113. Music Ability part 3

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Rachel was waiting for Trent to arrive at the Lima Bean, she was nervous and mentally freaking out because of the songs she had heard. She anxiously tapped her fingers on the table as she waited while having a mini panic attack in her head, when she heard

"Rach?" She turned slightly and saw Trent. She breathed in sigh of relief when she saw him. Trent sat across from her and said

"What's wrong? I got your text, it was very cryptic. Did your ability happen again today?" Rachel nodded silently, and Trent excitedly said

"Who was it this time? I bet it was a love duet between Kurt and Blaine." Rachel shook her head no and said

"No it wasn't Kurt and Blaine, but I wish it was." Trent looked at her concerned and said

"What do you mean Rachel?" Rachel took a sip of her coffee, and then softly spoke

"It was Courtney and Sebastian. But not as a duet though. Courtney's angry because she and Sebastian broke up." Trent went wide eyed in shock and said

"You're joking?" Rachel shook her head no once more, and said

"I wish I was. She even threw the ring she had on at him, and Seb told me that they broke up and he doesn't even I know that I know he loves me, this magical power of mine is messing everything up Trent, I never wanted to want to be a home wrecker and interfere with his happiness, I was quite fine with everything, fine with putting my own happiness aside for him to be happy." Trent looked at Rachel concerned and said

"Rach, how do you even know they broke up because of you. and I know you say you were fine with putting your feelings aside for his happiness, but I know you were trying to convince yourself of that, I know it hurt you a lot Rach, but like I said, you don't know if they broke up because you. Now tell me what song Sebastian sang, and if he sang it to you." Rachel sighed and said

"You're right I don't know if its because of me they broke up, and it did hurt seeing them, and hurt a lot when he announced it to everyone that he was engaged, I did try and get over him, but I couldn't, and he sang the song Perfect by Ed Sheeran to me." Trent smiled at him and said

"He's such a romantic. You know what I think this all means Rachel." Rachel looked at him curiously and said

"What do you think this all means Trent?" Trent smiled knowingly at her and said

"I think the reformed bad boy, has always been in love you, and didn't know what to do or handle it, and thought you didn't feel the same way, so he moved on and now that he is seeing you everyday, and being around you everyday, his old feelings for you has resurfaced, and maybe finally after all this time he's doing something about it because he realises he made a mistake with Courtney broke it off." Rachel looked down at her hands and said

"If only that could be true. I wish that could be true. But I don't want to get my hopes up, not when he did just break up with his fiancé earlier." Trent looked at her and said

"I'm telling you Rach. I think he's always been in love with you, he came out to New York after he graduated from Dalton, he got a job at the Spotlight Diner where you work, and attends NYADA which is where you go to, he lives with you when he could have been living in an apartment or a house with his ex fiancé, but he decides to stay at the loft with you, even when Santana and Blaine moved in there, he stayed and has put up with Kurt and Santana primarily for yours and Blaine's sake, and in high school he sang glad you came to you at Regionals. I know I saw it and I know for a fact that you sang Here's to us to him at the very same regionals and now he is unknowingly singing love songs to you." Rachel let Trent's words sink in and she said

"Just because he done all of that doesn't mean he's always been in love with me, I think his feelings are new." Trent hated how Santana and Quinn always put Rachel down and made her insecure and said

"I don't think so Rachie, and if I'm wrong and you are right. you can tell me I told you so." Rachel agreed, and they then stood up and went their separate ways. Rachel went back to NYADA for the rest of classes, by the time she was leaving NYADA it was dark, and as she exited the building she saw Sebastian looking at his phone outside waiting. She smiled at him as she walked over to him and said

"Sebastian, I thought you left already." Sebastian looked up from his phone, smiled at her and said

"I did, but then I came back knowing that you were here late because of one of your classes starting late. It's not safe to walk home at night." Rachel was grateful that Sebastian was waiting for her, but she did feel guilty about how his break up with Courtney went. Rachel linked her arm with Sebastian as he held his arm out for her, and she said

"I'm sorry with how your breakup went with Courtney." Sebastian sighed and said

"It's okay Streisand, the relationship seemed perfect but it wasn't, we always argued over the phone, and I only proposed to her just to make her happy but it didn't make me happy." Rachel was relieved that she wasn't a homewrecker that she didn't interfere with him and Courtney. They walked in comfortable silence, when Rachel heard Sebastian singing I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) by The Pretenders to her as they quickly walked home to the loft. Sebastian finished singing when they reached their door, turned to Rachel, placed his hand on her cheek and kissed her, and much to his delight, Rachel kissed him back.

When they pulled apart, Rachel looked at him and said

"I love you, I have since high school, I put my own feelings aside for your happiness with Courtney. I tried to get over you,  but I just couldn't." Sebastian kissed Rachel once more and said

"I love you too, I always have, since high school." Sebastian then kissed her and lead her inside to his bed, where they kissed and cuddled the whole night, waking up as girlfriend and boyfriend and they couldn't be happier, and for the first time ever Rachel didn't have to put aside her own feelings for her reformed bad boy, because he was finally hers.

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