22. Girl's Choice Prom part 2

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A/N: I realised that the Girl's Choice Prom one shot, can be two parts, so this is the second part for the Girl's Choice Prom... Warning this one shot comes with drama, slushie throwing, and passion.

Also Im using the cover I found in our group chat, I hope I'm able to use it... If not I can go back to my original cover

Dedicated to my favourite girls who are awesome and amazing, and inspire to write more Smytheberry books, who I can talk to about anything:





Rachel's POV

I walked out of the Lima Bean and walked to a dress boutique at the mall to find the perfect prom dress. As I walked inside, I bumped into Quinn and Santana, the two girls I didn't want to see. They stopped in the door way, and Santana said

"Look Quinn it's man hands." Quinn laughed with her and said

"I wonder why Rupul is here." Santana agreed with her, and she said

"Especially when she won't have a date, because Puck is going with Becky and Finn is going with you." Quinn looked down on me and said

"I know right, I mean who would go with her, look at her." I was about to stand up to them, when I hear

"Given the fact that Becky, hasn't asked me to the prom and you Quinn haven't even asked Finn yet really justifies with what you just said to Rachel doesn't it." I turned and saw that Puck had stood up to Quinn for me.

I turned back around, and saw that Quinn and Santana were silent at what Puck had said and walked away mad. I watched them walk away, and then turned to Puck and said

"Thanks for that Noah." He then hugged me and when we pulled apart he said

"Your welcome, and now I need to give you to your prince charming to go dress shopping." Puck then left, and I turned around again and saw Sebastian standing in the dress boutique. I walked in, and he greeted me with a kiss, and said

"I was about to tell them off, but then I saw Puck telling them off." I hugged him, and I said

"It doesn't matter, but what matters most, is what are you doing in a dress boutique?" Sebastian smiled, and said

"Well since you will be my date and the most beautiful girl at McKinley, I thought my girl deserves the most beautiful and most breathtaking dress ever." As he said that, he held out his hand, we went through dress after dress, until I found the perfect dress. I tried the dress on, and I stood in front of the mirror in the fitting room, and I said to Sebastian

"I found the dress." As I said that, Sebastian then said

"Please show me beautiful." I opened the fitting room curtain and showed him.

A/N: Rachel's dress

A/N: Rachel's dress

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