121. I want you to be okay part 2

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Dedicated to:  ShannonCataldi 

Sebastian nodded his head as he nibbled on the granola. While Thad worried for his best friend secretly messages Rachel

How bad has it gotten Rach?

Rachel looks down not wanting to answer, she glanced over at Sebastian and messages back

It's gotten bad. I'm scared and terrified and I don't know what to do.

Thad softly sighs as he scoots closer to Sebastian and asked

"Do you want to share some of my low fat turkey jerky, its your favourite, teriyaki flavour, or even better, we can get a treat with the skinny cow ice creams I keep in the freezer, it's only 100 calories a piece." Sebastian was unsure about it, as he knew Rachel couldn't have the ice cream or the turkey jerky. Sebastian slowly shook his head no and said

"No, Rachel can't have them. I feel safe and content when Rachel and I eat the same foods." Thad felt like an idiot, because he should have known that part of Rachel and Sebastian having the same foods. Thad then quickly remembers

"I have vegan seitan nuggets and coconut milk frozen treats." Thad was just really trying to get his best friend to eat. Sebastian nodded his head about the foods, knowing Rachel can eat with him. Sebastian takes Rachel's hand as Thad leaves to get their foods and said

"I promise I'll get better for you and be okay for you." Rachel kisses his hand and said

"I'm glad Sebby, but also get better for yourself too, not just for me." Sebastian pulls her closer and hugs her tight and said

"I promise, I want to be okay and get better. I want to see you in a wedding dress when you walk down the aisle to me, I want everything with you Rach." Rachel was startled a little as she has never heard Sebastian mention marriage to her before. Sebastian noticed and said

"It's something I think about. Thinking about that helped me through my recovery when I first went to the hospital at 14. I will one day ask you Rach." Rachel smiled at him, and said

"I just want you healthy first, and then we can worry about the future in the future. I'm happy with you always." Sebastian hugged her tight and said

"I'm happy with you always too. We've been together since were kids, and I've always been happy with you, have been since we were 8 when we first started dating and kissed in my treehouse, and when we shared our first time at 16 in my bedroom when my parents went away for the weekend." Rachel blushed when Sebastian mentioned their first time, remembering how sweet and gentle he was, and how she kept trying to convince him that his body was perfect that it is, and always has been. Which in that moment a blushing Thad walked back into the dorm with the food and said

"I really didn't need to hear about your first time with each other." Rachel and Sebastian laughed at Thad blushing. Sebastian picked up his pillow and threw it Thad as he placed the food on the bed and said

"Don't listen in then. It was a private conversation between me and my Pretty Girl." Rachel leaned her head on Sebastian's shoulder smiling to herself while hoping and knowing that her Sebastian will be okay as long as they have each other.

Thad quickly apologised for listening and said

"I'm sorry, I did bring us food." Rachel makes a place for Thad on Sebastian's bed, and she glances over at Sebastian remembering their conversation about marriage before Thad had walked in. Sebastian noticed Rachel looking at him and knowing that she was thinking and remembering their conversation from earlier, and he winks at her as he tentatively reaches for the seitan nugget to eat. Rachel smiled at him, and leaned her head on his shoulder, and smiles even wider at the thought of herself saying yes to Sebastian when he asked. Which went unnoticed to Thad, who was just happy and proud that his best friend was eating and secretly messaged messaged Blaine and Puck that Sebastian was eating, which made Blainie happy, and messages

We still need to be vigilant with him.

Which Puck had agreed to, and knew that they need to stand by them and support Sebastian, and even came up with idea of getting back into lacrosse and mentions how much fun they all had when they played and how Rachel just watched on with Marley as she cheered for her friends especially Sebastian.

Sebastian softly speaks and said

"the nuggets are tasty." Rachel kisses Sebastian and said

"I'm proud of you just for eating Sebby. And please don't worry about what Santana says." At the mention of Santana, Thad looked at them both and said

"What did Santana say to you Harwood?" Sebastian stayed silent he didn't want him to know. Rachel squeezed Sebastian's hand and softly tells Thad everything, and even unknowingly telling them both what Santana does to her at school. Thad is upset and disappointed about what Blaine and Puck had told him is true, which made him feel like a horrible friend for not knowing any of that. Sebastian sat up concerned and said

"Why didn't you tell me Pretty Girl?" Rachel looked and softly spoke

"I didn't want you to worry, and trigger you." Sebastian hugged Rachel and said

"You'll always be my priority no matter what, and I will always worry about you. You and I are a team, and we will get through this." In that moment Thad pulls his phone out and said

"After what Blaine and Puck told me. I messaged your dad Hiram about letting you attend Dalton." Rachel and Sebastian looked at Thad. Rachel didn't believe him, and said

"I don't believe you." Thad then hands his phone to Rachel and shows her the message, and tells her

"You'll be starting next week. And Marley starts next year." At those words, Sebastian turned to Rachel smiling widely and said

"You can stay with Thad and I." Rachel couldn't believe it, she was free from Santana, she was free from her bullying that she got on a daily basis, and most importantly she could now tell the world that she and Sebastian are dating, in love and can also help Sebastian properly with his food struggles. She was relieved that she could tell the whole world about her and Sebastian dating, and making sure Finn backed away from her, even though he never stood a chance with her. Finn just didn't get it, no matter how many times she and Puck told him that.

Sebastian understood Rachel's worry of people from her school knowing about the. He never pressured her to tell people, and he never questioned her either, he just always wanted to make sure that she was okay and comfortable. Rachel cried happy tears and hugged Sebastian. Sebastian hugged her tight and whispers

"I promise you'll be okay now, you're safe, and I'll try and get better."

Rachel and Sebastian had each other, and they knew they would be okay.

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