epilogue: 4

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:)  (4/10)


I should have known something was up after Bailey had tracked me down this morning, usually the man leaves me be if I purposefully seek out a place away from everyone else.

However, lack of sleep, especially prolonged lack of sleep, can make you quite dumb. That was my excuse for not putting together that something was going to go down today.

My day was mostly peaceful, which should have counted as another warning that something was going to happen.

As far as I was aware, Paris was the only one in the dog house for being 'too rough' with Roux last night.

So to say I wasn't expecting what I was in store for later was an understatement at it's finest.

''I'm just saying, he usually is okay with me fucking him that hard, hell! Bailey practically abuses that boy with how hard he fucks him! And yet I'm too rough'' Paris ranted as he hopefully payed attention to the road, driving the two of us home as I continued to read through paper work, my glasses slightly askew on my face from the sheer amount of times I had been rubbing at my eyes.

So tired. . .

''Didn't he tell you he had a meeting he had to sit through today? Sure he's been at home but that doesn't mean he can just lay in bed all day nursing sore muscles'' I retorted right as Paris took a corner far too sharply, causing a few people to honk their horns as I clutched onto the door handle for dear life.

This is why no one else gets in the car with him. . .

''Okay, maaaybe I messed up. But that doesn't mean Roux should have kneed me in my groin this morning!'' Paris shot back, finally slowing down at we reached the long stretch of road that lead to our home.

A small snicker left me at that little tid bit of information, having missed out on a lot since I hadn't been sleeping in our bedroom.

The look Paris shot me at that made my stomach flip.

''Paris! Watch the fucking road!'' I shouted out when he didn't instantly turn his attention back to the road.

Paris instantly slowed down, turning into our home's driveway calmly as if he hadn't nearly killed the two of us with his driving. . .yet again.

''We really need to send you back to driving school.'' I muttered, causing the other man to grin at that.

That's odd. . .Why's Bailey already home?

Shrugging off my confusion, I followed Paris towards the door, trying to stuff all the new papers into my bag as I did so, very distracted.

My final, and only warning for what was to come was when I entered our home to see Kadin cuddling with Roux on the couch, preventing our youngest soulmate from greeting us at the door like he always does.

And yet. . .I did not clock that final warning.

Paris was locking the door like always as I was taking off my shoes and jacket, my bag resting on the floor.

While my back was turned, a pair of arms wrapped around my waist, drawing a small squeak of surprise from me as I was hoisted off of my feet.

''H-Hey! What's the meaning of this!'' I protested as I was hauled up the stairs in a fairly undignified fashion, struggling about in my soulmate's grip all the while.

As soon as we reached the top of the stairs, I got a good look into our bedroom through the opened door and what exactly waited for me inside.

My heart dropped so quickly from it's place in my chest as I realized what exactly was happening.

''Woah, woah- Wait- Wait we can talk about this right? Come on, I wasn't getting too bad!'' I tried to plead with Bailey as I resumed my attempts at struggling.

Every time I'd get so absorbed in my work that I'd end up accidentally harming myself in some way or another, Bailey and sometimes even my other soulmates would get together and force me to listen to them and beg for forgiveness. . .In a less than normal way.

Unceremoniously, I was thrown down onto the bed, causing me to bounce ever so slightly as a small gasp left me.

As soon as I could regain my senses, I tried to crawl off the bed, pleading all the while for Bailey not to do this again.

''Come on, I've got work to do! I promise I'll head to bed tonight! There's no need for this!'' I protested.

--- slightly NSFW ---

Just like every other time, Bailey ignored my pleas, opting instead to pin me down to the bed, his hands on my back and one of his legs shoved between mine.

I was roughly stripped of my clothes by my husband as I struggled against him all the while, protesting that this wasn't needed.

He didn't say a word, didn't respond at all as I tried to squirm away before my arms were forced into place behind my back as he started to tie me up with the ropes, my hands at opposite elbows.

My body was starting to take an interest in the situation as my husband tied my legs together in a kneeling position, my pleas having tapered off as a flush started to form on my face.

''No longer protesting?'' Bailey quietly taunted as he started tying the rope into complex knots up my body, leaving me feeling pleasantly trapped and restrained, the soft ropes and knots digging into my skin.

Once he was done with the knots, he tested each of the segments, making sure the rope wasn't too tight over my limbs, gently tickling or pinching at bits of my skin to see if I could feel the contact.

''You've gone really quiet'' My husband commented quietly as I looked up at him, my face warming again.

I may have pavloved myself. . .

With all my previous struggling, I failed to notice what my soulmate was wearing. . .

A white tank top and some very tight fitting pants.

Something that easily showed off how impressively toned he was.

Swallowing thickly, I tried my best to keep eye contact with my husband as he moved me about on the bed like one would a doll, readjusting me until I was in a more comfortable position.

''What do I have to say to get you to let me out this time?'' I questioned quietly, my face flushing even more as Bailey looked me up and down, the ropes keeping me exposed and stopping me from hiding myself.

''You're going to have to figure that out now, won't you?'' Bailey murmured, trailing a light brush of fingers up my spine as he sat down on the bed next to me, his gentle touch making me shiver.

And this. Is why I fear this man.


We'll continue this NSFW in the next chapter :D

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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