92. Transfer student

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Dedicated to: ShannonCataldi for the help with title

Rachel was currently in the process of changing dorms as she didn't want to be around the girl that is sleeping with entire male population at NYADA. When she had finished and was given the okay to change dorms, Rachel picked up bags and walked to her new dorm, as she walked inside she saw her new roommate, Rachel hoped and prayed that her new roommate wasn't like her last one. Her roommate turned around and saw Rachel, she smiled at her and said

"I'm Michelle Jones, but you can call me MJ." Rachel smiled back as she placed her bags on the bed that was unmade and said

"I'm Rachel Berry, you can call me Rach if you want, I'm your new roommate." Michelle placed her book on the nightstand next to her bed and said

"Sweet, and I hope you don't mind about my boyfriend staying some weekends when he comes to visit me from his college and me not being here some weekends as I will be visiting him at NYU." Rachel thought of her ex boyfriend Sebastian as she said that, and then looked at MJ and said

"I don't mind at all." MJ looked at her concerned and said

"Are you okay?" Rachel nodded her head and said

"I'm okay. Just relieved to be out of my old dorm." MJ gave her a small smile and said

"As long as your sure, I have my first set of classes to go to so I'll see after." Rachel sat on her bed as MJ walked out. Rachel wanted to be in Sebastian's arms and wanted Sebastian to visit her from the college he attended but she knew it would never happen because they broke up and because he is in Boston studying or so she thought. Rachel deeply sighed as she stood up, and started to unpack her things and make her bed.

Sebastian was in his NYU college dorm with his roommates and best friends Peter Parker and Thad Harwood. Thad and Sebastian had become friends with Peter on their first day the week before. Thad turned to Sebastian and said

"I can't believe you got a college transfer." Sebastian smiled at Thad and said

"I'm grateful I did, I hated it in Boston." Thad knew how much Sebastian hated it in Boston, just as Sebastian finished packing Peter had walked in and said

"I probably should have mentioned this last week and she would kill me and by kill I mean really angry at me, if I didn't tell you even though she told her roommate straight away who just moved into her dorm and her roommate seemed very relieved to be in the dorm with Mj." Thad looked at Peter and said

"Parker you're rambling." Peter shook his head and said

"Sorry anyway, what I'm saying is that my girlfriend MJ, would be staying here some weekends because she would be visiting me, and I wouldn't be here some weekends as I would be visiting her at NYADA, I hope you don't mind that at all." Sebastian looked up at Peter and said

"Not at all Parker." Sebastian wanted to know if Peter's girlfriend MJ knew Rachel. Just as Peter walked to go into the dorm's bathroom with a towel, Sebastian looked at Peter before he walked in and said

"You mentioned that your girlfriend goes to NYADA." Peter nodded his head yes and said

"I did, and she has a new roommate, I think MJ said her name was Rachel." Sebastian was shocked to hear that. Peter saw the shocked face on Sebastian and said

"Are you okay?" Sebastian nodded his head and said

"Yeah I'm fine, I have something I need to do." Sebastian then picked up his coat, ran out of the dorm, and then ran all the way to NYADA. Peter looked at Thad and said

"I'm guessing he knows MJ's roommate." Thad nodded his head and said

"He does, and so do I, but not like how he knows her though." Peter understanding what Thad meant, walked into the bathroom to take his shower.

When Sebastian ran into the performing arts school, he walked up to the front desk and said

"I'm looking for a Rachel Berry, do you know where I could find her please?" The receptionist nodded her head and gave Sebastian the information he needed. Sebastian then walked to Rachel's dorm. When he reached the dorm, he knocked softly on the door.

Rachel walked out her closet on her side of the room, to answer the door. When she did she saw Sebastian standing on the other side. Rachel couldn't believe it. She jumped into Sebastian's arms. Sebastian picked Rachel up and hugged her tight and spun her around. Rachel didn't want to let go at all. She hugged him tighter and said

"I thought you were in Boston." Sebastian whispered so only she could hear

"I transferred from Boston to go to NYU, I filled out the application two weeks ago, and it got approved." Rachel couldn't believe it, she couldn't believe her bad boy was here, her Sebastian was here, she started getting emotional, she pulled apart the hug slightly to look at him and look at his green eyes that she loved so much and said

"Why did you transfer? I'm only asking because I'm curious." Sebastian wiped her away her tears and said

"I hated it in Boston. I was away from you." Rachel kissed him passionately and full of love which Sebastian responded too, when they pulled apart she rested her forehead on Sebastian's wanting to savour the moment between them, and he whispered to her

"I missed you, and I love you so much." Rachel whispered back

"I missed you too and I love you so much too." Sebastian carried her inside her dorm, placed her on her bed, where they cuddled with each and kissed each other making up for the time lost they had and making up for the time they were away from each other.

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