Chapter 75: Bastard

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And we're not in Roux's perspective anymore!


Paper work.

That's what I was greeted with when I got into my office that morning.

I felt a tired sigh slip past my lips.

I hadn't gotten any sleep last night, My thoughts kept tumbling around in my head, I didn't really have the energy to do anything about it and now, Now I'm facing the consequences of my actions.

At least it wasn't that hard to get away from Roux's soulmates. . .

 Almost like he had heard my thoughts, Paris entered my office without so much as a knock.

I narrowed my eyes as he boldly approached my desk, A neutral look on his face.

A mask. . .

''You left in quite a hurry this morning'' Paris started, A false smile on his face.

Pretty good mask. . . Pretty sure a lot of people would be fooled. . .

''Stop beating around the bush. What the hell do you want.'' I grumbled, Narrowing my eyes as I set my pen down.

Sighing, Paris ran his fingers through his hair before dropping his fake smile.

''I just wanted to speak with you, Is that so hard to believe?'' Paris asked, Tilting his head slightly.

Innocent. He's acting innocent and friendly to get me to lower my guard.

''Cut the bullshit. Either answer my question or get out.'' I growled out, I was in no mood for his games.

I noticed his lips twitch ever so slightly downwards, Displeased.

''What do I want? Maybe I want you to finally accept the rest of us as your soulmates, Maybe I want you to act like an adult, Maybe I want you to finally stop playing the fucking victim in everything.'' Paris said, His voice deadly quiet.

With each 'Maybe' he took a step closer to me until he was standing directly over me.

I glared up at him, My heart racing as he stared back.

''Does that answer your question. Rose.'' Paris asked as he moved to lean over the chair I was sitting on, His hands on the arm rests.

I glared at him for a good moment before actually responding.

''Get out of my office.'' I growled out, Placing my hands on his arms, The fabric of his shirt thankfully blocking the tingles.

He narrowed his eyes slightly before taking a step back, Standing up straight again.

''I'll talk to you later. Rose.'' Paris muttered, Turning and leaving, Like I asked.

I let out a sigh as soon as the door closed behind him.

''Damn it. . .'' I muttered quietly as I tugged my glasses off so I could rub roughly at my eyes.

I could feel a headache slowly coming on.

This is fine. . .I'll go take an aspirin and forget all of this ever happened. . .

Getting up, I slipped my glasses back on before heading for the door, Fully prepared to go about my day like none of this had ever happened.

Before I could reach the door however, My phone started to ring.

The fuck. . .

Reading the number on the screen, I scowled slightly as it turned out it was my boss.

This can't be good. . .

''Yes si-'' I started to say before he cut me off.

What, Is it interrupt Ambrose day or something?

'''Smith, We need your help down at the north wing''' He stated bluntly before hanging up.

''Well nice speaking with you too. . .'' I muttered quietly.

 Maybe they need my help with a difficult patient or something. . .

Sighing, I went over to my desk, Pulling out my contact's case.

--- Time skip ---

I hate paper work so fucking much.

They didn't need my help with a patient.

Instead, One of the doctors who needed to finish some important paper work had gotten sick.

I had been given a pile of notes and someone else's paper work to do.

I haven't even gotten anywhere with my own paper work. . .Guess I'm pulling a late night-er again. . .

Sighing tiredly, I went over to the small mirror I had in my office so I could remove my contacts.

I could feel the sheer exhaustion in my limbs as I somewhat blindly put my glasses back on my face.

Stuffing my contact's case into my pant's pocket, I begrudgingly walked over to my desk and in turn the stacks of papers on top.

I could feel the dread over the task in front of me growing with each second.

Before I could actually get to the papers in front of me, There was a knock at my door before it swung open.

''Oh come on.'' I grumbled out as Paris walked into my office, His head held high.

''Still in a bitchy mood I see'' He muttered as he slowly started to approach me.

''Just fuck off.'' I grumbled out, Pulling a random piece of paper off one of the stacks to start working on.

I could just barely see Paris arch an eyebrow before he moved forwards to sit down in the chair in front of me.

''Ambrose, Why do you hate me.'' Paris asked seriously, Breaking the annoyed silence that had filled the room.

''You took Andre-'' I started to say before he cut me off.

''Bullshit. You're not an Idiot, You knew he was sleeping around long before you caught him with me.'' Paris snapped back, Cutting me off.

Scowling, I tightened my grip on my pen.

''Get out.'' I grumbled quietly, Turning my attention back to the work in front of me.

''Why. Why do you want me to leave so badly? Are you afraid of actually admitting why you hate me?'' He demanded, Standing up and leaning forwards on my desk as he spoke.

''I want you to leave because unlike you some of us actually have to work to keep their jobs.'' I snapped out at him, Glaring at him over the papers on my desk.

He frowned slightly, Looking down at the papers on my desk.

Without a word, He picked up one of the papers read over it before looking up at me.

''Give me a pen.'' He grumbled quietly, Sitting back down across from me.

Scoffing, I rolled my eyes and turned back to the paper I was working on.

Instead of taking the hint and fucking off, The bastard reached forwards.

I bit back as gasp as his fingers brushed against mine, Sending tingles up and out through my whole hand.

As soon as I jerked my hand backwards, Away from him, He snagged my pen, Smirking devilishly as he went back to reading over the page he had grabbed from the pile.

Bastard did that on purpose. . .


Annnd the two are tormenting each other again, Any guesses how that's gonna go?

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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