144. You May Call Me Mrs. Smythe

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Based on this: https://www.facebook.com/binge.society.comedy/videos/914477665616283/

Rachel was married to Sebastian Smythe. The hottest lawyer in New York. He was not only the hottest but all the females and all the gay guys loved and adored him and wanted him.

The all envied Rachel because she is married to the one and only Sebastian Smythe. But what they didn't know was that Rachel and Sebastian had been married since their senior year of high school. It was an arranged marriage through their families so both families could be joined together.

At first neither of them loved each other, and neither of them wanted to be married to each other but as the months and days went on, they grew to not only respect one another but also grew to love each other.

Rachel gave up Broadway much her both of her dads dismay but Rachel knew that it was their dream that she was living out instead of her own. Rachel didn't have a clue on what she wanted to do, but for now she was her husband's assistant at his law firm, and since she started there not much work has been done because Sebastian likes to get her attention and likes to have alone time in his office, and right now they were both planning their house and their future and Sebastian wanted to give Rachel everything she deserved.

They were to meet up with entrepreneur with the plans at the end of week which made Rachel nervous because she knew how these people acted around her and Sebastian both. She knew that they would act as if she's invisible and not present and openly flirt with her husband, she was sick of it but she put up with it because she knew that Sebastian loved her and only her.

By the end of the week Rachel was dressed in a dress that she knew was Sebastian's favourite. Sebastian kissed her.

"You're a vision. Just remember to relax and that you're the sole planner for this." Rachel nodded her head. Sebastian kissed her temple.

"I love you." Rachel kissed him

"I love you too."

They walked to meet their employer for the house design, and saw that the company had sent Blaine. Rachel immediately felt insecure as she knew Blaine was hopelessly in love with Sebastian and had been since they met in highschool. Blaine was upset when he found out that Sebastian and Rachel got together and got married.

Rachel knew Blaine wasn't here for the plans but for Sebastian himself. She saw it in his eyes especially when Blaine only ever spoke to Sebastian and not her. Sebastian's phone then rang. And he turned to Rachel

"I have to take this. It's Harwood." As Sebastian was leaving he turned to Blaine

"Just tell Rachel everything while I take this." As Sebastian left Rachel immediate sat on the table and placed her hand with Sebastian's rings in front of Blaine.

"You heard what my husband said. And you're only here to do business and to help us plan our house. You are not here to flirt with my husband and act as if I'm not here and invisible to you. It is Sebastian and I not just my husband. You address us both, and now you address me." Blaine was shocked and Rachel continued

"And you may call me Mrs. Smythe." Blaine was silent and then spoke to Rachel about the house plan.

Later that night as Rachel was getting ready for bed. Sebastian looked at her.

"I'm guessing Blaine gave you a hard time again, and like always from people they act like you aren't there." Rachel was silent and Sebastian said

"I don't want any of them at all Rachel. I only want you. We've been married for years Rachel. I'm not going to give you up for anyone or anything. You're my Mrs. Smythe and the one I want a future with. Noone else."

Rachel felt relieved in hearing those words from her husband, and she knew that noone is ever going to take her place, not as long as she and Sebastian continued to love each other and she turned around to face Sebastian after changing and she knew by the smirk on his face and how he picked her up and carried her and the way he kissed her that she wasn't going to be getting any sleep that night.

Rachel and Sebastian may have been am arranged marriage at first and didn't agree to what their parents did, but both of them couldn't have been happier and couldn't have been more in love than they already were, and both of them were really excited for the future.

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