Chapter 46: Brother

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Yay! Got this up early! T-T Yay. . .


''Ah, Bailey, Thank you for hurrying here'' The black haired man said, Getting foolishly distracted for a moment.

A mousy brown haired girl rammed her head into the officer's chest as soon as he was distracted.

I watched in morbid fascination as he curled in on himself slightly, His hand clutching at his chest as he appeared to struggle to breath.

Bailey and Laszlo both rushed over to the black haired man's side.

I watched in surprise as Bailey forced the swearing girl back down into the chair, Cuffing her wrists tightly to the arms of said chair.

Laszlo was worriedly trying to help his boss stand without wobbling.

''How'd you get caught?'' A familiar voice asked from beside me.

I jumped slightly still, Surprised at how close Daire had managed to get before I noticed him.

''Geeze, You're really quiet'' I commented, Surprised.

He gave me a lopsided grin, His grey eyes shinning slightly.

''You still haven't answered my question'' He reminded lightly.

I shrugged slightly, Moving back to lean against the wall so I wasn't in people's way.

''I don't really know what you mean, I wasn't caught. . .'' I answered, Confused.

He tilted his head to the side slightly as he moved to lean next to me.

''You can't be serious, You were brought in by that dude'' Daire said, Gesturing to Bailey.

Said man was currently cuffing the remaining protesting kids to the chairs.

The two other men were trying to help but they both seemed far too distracted to do anything properly.

''Yeah. . . We're hanging out today'' I supplied, Burying my face slightly into Bailey's coat as some of the cops started to stare at us.

''So. . .You're here willingly?'' Daire asked in surprise, His eyebrows raised slightly.

  ''Yeah . . .Why wouldn't I be?'' I asked, My confusion getting worse.

''So. . .He didn't force you to come along?'' Daire checked, Looking like I had just told him I was a nymph or something.

Is he okay? Why does he not seem to believe me?

''Of course not. . .He's my boyfriend, He wouldn't force me to do something that'd be bad for me. . .'' I attempted to explain.

 I watched as his brows furrowed in thought, His grey eyes studying the floor.

''Huh. . . And here I thought that all cops were assholes. . .'' He muttered in thought.

''Well. . .He was kind of mean when I first met him. . .'' I admitted sheepishly.

''What happened then? You seem to trust him quite a bit now. . .'' Daire asked, Glancing down at me, Moving to try and find a better way to lean on the wall so as not to lean on his cuffed arms too much.

''Well, He changed slightly, We all did. . .'' I tried to explain.

''Weren't you afraid of losing yourself while changing?'' He asked quietly, Seeming to finally speak what was on his mind.

I fell silent, My gaze returning to Bailey.

I watched as the man I had come to trust read the kids their rights, His cop hat slightly askew from struggling with the kids.

''I didn't really even consider that'' I admitted, Burying my face further into the warm and slightly weighted coat.

I continued before Daire could ask another question, ''I know they care about me, And I knew they would not change me so much that I was no longer myself, Purely because they care about me'' I explained.

I could feel Daire's full attention on me as I continued to watch Bailey go about helping drag the kids back to the cells.

''A relationship seems to be mostly give and take. . . Each person changing slightly to better get along with those they care about. . .'' I whispered, A small happy smile on my face as I thought about my boyfriends.

We all have changed a bit huh. . .

''Sounds like you guys have the perfect relationship. . .'' Daire muttered, A slight bitter amusement in his voice.

I shook my head slightly, ''Of course not, Nothing is ever perfect, We have our flaws and we've had arguments. . . I'm sure we'll have more in the future. . .'' I said quietly.

''Then why do you bother? If you don't get along then why not get rid of them?'' Daire asked, Starting to sound defensive.

. . .

What should I say. . . What can I say? . . .

What would Paris say. . .

''Relationships take work, Hard work, Sure we'll argue now and then, But what's important is we'll grow because of them, We won't strive for them but we're not going to give up on each other just because of a little troubled water. . .'' I answered, Speaking before my words sunk in.

. . . Maybe I should take my own advice. . .

Before I could get too far lost in my thoughts I heard a quiet chuckle from Daire.

''Maybe you're right. . . Maybe I should try in this relationship. . .'' He muttered quietly before falling silent suddenly.

I followed his gaze to the two men walking towards us at a militaristic pace.

''Bailey!'' I called out quietly, Moving to latch onto him with a hug.

I really didn't need a hug, but he sure looked like he did.

I could feel some of his tense muscles relax, His arms moving to return the hug.

''You alright?'' He asked me quietly, Crouching down to be at eye level with me.

I glanced back at Daire noticing the boy saying something quietly to Laszlo.

Neither of them looked happy in the slightest, But at least they were distracted.

''I'm fine, But are you?'' I asked, noticing how tense his whole body was, As if he was internally raging.

He gave me a small smile, His eyes softening slightly.

''I am now'' He muttered quietly before getting up.

''Why is this child not with the others.'' Bailey demanded of Laszlo, Gesturing to Daire.

''Because. This little shit would find a way to get out if he was.'' Laszlo grumbled, His hand tightening on Daire's shoulder to the point it looked painful.

''Hey! You're hurting him!'' I squeaked out, Reaching out in a attempt to pry the man's hand off of my newer friend's shoulder.

I don't know why I was actually standing up for someone. . .

Guess it's just because I know Bailey will protect me. . . 

''Let him go Laszlo.'' Bailey grumbled, Gently yet firmly resting his hand on my shoulder, Pulling me back.

''Fuck off, You aren't the one in charge here.'' Laszlo hissed back.

''Yeah, Well I'm still the oldest brother so listen to your fucking elders.'' Bailey all but snarled, His whole body tense now.

Well, That went from zero to one hundred really quickly. . .


Alright, Clearly the two brothers have bad blood, On the other hand, Daire and Roux are helping each other grow as people! Yay!

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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