33. You're beautiful and I love you

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Rachel was stood at her locker putting her books from her last class before lunch inside neatly as she saw Finn and Quinn walking down the hall hand in hand, laughing, smiling and joking around. As Quinn saw Rachel at her locker, she smirked at her because she was dating Finn, and in her head it meant that she had won and Rachel had lost.

As Rachel saw them together, she rolled her eyes at them both, but she will admit it did hurt seeing them together, but at the end of the day Rachel was pleased about it, because it meant that she didn't have to be in the love triangle anymore and that she could focus on her audition for NYADA and her broadway dreams instead of being in stuck in Ohio and not having to worry about any fake cheerleaders, but she was still heartbroken at the thought of Quinn and Finn, because it meant no-one wanted her, or loved her and she will always be second choice to Quinn. She mentally sighed and closed her locker as she heard

"What's the matter man hands, sad that Finn is with a much better girl and has proper a girlfriend?" Rachel rolled her eyes, and then turned to face Quinn and said

"It's funny you say that Quinn, because didn't you cheat on Finn with his best friend and get pregnant?" Quinn was angry, and then stormed away furious looking for Finn because of what Rachel had said to her. Rachel was relieved that she didn't have to deal with Quinn anymore for the day.

She sighed as the bell rang, she was ditching glee for the first time because she couldn't bring herself to sing or bring herself to see Quinn and Finn together and having everyone apart from Puck and Sam torment her and deny her talents. She decided to go to the Lima Bean, and wait for Kurt and Blaine who were at Dalton to arrive and hang out as planned.

She walked into the Lima Bean,ordered and paid for her coffee and sat down at one of the tables that were free. As she waited for her two best friends to arrive from Dalton, she thought about why Finn would choose Quinn over her.

Rachel knew she didn't belong anywhere except New York and Quinn made sure Rachel knew that everyday. She drank her some of her coffee, placed the cup down, folded her arms and just thought about all the negativity from the glee club and started to cry because everyone uses her. As she was about to wipe her tears away, she heard

"Why so sad, pretty girl?" Rachel looked up and saw Sebastian Smythe the hottest boy in all of Lima, and the sexiest boy Rachel had ever seen, standing at her table. She wiped her tears away, and folded her arms and said

"Why do you care Sebastian?" Sebastian had a look of worry and concern on his face because she ditched glee which she never does. Sebastian sighed, sat down in the seat next across from her, and said

"I care quite a lot Streisand." Rachel was shocked, and stood up to leave, because she didn't want to be around the person who blackmailed her, but Sebastian then grabbed her wrist lightly and said

"Rach, please don't go." Rachel looked at Sebastian dead in the eyes and saw concern and worry, so she sat back down where Sebastian still held her hand and said

"Please tell me what's wrong?" Rachel took her hand away from him, sat back in her seat and said

"You wouldn't understand." Sebastian sat back in his chair, smirked at her and said

"Try me Barbra." Rachel sighed and said

"You really want to know?" As Rachel said that, Sebastian looked at her and said

"I wouldn't have asked, if I didn't want to know." Rachel folded her arms and tears fell from her face and she said

"Finn went straight back to Quinn, and they are rubbing it in my face, and has been tormenting me every day, straight after he cheated on me with her mind you and I know I should be thrilled that he chose her because it means that I won't be in that stupid love triangle and the fact that I can focus on NYADA and Broadway but it hurts knowing that I will never be good enough, it hurts knowing that I don't belong anywhere, it hurts knowing that I will never have someone that won't choose cheerleaders over me, it hurts knowing that I will always get hurt from everyone, it hurts knowing that it won't ever get better at all, and there is nothing I can do about it and there is nothing you can do about it either." Rachel started to cry again, and Sebastian was concerned, he wiped away her tears, and said

"How is it possible for a beautiful girl like yourself to still be beautiful while crying?" At his words Rachel looked at him shocked because no-one has ever said that to her before, she looked him and said

"What did you say?" Sebastian smiled at her and said

"I said, it should be illegal to be so damn beautiful." Rachel blushed, because no-one has ever said that to her, and she said

"But I'm not beautiful because no-one will ever date me." Sebastian was shocked at what she had just said, and wanted to know who told her lies and he held her hand tightly and said

"Yes you are, and I want to date you, I always have, and I will never let you go, because I love you so damn much." Rachel was in more shocked and said

"But I thought you were gay, everyone thought you were gay." Sebastian laughed and said

"Nope, I'm 100 percent straight, and I'm not even remotely bi-curious either."Rachel smiled and Sebastian continued

"Now you will listen to me Rachel Berry, you are beautiful, inside and out, and so what if Finn chose Quinn, it just means there is someone better for you Rach, and that someone better is me, you are good enough, you are good enough for me, you are right you won't be in that love triangle because Finn never deserved you at all, yes you don't belong here Rach, but you belong with me, and we are going to go to New York together, you are going to be on Broadway, and attend NYADA, Pretty girl, even if I have to drag you kicking and screaming, and I will personally make sure you get in with that second chance, and it will get better, I know it will, and you won't get hurt from me, and most importantly, I will choose you over fake cheerleaders anyday." Rachel was shocked at what Sebastian had just said, and said

"You don't mean that." Sebastian leaned forward, held Rachel's hand, and said

"I mean every word, pretty girl, you mean everything to me." Rachel blushed, and when Sebastian saw her blush, he knew the feelings weren't one sided at all, and it just confirmed everything. He looked at Rachel and kissed her, and said

"You're beautiful, and I love you." Rachel blushed and smiled at what Sebastian had said and completely forgot that she was meant to meet Klaine half hour ago.

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