46. An arranged marriage- part 3

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Dedicated to: Pugsbunny88 , ShannonCataldi , Smytheberry1726 and DanielleJackson379

It was the night of Rachel's debutante ball and everyone from McKinley and Dalton are talking about it. Sebastian was in his dorm getting ready hoping and praying that the girl of his dreams picks him. Sebastian put on his tie when he hears a knock on the door, and as he turned around he saw his brother Skylar and his best friend Hunter, standing in the door way. His brother Skylar was younger than him by 4 years and isn't eligible to be on of Rachel's suitors but will be eligible for Rachel's younger sister Marley who he is currently dating. He put on his blazer, and Skylar looked at him and said

"Does she know?" Sebastian looked at his brother through the mirror confused and said

"Know what?" Skylar folded his arms and said like its the most obvious thing in the world

"That you love her." Sebastian shook his head no and said

"She doesn't, and what difference will it make, it's not like she will pick me anyway." As he said that Hunter looked at him and said

"You have to have hope Sebastian and if you tell her it will make a heck of a difference." As Hunter said that Sebastian walked out of his dorm silencing both his brother and best friend. They followed Sebastian and the rest of the boys out of Dalton and to McKinley to try and be the one that Rachel picks. Rachel was on her way to McKinley with her dads, Marley and Quinn, and she was becoming more and more freaked out. When they reached McKinley Marley and Quinn lead Rachel to the female bathroom. Marley looked at Rachel and said

"Rachel look at me." Rachel looked at her sister and she continued

"Take a deep breath and relax." Rachel did as her sister told her do, and Rachel said

"How do I know which one is the right one?" Quinn put a comforting arm around Rachel and said

"You just know." Rachel wasn't convinced so Quinn said

"How about this, you know which one is the right one when it's the person you have the best chemistry with, and you know that when they hold you, you feel safe and protected and loved." As Quinn said that, Rachel was more relaxed and she started to think of Sebastian and how he made her feel. Quinn and Marley lead Rachel to the gym area where the guys are, and once they were there, Rachel took in a deep breath and walked over to the first guy which was Finn and started dancing with him.

Upon seeing this Sebastian was heartbroken and what he was watching, he couldn't tear away his eyes from her. It was like she put him in a trance, as he was staring at her, he hears

"She won't pick him."Sebastian reluctantly took his eyes away from Rachel and saw Quinn, he sighed and said

"How do you know she won't?" Quinn smiled at him and said

"Because I see the way she looks at you." Quinn then walked away with Hunter, and Sebastian went back to staring at Rachel who was now dancing with different guys. Rachel finished dancing with the second to last guy, and then saw Sebastian looking at her.

Rachel stared at Sebastian and she felt the connection and the chemistry that Quinn always spoke about, Rachel felt it when she looked at him. She slowly walked over to him through the crowd and as Sebastian saw her walking over. He stood up and started walking over to her through the crowd. They were looking at each other as they walking closer to each other, until they stopped in front of each other in the middle.

Rachel slowly lifted up her arms and placed them around his neck as Sebastian placed his hands on her waist. Rachel felt safe and protected and she knew with the way he was looking at her, that she found the one, her soulmate, she found love. Rachel knew with they fitted together that she knew who to pick. The music stopped and it meant that Rachel had to let him go, and find Quinn, Marley and her dads.

Rachel didn't want to let Sebastian go, and he didn't want to let her go. They stared at each other, sebastian lifted his hand to Rachel's cheek, caressed it and said

"I paid for your dress Rachel and Skylar paid for Marley's." She was surprised and said

"You're the mystery payers." Sebastian nodded his head yes and she said

"But why?" Sebastian took a deep breath and said

"Because I love you." Rachel was shocked, and she knew that she loved him too. Rachel kissed his cheek and walked away smiling, and she walked over to Quinn and Marley and they knew that she made a choice. They lead Rachel to a private room, and that's when they asked her

"Rachel who did you choose?" Rachel turned to face them, smiled and said

"I think you both already know the answer to that one." Quinn and Marley knew who Rachel picked, they watched the whole romantic scene from the side with Skylar and Hunter, they all knew that Rachel had picked Sebastian the moment her eyes met his. Rachel smiled at the memory of Sebastian telling her that he loved her, as she watched Quinn comeback with a ring box, and said

"You know what to do." Rachel grabbed the box from Quinn and walked out smiling. Rachel walked out and looked around and saw Sebastian talking to his brother Skylar. Rachel looked at the box, and then at Sebastian and she then walked over to him. As soon as she walked over to him, Quinn and Marley watched her the whole time. Rachel stood behind Sebastian, took a deep breath and then tapped him on the shoulder.

Sebastian was talking with Skylar as he feared he messed up with telling Rachel he loved her. As Sebastian was talking to Skylar he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned and saw Rachel. He smiled at her and said

"Rachel."Rachel smiled back at him, and then did something that she never thought she would be able to do and that was kiss him. Rachel kissed him, and as she kissed him it felt right. Sebastian was shocked but pleased that his dream girl picked him, and kissed him, and he knew that she was something special when he first met her. They pulled apart and Rachel looked at him and said

"I love you." As she said that, Sebastian smiled widely, especially when she handed him the ring, and from that moment Rachel had got her suitor or husband as Quinn would say, and she wouldn't have it any other way.

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