Chapter 5: Love me like you do

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Trying to get these chapters out in time, most likely won't get it out in time but. . . hope you don't lose to many brain cells!

And may I just say, this chapter gave me so much trouble!


Kadin opened my door and helped me out of the car, My nerves where on high alert seeing as he had not spoken a word to me on the hour drive to his house.

I should probably mention that 'house' was a understatement, this thing was like a mic mansion!

I nervously glanced at him as he opened the door for me, a stiff expression on his face.

Stepping in I found myself glancing back at him nervously, as soon as the door was shut he grabbed my wrist and started to drag me to a door not far from the entrance.

Just as my nerves started to get the better of me he opened the door, it was a bathroom.

He pulled me in and gestured for me to sit on the toilet seat lid, I found myself glancing at the door as I sat down.

Kadin must not have noticed my apprehension seeing as he simply opened the cabinet and pulled out. . . bandaids?

''Hold still'' He said, the note of anger still in his tone as he approached me.

I looked down, instinctively bracing myself for a strike when I felt his hand carefully tilt my head back up.

Glancing at him I saw all the anger from his eyes was gone, replaced by worry and sadness.

He didn't say a word, he just (gently) put a bandaid on each scratch mark, once he was done he leaned over me and gave me a kiss to my forehead.

 I stared up at him as my brain essentially short circuited, Im sure my face was as red as a cherry based upon the amused smirk on Kadin's face.

'' C'mon, you're most likely hungry, let me go cook you some lunch'' Kadin said while pulling me up from the seat.

I followed him out of the bathroom and through a hall to a rather large kitchen, he gestured to the bar stools around the kitchen counter as he started to get some pans out.

I sat down and laid my head on my folded arms, watching absently as he went about cooking some grilled cheese and tomato soup.

I soon found my eyes drifting shut, I was warm and felt . . . safe, soon I was half asleep when a hand gently carded through my hair.

''Hey, you need to wake up now, don't want you to wake up hungry'' Kadin told me gently, his hand still carding through my hair, every now and again pausing to brush a wayward lock away from my eyes.

With a groan I buried my head deeper into my folded arms only to hear him chuckle and move to sit on the bar stool next to mine.

He pulled me into his lap, a hand still gently carding through my hair, soon I started to wake up more and notice where I was.

oh fuck, this is so Embarrassing

I squirmed around a bit trying to get off his lap before I heard him give a grunt of. . . pain?

I glanced up at him to notice he was blushing, a lot.

Why is he embarrassed? im the one on his la- . . . oh

I felt a rather large (in his opinion) buldge pressing into my thigh, I squirmed off his lap and onto the other bar stool, both of us advoiding eye contact.

I just stared forwards at the counter, forgetting why we where even here when suddenly a spoon of tomato soup was offered in front of me.

I blinked, glanced at Kadin before nervously opening my mouth so he could feed me.

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