34. Uptown girl

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A/N: First of all, my assignments are now completed and handed up, so in a few days and a few weeks a lot of Smytheberry books are being completed and being started :)

Dedicated to


Thank you for your message, I'm glad you love them, and this book :)

Sebastian's POV

I was doing my normal routine and getting ready for the school day at Dalton. Rumour has it, there is a girl starting at Dalton. But that wasn't all, she is the only girl to ever attend Dalton. I wasn't worried about this new girl being a distraction because there was only ever one girl on my mind that is distracting enough for me, and that girl is named Rachel Berry. She is my dream girl. She's my Iris West and I'm her Barry Allen, except she doesn't know this because she is currently dating Finn Hudson. 

As I put the last of my uniform on which was my blazer, and I walked out of my dorm, I hear

Sebastian Smythe please report to the Headmaster's office

I was confused, at what he wanted, and why I needed to go there. I closed my dorm, and walked down the stairway to the Headmaster's office. I kept going through scenario after scenario at what I could have done, but nothing came up except me throwing a slushie that was meant for Kurt and Finn at Blaine, but I was already being punished for that. As I walked up to the Headmaster's door, I was worried about what I could have done, I opened the door, and I saw the only girl who could ever be a distraction for me, the only girl who is always on my mind, my dream.

I mentally sighed, closed the door, and walked in the headmaster's office, and he said

"Sebastian, you are excused from all your classes today as I want you to show Rachel around Dalton and show her to her dorm." As he said that, Rachel stood up from her chair, and was about to pick up her bags, but I beat her to it and I said

"Let me carry that for you." She smiled and said

"You don't have to." I smiled back at her and said

"I know, that's why I offered." She let go of her bags, and I picked them all up and we walked out of the headmaster's office. We walked over to the dorm area and I said

"We will go to your dorm to put your things away first, before I show you around." She nodded her head in agreement, and we walked to her dorm. As we were walking, I looked her up and down, and I smirked at her, and as we reached her dorm, I whispered in her

"You look hot in the Dalton uniform Rach." As I whispered that, she blushed red as her red lipstick that she is wearing. She opened her dorm, and placed everything in there, we walked out and I said

"I shall give you the grand tour of Dalton." She giggled and said

"Lead the way." I smiled, and we walked around Dalton silently and I said

"Tell me Barbra, why did you leave McKinley?" Rachel looked at me, put her hair behind her ear and said

"You wouldn't understand." I smirked at her and said

"Try me Streisand." Rachel and I stopped walking, she folded her arms and said

"Why do you care Smythe?" I sighed and said

"Because I do Rachel." Rachel sighed and said

"It's because of the Unholy Trinity, Kurt, Finn and everyone else at that damn school except Blaine, Noah and Sam." I looked at her worriedly and she then walked away, and I ran after her and I said

"Rach." She stopped walking and said

"What Sebastian?" I sighed and said

"You have to stick with for the day otherwise you are going to get lost in this place, I did, if it wasn't for Thad, I would be lost in Dalton forever." As I said that, I stared at Rachel and I saw relief in her eyes that I had changed the subject, and she then said

"Show me the way Flash." I smirked at her and said

"Then Follow me Iris West." I showed her all around Dalton, and we then heard singing, and she said

"Is that The Warblers singing?" I smiled at her and said

"Yes they are, come on, they are performing a number for regionals." I took her hand, and we ran to the choir room. We reached the entrance, I turned to her and I said

"Stay here." She looked at me confused and I joined the warblers as we sang uptown girl. I looked at Rachel and we started singing

The Warblers

Ooooh, Ooooh

I stared at Rachel and I started singing to her


Uptown girl
She's been livin' in her uptown world
I bet she never had a backstreet guy
I bet her mama never told her why

I'm gonna try for an

Uptown girl
She's been livin' in her white bread world
As long as anyone with hot blood can
And now she's looking for a downtown man
That's what I am

And when she knows what she wants
from her time
And when she wakes up
and makes up her mind
She'll see I'm not so tough
Just because
I'm in love with an

I walked up to Rachel, and I lead to her into the choir room and I started dancing with her, and we all sang

Uptown girl
You know I've seen her in her uptown world
She's getting tired of her high-class toys
And all her presents from her uptown boys
She's got a choice

The Warblers

Oooooooooooooooh [x2]

Uptown girl
Y'know I can't afford to buy her pearls
But maybe someday when my ship comes in
She'll understand what kind of guy I've been
And then I'll win

She smiled and sang with us

Rachel and the Warblers
And when she's walkin'
she's lookin' so fine
And when she's talkin'
she'll say that she's mine
She'll say I'm not so tough
Just because
I'm in love with an

Uptown girl
She's been livin' in her white bread world
As long as anyone with hot blood can
And now she's looking for a downtown man
That's what I am

The Warblers

Oooooooooooooooh [x2]

Uptown girl
She's my uptown girl
You know I'm in love with an
Uptown girl
She's my uptown girl
You know I'm in love

With an uptown girl

We finished singing, and I walked to Rachel, and I kissed her and I said

"You're in." She smiled at me, kissed me and when we pulled away, I looked at her and said

"I love you Rach."

Sebastian and Rachel One Shots (Smytheberry)Where stories live. Discover now