130. Little Escape Away part 1

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Rachel was at a diner outside of Lima by herself just how she likes it, and likes how to spend her weekend after a long of seeing Quinn and Finn all over each other and a long week of Santana's bullying and insults. As she was sitting there eating her vegan chocolate cake, drinking her latte and working on her home work, the chair across from her had been moved out.

Rachel looked up and saw Sebastian sitting across from her. Rachel didn't want Sebastian to insult her or blackmail and didn't want him to bug her as the diner is her favourite place and she didn't want to find a new favourite place.

Rachel closed her laptop and said

"What do you want Sebastian?" Sebastian smiled at her and said

"To know what brings you here at my favourite vegan diner in Westerville." Rachel was shocked and surprised. She softly spoke

"It's my favourite diner. I like to come here every weekend, after a long week of Quinn and Finn being together and Santana's bullying towards me. It's a little great escape." Sebastian felt happy that she was being open to him and said

"I get that." They fell in a comforting silence, until Sebastian said

"Come on." Rachel was confused and said

"Why?" Sebastian smiled at her and said

"I want to take you somewhere. You'll love it I promise." Rachel slowly packed up her stuff and paid for her coffee and cake and followed Sebastian to his car. Sebastian turned and said

"We will come back for your car I promise, unless you want to leave it at Dalton." Rachel thought about it and said

"I'll take it to Dalton." Sebastian nodded his head and then followed Rachel to Dalton.

After Rachel parked her car in the Dalton carpark and got in Sebastian's car she began to feel nervous because she had no idea where Sebastian was taking her. Rachel buckled up her seat belt and said

"Where are we going?" Sebastian glanced at her, started driving and said

"It's a surprise, and I promise that you will love it Streisand." Rachel felt uneasy but she trusted him, even if she shouldn't, but truth be told she did have some feelings for him.

Sebastian was nervous as this was the first time he was alone with Rachel. And he hoped Rachel would love his surprise. As Sebastian drove he would occasionally look over at Rachel to make sure she was okay, and as he parked his car. Rachel looked out the window and said

"Sebastian where are we?" Sebastian unbuckled his seat belt and said

"You'll see." Sebastian got out the car, opened up Rachel's door, and walked down a path which lead to an abandon building. Rachel was in awe as it was old but also classy and said

"This is beautiful Seb." Sebastian smiled at the nickname, and then said

"You haven't even seen the best part." Sebastian took Rachel's hand, and walked up to a window, open it up, sit on the ledge, and held his hand out for Rachel which made her begin to worry and question

"Seb, what are you doing, we will get in trouble." Sebastian looked at her and said

"And if we do. My dad will get us out. Just relax. This place has abandoned for years Broadway, it hasn't been used since the 70s, noone comes here anymore. So relax." Rachel was still unsure, but took Sebastian's hand, and climbed on the ledge, Sebastian jumped down and held his arms out for Rachel and said

"I'll catch you, just jump." She was nervous, closed her eyes and jumped and like he promised Sebastian caught her. He held her close and said

"Open your eyes Streisand." She opened her eyes and saw Sebastian's green eyes staring back at her. He gently placed her down, took her hand and lead her to a stair well. Rachel looked around the place as she let Sebastian lead her somewhere in the building and said

"What is this place?" Sebastian softly said

"This place used to be a dance hall in the 70s. Mainly masquerade balls though. Used to happen every Friday night, and then one day they stopped." Rachel was interested in more and said

"What happened that they stopped?" Sebastian looked back at her and said

"Noone was interested anymore. It was like the heart of the town was ripped from it." Rachel was sad that it happened, and said

"How do you know all of this Sebastian?" Instead of answering her and before they went to the roof, Sebastian took her a room, and showed her a picture pointing to his grandparents and said

"My grandparents. They used to come here. And they would always tell me stories about it, and stories about this building." Rachel was in awe and said

"You look like your grandpere Sebby." Sebastian blushed at the nickname and said

"Thanks Rach." Sebastian squeezed Rachel hand and said

"Come on we have somewhere else to be. You'll love it. I promise." They walked out the room, and Sebastian lead Rachel more up the stair well and opened up a door to the roof.

Rachel looked around and at the view and said

"This is beautiful Sebby." Sebastian smiled at Rachel looking around and said

"Beautiful view for a beautiful girl." Thankfully Rachel didn't hear it as she was more interested in the view. Sebastian and Rachel continued to look at the view when Sebastian said

"You want to test out the dance floor, I'm sure there are dresses that you might like in one of the rooms here." Rachel thought about it, looked at him and said

"Okay, I would love that, but one dance as we do have to get back before it gets really dark." Sebastian smiled widely and then lead Rachel to one of the rooms, where there was a chest of old dresses inside. Sebastian waited outside so Rachel could change.

When Rachel walked out Sebastian was in awe and was speechless and couldn't breathe. As Rachel was the wearing one of the dresses his Nana used to wear.

A/N: Rachel's dress is above.

Rachel was a little insecure and said

"Do I not look okay, I can change it." Sebastian held his hand out for her to take and said

"You look amazing."

Sebastian lead her to the dance floor and started dancing to no music.

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