Chapter 79:

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And here we go!


Before Paris or I could go and see if Bailey was okay, Kadin walked in on us, Mid sentence.

''Bailey! You got off your shift earl-'' Kadin started to say before he turned the corner.

He stared at us before glaring at Paris.

''What the hell.'' Kadin demanded of the slightly flushed blonde.

''Something the matter?'' Paris asked as I took a step back away from the two men.

''Paris, He can't wear that to the party'' Kadin reprimanded, Frowning slightly as he spoke.

''Why not? He looks adorable in it!'' Paris asked, Moving past Kadin to stand in front of me, Much closer this time.

I could feel my face still burning brightly even as Paris rested his hands on my shoulders.

''See? Isn't he cute?'' Paris said, Turning me so I was facing Kadin.

The honey eyed man gave me a sympathetic look as I trained my gaze on the ground, My face burning.

''Paris, That costume is far from appropriate, He can't wear that to the Halloween party'' Kadin explained, Sounding tired and annoyed with the blonde.

''Aww, Come on sweetie, Honey, Love, He looks so cute like this!'' Paris said, Moving around to stand in front of Kadin now, Wrapping an arm around the slightly shorter man's neck as he did so.

''Why are you pushing so hard for this?'' Kadin demanded, His eyes narrowing slightly.

I slowly took a few steps back, Moving closer to the front door.

''Why wouldn't I?'' Paris asked back as I started to tune the two of them out.

The embarrassment at being seen wearing such a. . .Revealing dress was slowly starting to wear off.

However I still kept my hands firmly on the bottom edge of the dress, Just incase it might lift ever so slightly.

Now that I was a little ways away from the gaze of the two men, I could concentrate a bit better.

Kadin was right, I couldn't possibly wear this to the Halloween party, It'd be inappropriate.

But Paris seems to like it. . .I don't wanna disappoint him. . .

I nervously chewed on my bottom lip as Kadin and Paris continued to argue over whether or not I should wear this costume.

They were too busy arguing to notice the front door open.

I did however.

Opening my mouth, I was about to alert the other two to the fact Bailey was listening in on their argument.

Before I could though, Bailey covered my mouth, Silencing anything I could have said.

I stared up at him, Confused before he gently started to guide me away from the two arguing.

Once we were a room away from the other two, Bailey removed his hand from over my mouth.

I could feel my face flushing as Bailey took a step back and looked me up and down.

''Why. . .Are you dressed like this?'' He asked slowly, His eyes narrowing slightly.

''It's for the Halloween party tonight. . .'' I muttered sheepishly, Rubbing at my arm as my face heated up further.

Bailey arched an eyebrow before sighing, ''Paris's idea?'' He guessed.

I nodded meekly as the other man tiredly ran his fingers through his hair tiredly.

''It's too late to get a different costume for you. . .'' Bailey mused quietly before before seemingly getting an idea.

He shrugged off his jacket before draping it over my shoulders.

Like the last time he gave me his police jacket, It easily fell down past my waist, Easily covering the dress part of the outfit.

I blinked in surprise as he took his police hat off and gently set it down on my head.

''There, That should be a little better'' Bailey muttered before Kadin walked into the room.

''Bailey, What in the world are you doing?'' He demanded, Before his eyes landed on me.

He let out a quiet 'oh' sound as Bailey walked over to him.

''We're going to be late to the party if we all don't hurry and get ready'' Bailey pointed out as leaned down, One hand moving to cup Kadin's face.

''Oh shoot, You're right we better get-'' Kadin started to say before Bailey shut him up with a kiss.

I very quickly started to feel like a third wheel as Bailey slowly started to move Kadin back to the nearest wall, A hand on the back of the other man's head, Keeping his lips locked with Kadin's.

After a moment, They broke apart.

''Calmer?'' Bailey asked, Keeping the now blushing Kadin in place up against the wall.

The honey eyed man let out a shaky sigh before nodding.

''Much, Thank you. . .'' He whispered quietly to Bailey before turning towards me.

''Roux, Will you please go ask Paris to start the car?'' Kadin requested as he slowly moved away from Bailey, Heading for the kitchen.

Nodding, I hurried into the hallway, Looking for the blonde.

He was standing near the front door, A slight frown on his face as he stared down at his phone.

''Paris?'' I called out quietly, Moving closer to him until I was standing directly next to him.

He smiled down at me, Turning off his phone and putting it away as his attention was turned fully to me.

''Kadin want's you to get the car started'' I informed him.

He smiled slightly, Reaching out to gently ruffle my hair, Nearly knocking the hat off of my head.

''Well, Guess we don't want to be late huh?'' Paris muttered, His small lopsided smile forming on his face as he turned towards the door.

I was about to follow Paris before Kadin shouted for me.

--- Time skip ---

We had arrived at the school just as the sun was starting to lower near the horizon, It was time for sunset just yet however it was close.

The school was decorated with little paper bats and fake cobwebs.

It wasn't scary at all, At least it looked festive though.

Sitting down on one of the chairs available, I waited for the other kids to arrive.

I was looking forwards to seeing my friends.

I've been busy and stressed lately and hadn't been able to hang out with my friends.

This'll be nice. . .It'll be fun to catch up with them. . .


Alright, Alright, They're at the party, We won't be seeing most of it though since we're going to be in someone else's Pov. . .

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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