If you love Glee like I do, and love Sebastian and Rachel together, here is a oneshot book about them, for you.
Disclaimer: I don't own Glee, otherwise Rachel and Sebastian will be together
Also no hate on Finchel fans, but I feel that Sebastian and...
A/N: Got this idea from a picture I took a screenshot of from Instagram, the picture of what I'm talking about is above.... But I don't know if I should write a story about it
Rachel's POV
I was just born, when I received mine, but I was only told about what it is, and what it means when I turn 5 and understood everything. I was currently in my room, getting ready for school and I was studying my birth soulmate necklace, it was only a half necklace, but it was a whole shape though, the shape was something that represents us in a unique way. Mine was a gold star necklace, and I'm told that my soulmates necklace is a silver crescent moon, that joins together with my gold star to make a whole, but truth be told I haven't found my soulmate yet.
I finished getting ready, and left for school, I was driving to school, and when I got to school, I walked inside the building, and as I did, I saw my two best friends, Kurt and Blaine. Kurt's unique shape is half a treble-clef while Blaine's is the complete treble-clef that makes a whole. It is said that if you were close to finding your soulmate your necklace will get warmer, but the further away it's gets colder. Since I haven't found my soulmate yet, mine is frozen cold. I sigh in sadness as I thought of not having a soulmate. As I reached Kurt and Blaine, Kurt saw me and said
"Rach." Blaine then turned, and they hugged me, and Blaine said
"Still haven't found your soulmate yet?" I shook my head, no and I said
"No I haven't, but it doesn't matter though." As I said that, Kurt gasped and said
"Rach it does matter, it's your soulmate, the one you are destined to be with for the rest of your life." I rolled my eyes, and before I could open my locker, Blaine and Kurt took me by the hands and Kurt said
"Us three, are ditching school and going to the Lima Bean." I looked at them like they were crazy, and Blaine said
"So we can help you find your soulmate, just like you helped Kurt and I." I smiled and remembered that day. While their necklaces warmed up, their necklaces then attached to each other to make a whole, it was so good. They walked me out of school, and took me to the Lima Bean, making me leave my car behind at school. We walked in and saw all the warblers drinking coffee. Blaine, Kurt and I sat down, and Blaine said
"So Rach, is your necklace warm or not?" I put my hand to my necklace, and it was still cold, and I said
"No it's not." I sighed in sadness again, and Kurt said
"Don't worry Rach, we will find your soulmate." As he said that, I stood up from my chair, and went to order our drinks. I stood in the long line, and while I was waiting, I put my hand to my necklace again, and I felt it getting warm. I didn't know why, until I realised that I must be close to my soulmate. I looked around slightly, to find them, and as I did I saw Sebastian Smythe walk pass me to go to the bathroom. As he entered, my necklace was cold. I took my hand off my necklace, and I was shocked, and I realised, Sebastian Smythe is my soulmate. As I realised that, I heard
"Next please." I mentally shook my head at that revelation, and walked up to the counter and order my coffee as well as Blaine's and Kurt's. I received our drinks, and walked back to the table. I sat down and placed our drinks down. I was in my own little world and thinking about Sebastian. I held my necklace and let my thoughts linger to my secret crush Sebastian Smythe. As I was thinking I heard
"Rach." I looked at Blaine and said
"Yeah?" When I said that, Kurt then got up and left to get a cake for himself. Blaine watched him leave, and then turned to me and said
"You know who your soulmate is don't you?" I nodded my head yes, and I said
"I do, but I don't know whether I should be pleased or not?" As I said that, Blaine said
"Is it because of who it is?" I nodded my head yes again, and I said
"Yes it is." When I said that, Blaine saw Kurt still waiting line, and saw Sebastian and The Warblers across the other side of The Lima Bean, he then turned to me and said
"It's a certain warbler isn't it?" I sighed and said
"Depends on who you mean?" Blaine looked at me and said
"It's a blonde haired, green eyed, bad boy of Dalton isn't it?" I looked at him and said
"How do you know all of this?" Blaine smiled and said
"Your body language gives you away, and given the fact that you haven't stopped holding your necklace either." I stopped holding it, and I said
"Well you are correct." Blaine then said
"Leave it to me." When he said that, he left table, and went up to Kurt, and then left The Lima Bean. I sat on my own, and I then heard
"Broadway Berry." When I heard that nickname, I knew who it was. I looked up and I saw green eyes staring back at me, and my birth soulmate necklace was burning up, and he then said
"Is your necklace burning up?" I nodded my head yes, and then all of a sudden, our necklaces was attached to each other,
A/N: Sorry couldn't take out the hand from the picture, but this is what Sebastian's and Rachel's necklace looks like together in my mind
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and he said
"I knew it was you all along." I looked at him, smiled and said
"Really?" He smiled at me and said
"Of course I did, and everyone doubted me." I looked at him confused and he continued
"Everyone told me your soulmate would be some classy guy." I smiled, kissed him and I said