If you love Glee like I do, and love Sebastian and Rachel together, here is a oneshot book about them, for you.
Disclaimer: I don't own Glee, otherwise Rachel and Sebastian will be together
Also no hate on Finchel fans, but I feel that Sebastian and...
Rachel had dreaded this day for a long time. She hated the fact that she a has to have a husband, and the only good thing is the fact that she gets to pick who it is. She walked into the dress store with Marley, to find the perfect dress, and it can't be any dress, it has be a ball gown, as it's a debutante ball, for her to pick a groom.
She looked through dress after dress with Quinn and Marley. As Quinn pulled out one dress, she looked at Rachel and said
"We have been in here most of the day, and we can't find anything you like." As Quinn said that, she found a black dress, she took it off the rack and showed Rachel.
"What about this one?"
A/N: the dress Quinn picked out
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Rachel looked at the dress Quinn is showing her. Rachel didn't like the colour, or the length of the dress, as it was more Quinn's style and said
"That's more your style Quinn, and something you should wear on Saturday." Quinn looked at the dress one more time and agreed with her. Quinn went to try on the dress, as she did, Marley saw the perfect dress and said
"What about this one Rachie?" She took it off the rack and showed her
A/N: The dress Marley picked
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Rachel looked at it and said
"Marls, that dress will look more perfect on you than me." Marley looked at the dress and agreed with her, and as Marley walked to try it on, Rachel looked through and then saw the dress. She walked over to the far clothing rack, and took the elegant dress off the rack, and carried the clothing item to the dressing room. Rachel tried on the dress and saw that it even felt right to wear
A/N: Rachel's dress
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She walked out of the fitting room to show Quinn and Marley, they said
"That dress is amazing Rach." As she said that, two boys in the distance named Skylar and Sebastian Smythe who they didn't notice that they were there, Sebastian looked at Rachel and had agreed with Quinn and Marley. Dress is amazing, but the person wearing the dress was even more amazing. Skylar knew that Sebastian was really smitten with Rachel as he was with Marley, as he noticed his brother watching Rachel as she walk back in the fitting room as quinn and Marley walked in theirs, it was then Sebastian and Skylar took this an opportunity to walk in the store and pay for the dress that Rachel and Marley were wearing. They walked in and they each handed over their credit cards over to purchase the dresses for them, the cashier gave them the cards back, and they then walked back out of the store, to get a tux that matched their dresses.
Rachel smiled at her reflection in the mirror, and took the dress off, to pay for it. She got changed in her everyday clothes, and took the dress with her as she walked out of the dressing room, she walked up to the counter with Quinn and Marley to pay for it, and pulled out her purse but the cashier stopped her and then said
"No need, someone has already paid for yours and your sister's dresses." Rachel and Marley were surprised and so was Quinn. They walked out as Quinn paid for hers, and she said
"I can't believe she didn't tell us who paid for your dress." Rachel agreed with her, as they hear
"Looky here, beaky, her sister and bestie are shopping for her ball, why bother it's not like anyone will be happy with you." They turned and saw Santana, the girl that bullies and torments everyone, and before Marley, Quinn and Rachel could say something they hear
"No need to be jealous because no one wanted to be your suitor santana, whoever the guy that Rachel chooses on Saturday will be lucky to have her." They all turned and saw Sebastian Smythe, Hunter's best friend and Sebastian's younger brother Skylar. Santana was mad, and walked away. Rachel smiled at Sebastian and said
"Thanks Sebastian, and how did you know about Saturday, the guys at dalton aren't meant to know yet." Sebastian smiled at the love of his life and said
"Well when your best friend is a blabber mouth you are bound to know everything." Rachel, Marley and Quinn agreed, and Quinn then said
"I knew hunter would say something." Sebastian laughed at what Quinn has said, and he said
"I would love to stay and chat to you lovely ladies, but I have a dalton to get back to." He looks at Rachel and says
"See you Saturday Rach." He and Skylar walked away, and out of ear shot, Rachel turned to Quinn and Marley and said
"In a way I hope he is one the suitors I have to pick." Quinn and Marley smiled at her, because they both knew that Sebastian was one of her suitors, because Hunter had told her and Marley about how his best friend is in love with Rachel, and she and Marley knew that Rachel loves him back. Quinn and Marley hooked their arms with Rachel and they started walking back to Rachel's car. Quinn looked at Rachel and said
"I know you don't like hearing about it, but how are you going to present yourself each suitor Rachel, each suitor is different." Rachel and Marley looked at Quinn and Rachel said
"I don't know, and I know they are different, how did you know Hunter was the best suitor for you?" Quinn smiled at her, and she remembered how she knew hunter was the best suitor.
Flashback Quinn was walking through the main entrance of the gym area where her formal ball was being held. She had Rachel with her to calm her nerves as she walked in. As the music started playing Quinn had to leave Rachel and dance with each of her suitors. She danced with Sebastian and that is how she found out that he loves someone else, and the moment she locked eyes with Hunter, as he took her hand for a dance she knew then that he was the one, because it was that moment then that she realised that she loved him, and she found out that he has always loved her.
End flashback
"It was the connection he and I had, it was the way he was looking at me, the way he was holding me while he and I danced." Rachel smiled at her best friend as she watched her gush and rave on about Hunter. Rachel hoped that she would pick the right guy, and hoped that she had the same thing as Quinn.
A long lasting of happiness and love, even if it's an arranged marriage.