40. New love part 1

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Rachel and Quinn were hanging out at the mall, after being at the Lima Bean. They became best of friends because they realised they were fighting a losing battler with Finn, and always being each other's second choice, that and Santana broke girl code. They went into store after store because Rachel was allowing Quinn to give her a make over.

As they exited the last store, they bumped into Westerville's bad boys Sebastian Smythe and Hunter Clarington. Quinn and Rachel will admit they do have feelings for the boys but they won't admit it, not even to each other. Sebastian and Hunter looked at each other and then walked over to the girls that weren't fawning over them. They too will admit they have feelings for the brunette and the blonde, but they knew no one will approve of them, especially since their past actions.

The boys stopped infront of Rachel and Quinn, and just like that, they took their breaths away. They looked at the girls, and Sebastian

"Hey Rachel." Rachel smiled at the reformed bad boy, as Quinn and hunter started talking in their own little bubble. Rachel looked at her best friend and Hunter, and then back at Sebastian and said

"It looks like our best friends have become very smitten with each other." Sebastian looked at Hunter and Quinn, and saw that Rachel was right, he smiled and then looked back at Rachel and said

"It seems like it." Sebastian took Rachel's and lead her to a table near by giving their best friends some privacy. Sebastian looked at Hunter, and wanted his confidence, he knew he would never be able to converse with Rachel without turning into putty, Rachel looked at Quinn and wished she had Quinn's look so Sebastian would notice her more. They sat in their chairs wishing they could be like their friends, but they knew they wouldn't. Sebastian sighed and said

"It's funny isn't it." Rachel looked at Sebastian and said

"What is?" Sebastian then turned his attention to the girl he fell in love with and said

"That our best friends want to date each other but here we are sitting on the sidelines watching our friends fall in love." As he said that, Rachel was shocked but agreed with him. Quinn looked at her best friend who was staring at Sebastian, and she smirked which caught the attention of Hunter and he said

"What's with the smirk Quinny?" Quinn looked at Hunter and said

"Our best friends." As she said that, Hunter looked at Sebastian trying to converse with his crush. Hunter shook his head and said

"It seems they like each other, don't know what to do." Quinn sighed and said

"It's because of Sebastian's past actions." Hunter understood what she meant, because he knew what his best friend had done. Hunter took Quinn's hand and walked over to where Rachel and Sebastian were sitting and wishing that one of them would admit their feelings. Rachel and Sebastian looked up and saw Hunter and Quinn stood near them and Hunter said

"We should all hang out tonight, at Dalton." Sebastian was pleased for the suggestion while Rachel and Quinn were a little nervous. As if sensing it, Sebastian looked at the girls and said

"It's Trent's birthday, and we are throwing him a party." Rachel and Quinn thought about it and said

"Sure." The boys bid the girls farewell, and Hunter said

"Damn she's beautiful." As Hunter said that, Sebastian thought about Rachel. He knew she always looked good, but he will never have a chance, but like any other person with a crush he has to think about her to stay sane. He sighed and said

"Rachel is the most beautiful girl in my world." As he said that, Hunter knew his best friend had it bad for the petit diva and said

"At least with Trent's party, you will get to see her." Sebastian and couldn't wait to see her that night, if she does go. Rachel was nervous about going to the party because she knew Sebastian was going to be there and with what she was wearing it was enough to make heads turn, Quinn reassured her and said

"Rachel, you are beautiful, Sebastian will love it." As Quinn said that, Rachel looked at her and said

"How did you know?" Quinn smiled and said

"I'm your best friend, I know everything and I saw how you were looking at him earlier." Rachel blushed and Quinn smiled and said

"Don't worry the feeling is mutual." Rachel smiled and said

"Hunter was looking at you the same way." As Rachel said that, she knew Quinn didn't believe her and she said

"I saw the way he was looking at you." Quinn sighed and said

"But why would he like me, I gave up a baby, and now everyone thinks I'm not giving it to anyone because of that, but that's not true at all." Rachel looked at her best friend and knew that Quinn has the same insecurities as her, so she puts an arm around her and said

"It's okay Quinn, there is a good looking guy that adores you for who you are, not the fact that you can't give it to him, Hunter adores you Quinn, you are beautiful, kind, smart and funny, he would be lucky to have you." As she said that, Rachel took her arm off of Quinn's shoulders, Quinn looked at Rachel as she puts on her foundation. Rachel saw and said

"What?" Quinn smiled and said

"I see why Sebastian loves you." As she said that, Rachel froze and she said

"Love?" Quinn smiled and said

"He loves you, we wasted so much of our time going after Finn and Puck that we didn't see what was right in front of us and now we owe it to ourselves to give these good looking guys a chance." Rachel smiled and agreed with Quinn and said

"And if it wasn't for them, we wouldn't be best friends." Quinn agreed and said

"Let's go, we have a party to get to."

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