paris try and stop a laugh.

''Did. . .Something happen?'' I asked worriedly, Glancing over at Paris as I faintly heard someone coming down the stairs.

''Kadin accidently hit himself in the head when he was opening a cabinet, He's got a headache now'' Paris informed me calmly from the sink.

I glanced up at said man as a slight red tint started to form on his face.

''I was tired, Okay?'' He muttered, Taking a sip of his coffee as he spoke.

I was about to ask if I could do anything when Bailey entered the kitchen.

''I see Ambrose decided to leave after all?'' Bailey asked as he walked over to Kadin and I, Giving Kadin a small kiss on his forehead.

''Yeah, He was acting. . .Strange when he left'' Kadin commented as Bailey walked over to the stove.

I watched as he took one look at what Paris was trying to fix in the sink before grimacing and shooing the shorter man over to us.

''Right, I'll get breakfast around for us'' Bailey said as he moved to the fridge, Going to grab something out of it.

--- Time skip ---

They had missed me.

The animals at work seemed to remember me and they were so excited to see me again.

I sighed as I stood behind the front counter, Ferris slept peacefully beside me on his perch.

It was peaceful, Everything felt normal again.

I turned on the local news absently before my attention was drawn to the front door when the bell above it dinged.

I looked up, The polite greeting I was going to say froze on my lips however.

My small smile grew as my friends walked happily into the shop, Their pets following behind them.

''Ay! Good to see ya fuckers again!'' Liz said happily plopping down onto cafe's seats as she spoke.

Her parrot Gecko hopped off her shoulder, Hurrying over to Ferris, His feathers puffing up as if he was displaying to the grey bird.

''Language.'' Jason chided as he sat down beside the overly energetic girl.

''Sorry! I just had the best night with Sophie! She-'' Liz started to say before Reese interrupted her.

''What you two do behind closed doors really shouldn't leave those closed doors'' He said hurriedly.

I frowned slightly when I noticed how tired he looked.

''You okay Reese?'' I asked quietly.

He gave me a small smile, Dragging his hands down his face as he did so.

''Yup, I found my soulmate, He's a cop. . .'' Reese informed me.

''Not taking it well?'' I guesses, Fully ignoring the tv behind me now.

Had I been paying attention, I would have heard the news reporter say that a scientist, Who had been working on studying soulmarks, Was found dead this morning.


And things. . .Things are happening, Also, Halloween is just around the corner (In this book that is), Any guesses how that's gonna go?

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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