Chapter 62: Truce

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So we finally get a truce. . .


Bailey and Paris had been upstairs for a while when Kadin got a phone call.

''I have to go take this, Think you can stay awake Roux?'' Kadin asked, His hand covering the mouth piece of his phone slightly so the person on the other side wouldn't hear him speaking to me.

''Yeah, I'll keep a look out for Bailey'' I assured him.

He gave me a grateful smile before taking the phone into the kitchen, Clearly trying to not wake up Ambrose.

Said man had fallen asleep a little while ago while we were waiting on Paris and Bailey to finish their little talk upstairs.

Kadin and I had agreed to wake him up whenever Bailey comes back down.

I glanced over at the sleeping man, Ignoring the tv as I watched him.

He had fallen asleep with his glasses still on, Causing them to get all askew.

His normally neat and tidy black hair was all a mess, It honestly looked a bit. . . Cute.

Sighing, I snuggled back into the soft couch, Pulling the blanket closer to both of us.

Ambrose let out a quiet sigh in his sleep, Snuggling closer to me as he slept, His head resting lightly on top of mine.

I closed my eyes as well, Snuggling closer to him this time.

He mumbled something in his sleep, An unusual thing happening to his face.

A small smile formed on his face, His body seeming to relax a bit.

It was peaceful, Until I heard footsteps on the stairs however.

I gently shook Ambrose's shoulder, Trying to wake him up as Bailey came downstairs.

He started to wake up just as Bailey reached the bottom of the stairs.

''Mm? Oh. . . Mornin' Roux'' Ambrose muttered out blearily, His eyes barely open and his glasses just managing to hang onto his face.

A smile formed on my face even as Bailey approached the couch, Ambrose's hair had fallen into his face enough so it was clear he could see even less than before.

He brushed his hair out of his eyes just as Bailey reached the couch, Bailey arched an eyebrow before leaning down on the couch slightly.

I watched as he reached out, Grabbing Ambrose's glasses before gently sliding them back on his face properly.

Ambrose looked up at Bailey, A startled expression on his face as a slight pink tint started to form on his cheeks.

''Bailey's here'' I said simply, Enjoying the fact that for once I wasn't the one blushing.

''Yeah I can see that. . .'' Ambrose said, His voice wavering slightly as an amused smirk formed on Bailey's face.

The devilish man leaned in closer to Ambrose's face until they were mere inches apart.

Ambrose appeared to be frozen in surprise, A blush on his face as Bailey reached a hand up, Gently cupping the other man's face.

That seemed to snap him out of it.

''I-I think I forgot something in my car'' Ambrose stuttered out, Stumbling away from Bailey, His face bright red with a blush as he rushed to the door.

''I need to have a word with you upstairs in a moment!'' Bailey called after the man as he rushed out the door.

I winced slightly as the front door slammed closed.

There was silence in the room for a moment before I tilted my head back slightly to look at Bailey.

He gave me a small smile before he leaned over, Gently locking lips with me for a brief kiss.

I relaxed back into his arms as he pulled back.

There was the sound of footsteps as Paris came down the stairs before he poked his head into the family room.

''Bailey. . . Roux. . . Where is Ambrose?'' Paris asked, His voice a lot quieter than normal.

I poked my head up above the back of the couch enough to see Paris.

His eyes looked a little red, As if he had been crying.

''He's outside.'' Bailey answered curtly, His arms moving to wrap around my waist as he sat down beside me.

Paris nodded, Looking dazed as he headed for the door.

I waited until the door closed before looking back up at Bailey.

''What- What did you do to him?'' I asked, Feeling ever so slightly nervous to be asking him this while he was currently holding me.

Bailey moved around slightly behind me until his lips were gently resting against the side of my neck.

I let out a quiet squeak as he gently kissed at the side of my neck, Making me shiver slightly.

''Glad to see you're all healthy again'' Bailey said, His warm breath tickling my skin slightly as he tried to change the subject.

''S-Stop, Just stop. . . You're going to get me off track'' I stuttered out, Squirming around in his arms slightly.

He let out a sigh before gently pushing me down onto the couch so I was laying down, His chest pressing against my back as he gently held me down.

''I didn't do anything to him, We just talked'' Bailey explained calmly, His breath tickling at the back of my neck as he moved slightly again.

''Did y-you yell at him?'' I questioned, Worried over the fact that Paris had looked like he had been crying before.

Bailey was silent for a moment before he got up enough to flip me over so we were now looking at each other. 

I could feel my face flushing as he stared down at me, ''What type of person do you take me for?'' He demanded calmly.

I opened my mouth, About to frantically apologize before he continued.

''Of course I yelled at him, He was refusing to use logic'' Bailey said, Staring me in the eyes as he spoke.

I was about to ask if yelling at him was really necessary when Kadin came back into the family room, A grim look on his face.

''Bailey, Will you please contact your parents, Apparently Roux's parents lawyer managed to get the court date advanced to tomorrow'' Kadin said, Sitting down in the chair that was off to the side of the couch a bit.

Bailey let out a sigh before getting off of me, ''Roux, Will you go ask Paris to come inside?'' Bailey requested as he started to dial a number on his phone.

Nodding, I quickly got off the couch and hurried to the door, Happy to get away from the very distracting men.

Wow. . . It's cold out, How in the world are Paris and Ambrose not freezing yet?

''Paris? Bailey said you need to come insi-'' I started to say before I turned the slight corner that blocked the top of the driveway from the view of the front door.

Ambrose had his back to the house wall, Paris had him cornered in, His arms resting on either side of the black haired man's head.

I could feel my eyes widened before I hurried back inside, Not wanting to ruin the moment.

Closing the door quietly behind me, The implications of what I just saw started to set in.

Either that means their getting along now. . .

Or their going to murder each other. . .


So the two men are getting along? What do you guys think about it?

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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