Chapter 61: Final straw

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Alternate title, Bailey gets mad :) (Not at Roux though)


Both Kadin and I woke up to the sound of angry yelling from downstairs.

We couldn't make out the words being said but it was blindingly clear who it was.

''They're at it again'' Kadin sighed out as he sat up.

I groaned quietly, Rubbing at my eyes as I sat up as well.

''Want me to ask them to stop?'' I asked, Glancing over at Kadin.

He still looked drained.

Made sense honestly, Between dealing with the fighting duo, Me being sick and what ever else was going on at school.

He hadn't had a lot of time to rest lately.

''No, I'll go speak with them'' Kadin sighed out, Getting up out of bed.

Feeling bad for him, I got out of bed as well, Following behind him.

He glanced back at me and I knew I had made the right choice, A small grateful smile on his face as he looked down towards me.

Neither of us said anything as we walked down the stairs, We could both now make out the reason of the argument.

Ambrose was angry at Paris for cuddling with him, And Paris was angry at Ambrose for the same reason from the sound of it.

Great. . . So I'm the reason they're fighting. . .

I let out a small sigh, Looking down at the floor for a moment before Kadin gently wrapped his arm around my waist, Giving me a small half hug.

''You sit here, I'll go have a word with them'' He said quietly, Gently nudging me towards one of the last steps on the stair case.

I nodded, Not really wanting to go in and face the two angry men right now.

''I'm sorry'' I said automatically, Looking down at the stairs.

''Don't be, It's not your fault'' Kadin said gently before continuing, ''They're both adults, They should know how to act their age''.

He gave me a small warm smile before walking down the remaining stairs and heading into the family room.

Sighing, I sat down on the steps, Resting my elbows on my knees and my head on my hands.

Kadin from the sound of it, Managed to get both men to quiet down.

However, They were still arguing, Just quieter.

I let out a tired sigh, Reaching up to rub at my eyes.

I was comfortable when Kadin and I were cuddling, Not so much anymore now.

The sound of the front door unlocking made me look up.

Bailey stepped into the house, Looking very tired and grumpy.

''Welcome home'' I called out quietly to him.

He looked up, Slightly surprised when his eyes locked on me.

He looked over at the family room before letting out an annoyed sigh.

''Are they fighting again?'' He asked, His voice sounding a lot rougher, As if he had been yelling a lot.

''Yeah'' I whispered quietly, Glancing over at the family room as well, ''Kadin's trying to get them to stop'' I added.

He nodded before reaching up to gently pat my head, ''Alright, I'll go take care of this'' He grumbled before heading into the family room.

I got up, Following behind him a bit before pausing at the doorway into the family room.

''Paris. You and I are going to have a word upstairs.'' Bailey snapped curtly at the blonde.

''Bailey, I-'' Paris started to say, Clearly annoyed before Bailey interrupted him.

''That was not a request. Upstairs. Now.'' Bailey snapped, Glaring at the other man.

Paris looked nervous but still did as he was told, I ducked back away from the doorway as Paris walked past.

He paused when he spotted me out of the corner of his eye.

''Hey, Why don't you go join Kadin in there?'' He offered, I frowned when I noticed he wasn't making eye contact with me.

''Will you be okay?'' I checked, My voice wavering slightly with worry.

Paris looked slightly surprised before a concerned look briefly crossed his face.

''Do you think he's going to try and hurt me?'' Paris asked, Crouching down slightly to gently grab my hands.

I found myself looking away from his gaze, Feeling slightly guilty as that was roughly along the lines of what I was thinking.

Paris let out a tired sigh before getting up, ''One thing at a time'' He muttered quietly before gently resting his hand on my head, His fingers gently threading through my curls.

''Once Bailey and I are done talking, You and I need to have a word together'' Paris said before backing away the smallest bit.

''To answer your question, Yes, I'll be fine'' He soothed before Bailey joined both of us.

''Didn't I-'' Bailey started to say before Paris cut him off.

''Yeah I know, Come on, Lets get this over with'' Paris said, Grabbing Bailey by his wrist and dragging him up the stairs behind him as he spoke.

I looked at the stairs one last time before meekly heading back into the family room.

Poor Ambrose looked terrified, However Kadin looked unconcerned.

Looking at Kadin, The other man gave me a tired warm smile.

''Bailey wants to speak with Ambrose next so we might be here for a while'' He explained as I sat down next to him, Snuggling up to his side.

''I assume I'm not going to manage to get out of this am I?'' Ambrose asked quietly, Looking very frightened.

''No, You really won't'' Kadin said, Leaning over to gently kiss me on the top of my head after he finished speaking.

Ambrose sighed tiredly, Running his hand roughly though his hair.

''Great. I should have just stayed at work today. . .'' He grumbled before stopping as Kadin gently grabbed the slightly taller man's wrist.

''Stop that, You're going to pull out your hair if you keep that up'' Kadin chided.

Ambrose blinked in surprise before a small chuckle escaped him.

''How did someone as sweet as you end up with someone like Paris?'' Ambrose asked before Kadin gave him a warning look.

''Careful with what you say about him, You may be our soulmate but we all are a lot closer to him than we are you'' Kadin warned, Clearly not very happy with him implying that Paris was somehow bad.

''Paris is quite nice just. . . Not to you'' I said, Slowly saying the last part as I very suddenly second guessed my choice of words.

Ambrose just gave a small thoughtful hum, His body still tense.

I looked over the back of the couch, Looking back to the stairs again one last time.

No sign of either man.

I hope I didn't make things worse. . .


 So, Bailey is going to be taking things into his own hands, Any guesses how that's going to go?

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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