66. Spidey-Flash

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Dedicated to: ShannonCataldi

Sebastian was in his dorm studying for his history test when his roommate Peter Parker walked in and then started pacing. Sebastian looked up at him and said

"What's with the pacing, you know you can't time travel like me, and even then it's dangerous Parker." Peter rolled his eyes at Sebastian but continued to pace and said

"If you must know Smythe, I'm thinking about telling Michelle about my webby powers." Sebastian closed his and looked at his spidey friend and said

"She still doesn't know?" Peter stopped pacing looked at his speedy friend and said

"Does Rachel know about yours?" Sebastian stayed silent as Peter said

"Didn't think so, are you ever going to tell her, you've been dating her for like two years flash." Sebastian sighed and said

"I don't know, it's Rachel." Sebastian then picked up his books and then leaves to go to Crawford. As he walked out of Dalton he ran all the way to Crawford to surprise his girlfriend. He walked up to her, placed his arms around her and hugs her from behind

"Hey pretty girl, miss me." As he said that Rachel smiled as she knew it was Sebastian, he turned her around and then kissed her and only pulled apart when they heard

"Ugh get a room. And by room I mean your dorm Smythe." Sebastian smirked at Michelle and said

"You have Parker coming over to your dorm do you?" Michelle then walked away as Rachel playfully smacked Sebastian's arm and said

"Sebby be nice, you know how she is when you tease her about her feelings for Peter." Sebastian hugged her and said

"Only for you my lovely, now come on let's have some lunch together." Sebastian then took Rachel by her hand and said

"I know a place, but you are going to have to hold on tight." As they walked outside of Crawford, Rachel was  confused, especially when Sebastian picked her up and said

"Hold on tight." Rachel did so and then all of sudden Sebastian ran at full speed and in a matter of seconds they were stood outside her favourite and she was speechless and said

"How, is that possible, you are the." Sebastian was nervous and said

"One night there was a thunder storm, and my brother he was afraid of them I was at Dalton, so I walked out to my car to go be with him and make sure he was okay. But as I did I was struck by lightning and 9 months later I woke up with superspeed and use them for good." Rachel was shocked and then kissed him. When they pulled apart Rachel said

"With or without your powers, you are still you Sebby. And I love you. And I feel special that I'm the one that gets to love the flash." Sebastian was pleased and then entered the cafe and saw Peter talking to Michelle. Rachel saw Sebastian looking over at the two and said

"Let me guess he has powers too?" Sebastian looked at his girlfriend and said

"He does, but not like mine. His are different, and got his in an impossible way too." Sebastian lead Rachel to a table near them and overheard Peter talking to Michelle

"Michelle. I have powers." As he said that Michelle said

"You are the flash aren't you?" Peter was amused and said

"I'm not the flash Michelle. I don't have superspeed. I have this kind." Peter was nervous and then showed Michelle his powers. Rachel and Michelle were both shocked and Michelle said

"You are." Peter nodded his head and Michelle continued

"I was going to tell you my feelings but I think after seeing that I think you might think I only told you because of your powers." Peter was shocked and then said

"No I wouldn't." Michelle was pleased and said

"I do have to ask, does Sebastian have superpowers too." Peter nodded and said

"He does, and he's listening in on this conversation too." Peter turner and looked at Sebastian and he said

"I only listened in in case Michelle walked out left you heartbroken Parker. And yes Rachel does know about my speed." Rachel smiled and kissed Sebastian's cheek and whispered

"And the flash is all mine." Sebastian wrapped his arms around Rachel and then said

"Lets grab our food to go." Sebastian picked up his food, picked up Rachel and then ran back to Dalton to cuddle her as peter webbed him and Michelle back to her dorm at crawford. As sebastian and Rachel cuddled on his bed, Sebastian kissed her and said

"I'm glad you still love me pretty girl even though i have superspeed." Rachel smiled, kissed him and said

"I'll always love you, even with your superspeed, because I know you will race over and save me just like Peter will fly on his web for Michelle. But you Sebby are the one I loved even before you told me about your superspeed Flash." Sebastian kissed her once more and said

"And you were the first person I saved, and the second was my brother Skylar."

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