Chapter 44: Answer

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Annnd. . . We find out why Paris and Ambrose hate each other. . .( Took fucking long enough. . .)


I woke up, Snuggled up close to Bailey in the blanket fort.

I reached my hand up to rub the sleep from my eyes.

Something seems different. . .

I tried to think about what was different before I noticed, I didn't have a weird cryptic dream last night!

A small smile formed on my face as the bit of relief filled me with peace.

I sighed and wiggled closer to Bailey, His arms tightened around me as he sighed in his sleep.

I shivered slightly as Bailey lightly buried his face in my neck, His warm breath tickling me.

''Bailey?, The others are already up'' I murmured, My eyes looking around the mostly empty fort.

Neither Kadin nor Paris were in the fort with us, However I did notice that the paper thin sheet that had been on the bed was now covering both Bailey and I.

Bailey muttered something unintelligible in his sleep, His lips lightly brushing over my neck making me shiver again.

Sighing I reached out, Managing to just grab the corner of a pillow.

I carefully ducked out from under Bailey's arms, Replacing myself with the pillow.

A small smile formed on my face as I watched him snuggle close to the pillow, Holding in a death hug.

I made sure the blanket was on him before I ducked out of the fort.

The sun was streaming in the windows pleasantly as I walked downstairs.

Just as I expected, I could hear the quiet sound of voices and the clinking of a spatula on a pan coming from the kitchen.

I turned the corner, Stepping into the room with the other two men.

Kadin smile at me, He was standing next to the stove, Cooking something.

I returned the smile, Feeling a lot better.

''Hey Roux. . .'' I heard Paris mutter in greeting, His voice sounding almost solemn.

I turned my attention to the man sitting on the bench, A mug of coffee held in his hands.

''You okay?'' I asked quietly, Sitting down beside him.

Paris gave me a small smile, His hand moving from the cup to ruffle my hair.

''I'll be fine once we get this over with'' Paris reassured, The small smile falling a bit.

I felt my brows furrow with worry as I stared at him, Paris must have noticed because he gave me a small smile before pulling me into a side hug.

I leaned my head on his shoulder as a almost peaceful silence filled the air, The only sound being Kadin's cooking and our breathing.

Paris sighed beside me as Kadin turned off the stove, Kadin put what he had been cooking onto plates.

He carried the plates over and set it down on the table before sitting down across from us.

''Should I go get Bailey?'' I asked, Looking between the two.

''Get me for what?'' Bailey asked groggily as he walked into the kitchen.

''Yeah, He wakes up pretty quickly when no one's cuddling him'' Kadin supplied helpfully.

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