53. The Lima Bean

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Sebastian and Skylar are new to Ohio, after living in Paris their whole lives they had to move to Ohio where they start at their new school Dalton academy which is where they currently were. They're in their dorm unpacking, as Skylar was putting his clothes away, he glanced at his older brother and said

"Can you believe it, another boarding school only this time another country."Sebastian didn't know how to tell Skylar why they were at another boarding school in country, he sighed, looked at his younger brother and said

"On the bright side we are still dorming together." As he said that, Skylar was silently relieved he didn't want anyone that wasn't his older brother to share a dorm with. As Skylar put his suitcase under his bed, he sat on his bed watching his brother put everything away and said

"I know, and I'm grateful for it big brother." Sebastian finished putting away everything, put his suitcase under his bed, sat down next to Skylar and said

"I know you are little brother." As he said that, there was a knock on the door, Sebastian and Skylar look behind them and saw a boy two boys they never met before, who smiled at them and one of them said

"I'm Blaine, and this is my best friend Trent, we share a dorm next door welcome to Dalton." Sebastian and Skylar stood up, walked over to them, and Sebastian said

"I'm Sebastian and this is my younger brother Skylar." Trent shook their hands and said

"We know unpacking can be tiring, so we were wondering if you both wanted to go the Lima Bean with us." Sebastian and Skylar looked at each other, and then at Blaine and Trent and Skylar said

"What's the Lima Bean?" Blaine smiled and said

"It's a coffee shop in Lima, and basically a high school hang out, coffee shops in Westerville are good but not as good as the Lima Bean." As Blaine said that Sebastian looked at Skylar and then at Blaine and said

"Lead the way." Blaine and Trent, started to walk away with Sebastian and Skylar following them after they closed their door, as they were also given a tour of the whole school on their way out. Sebastian and Skylar looked around the school in awe as they exited the building and Skylar said

"For a boarding school, it's classy." Sebastian agreed, and Trent said

"You should see the warblers, it's a show choir, we compete at sectionals, regionals and nationals and every year we have come second or equal first." As Trent said that, they entered the Lima Bean, sat down at a table, as Blaine went up to the counter and ordered their coffees, Sebastian looked at Trent and said

"Why is that?" As he said that, Trent said

"Because of the New Directions leading ladies, the lovely Marley Berry and her goddess of an older sister Rachel Berry, they dance like a swan and have voices like angels." As Trent said that and kept talking, the door of the Lima Bean opened, Sebastian and Skylar zoned out Trent and put their focus on the beauties that walked in. Sebastian cut off Trent and said

"Who are they?" Trent then turned in his seat and before he could say, Blaine came back and said

"You mean those lovely beautiful girls that just walked in?" Sebastian and Skylar nodded their heads yes, and Blaine, turned slightly in his seat, to face the girls smiled and said

"The girl with light brown golden hair, with a smile that can light up a room is Marley Rose Berry, and the girl with the chocolate brown hair with bambi eyes that you can get lost in, is her older sister Rachel Barbra Berry, they are part of the new directions and the reason the warblers have to work 10 times harder." Blaine turned back around in his seat to face the brothers when they hear

"Hey Blaine." They looked up and saw Rachel and Marley. Sebastian and Skylar were mesmerised by them, and Blaine smiled at them said

"Hey Rach, Hey Marley, you remember Trent right?" Marley and Rachel smiled and Marley said

"Of course we do. How are you Trent?" Trent smiled at the younger girl and said

"I'm great actually, take a seat both of you." Rachel and Marley smiled as they sat down, and Rachel then turned to see the Smythe brothers, and Rachel held her hand out and said

"I'm Rachel, and this pretty girl sitting next to me is my younger sister Marley." Marley looked at the boys and said

"I'm not as pretty as my older sister Rachel though." Skylar looked at Marley and said

"I'm Skylar, and I think you're pretty, well I think you're beautiful." Marley blushed at his words while Sebastian smiled, took Rachel's, hand kissed it, and said

"I'm Sebastian, and I must say you are really beautiful." Rachel blushed, which made Blaine smile and said

"Trent and I were just discussing their audition song for the warblers." Rachel and Marley looked at them, and Marley said

"You sing?" They nodded their heads and Rachel looked at Sebastian and said

"Good luck, hope you both get in." Sebastian and Skylar smiled at the girls, which made Trent and Blaine smile at them, Marley looked at all the boys at the table and said

"Rachel and I would love to stay, but we have to leave." Rachel and Marley then stood up and then looked at Sebastian and Skylar and said

"See you around." The girls then linked their arms and walked away. Sebastian and Skylar watched them walk away, and Trent gave Blaine a knowing look, and then looked at them and Trent said

"Are the Smythe brothers smitten with the Berry sisters?" Skylar leaned back in his seat, and took a drink and said

"She really is an Angel." Sebastian smiled as he thought of Rachel, if only she was his, she would keep his demons away. Blaine looked at Sebastian and said

"Sebastian I can tell that you are smitten by Rachel, if you want her, chase her and woo her, she is known for getting back with her ex boy friend." At those words Sebastian smile turned into a smirk, he looked at Blaine and said

"Not this time she won't." As he said that, Sebastian took a sip of his coffee and he knew the Lima Bean would become his favourite coffee place.

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