Chapter 48: The results. . .

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:T Well. . . Some of you guessed whats gonna happen. . .


Bailey smiled a small smile back at me as I followed him towards the door, Still sipping at my mint milkshake.

I glanced at the driveway, Noticing a different car in the driveway.

''Bailey? Who's that?'' I asked, Gesturing to the unknown tan colored car.

He glanced over at it briefly before sighing, ''That would be Paris's boss's car'' He muttered, His pace picking up.

''Whats so bad about that?'' I asked, Picking up my pace so I could keep up with him.

He glanced down at me before slowing his pace down slightly, ''His boss normally doesn't visit his employees unless there's something wrong. . .'' Bailey explained.

''Oh. . . Maybe. . . Maybe Paris just did really good and his boss is here to congratulate him?'' I asked hopefully.

Bailey smiled down at me, Reaching out to ruffle my hair before opening the front door.

''One can only hope. . .'' He muttered as he handed me the tray with everyone else's milkshakes.

''I'll go see what he wants, You take that to the kitchen'' He whispered to me, Nudging me in the direction of the small archway.

I glanced back at him as I walked in the direction of the kitchen, He was just standing there tensely, A grim look on his face.

I hurried into the kitchen, Not really wanting Bailey to face whoever was in there alone.

My plans changed however when I spotted Paris sitting on the bench, His head in his hands as he seemed to be pacing his breathing.

I glanced at him before looking back the way I had come, Bailey was still where he was before, Kadin no where in sight.

Do I see if he's okay. . . Or should I leave him alone. . .

Sighing I set the tray down on the counter, Pulling my milkshake and Paris's out of the cardboard holder.

''You okay?'' I asked, Lightly tapping him on his head with the cookie dough milkshake as I sat down.

He raised his head slightly, Uncurling from the position he was in before so he could sit up properly.

''No, Far from it'' He muttered, Accepting the cold sugary treat from me.

''What happened?'' I asked, Leaning into him slightly as he sipped at his shake.

He sighed, Moving to wrap his arm around my waist as I stared up at him expectantly.

''You remember how you had that . . . 'session' with Ambrose a day or so ago?'' He asked, His normally cheerful velvety voice sounding tired and rough around the edges.

''Yeah. . .What about it. . .'' I asked slowly and nervously, My eyes glancing away from him as I distracted myself by sipping at my milkshake.

There was silence from the man next to me, Not even the sound of him drinking his shake could be heard in the room.

''Roux. . .Roux look at me'' He muttered quietly, His hand moving to lightly grip my chin.

I glanced nervously over at him, Trying my best the whole time to not look away from him.

He stared into my eyes for a while, Quiet an impassive seeming.

Please. . . I don't what you want me to do. . .

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