68. Call her

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Rachel is best friends with Sebastian Smythe, they blamed Thad for their friendship, as it was Thad that introduced them while he showed Sebastian around Ohio when he first arrived from Paris, and hit it off straight away, but little did Sebastian know is that Rachel is in love with him as been since he first called her a young Barbra Streisand and then came to her opening night of playing Maria in West Side Story. Which has been for quite some time now but what she didn't she know was that Sebastian feels the same way about her, and has been in love with her since they first, well since Thad has introduced them when he first arrived in Ohio.

Rachel saw the way the other girls from Crawford and the Cheerios from McKinley threw themselves at Sebastian, she knew why they done so, he was gorgeous and handsome and even Sebastian himself knew that. It hurt her heart a lot, seeing them talk to him and him flirting with them. The others from McKinley thought she was crazy for being friends with him, but they didn't get to see the Sebastian she sees, they didn't get to see the sweet and caring Sebastian that she gets to see. But there is one thing Rachel wanted to know and that was who Sebastian had a crush on, they told each other everything well except who they had a crush on, but with Rachel she really wanted to know who he liked, the suspense was killing her. She parked her car at dalton, walked inside the prestigious school and went looking for him. As Rachel walked in she spotted Thad Harwood, their other best friend to their trio. She walked up to him and before she could speak, Thad said

"He's in his dorm, he's been moody all day. Maybe you could cheer him up." Rachel thanked Thad, and went on her way to Sebastian's dorm. Only Thad knew of Rachel's feelings for Sebastian, and of course Thad knew of Sebastian's feelings for Rachel, but he didn't let on to either of them. Rachel walked up to his dorm, used her spare key and then entered, as she entered she saw Sebastian laying on his bed pouting. Rachel walked up and sat at the of his bed and said

"What's wrong Sebby?" Sebastian looked up and saw his crush. He smiled at little as his face softened when he saw her and said

"Don't worry about it." Rachel moved so she could lay with him and she said

"If it's made you sad, then I'm going to worry, so tell me, I might be able to help." Sebastian pulled her closer, cuddled her, it's one of the many things he loves about her, and he said

"I got warbler captaincy taken off me. It's gone to the new guy hunter Clarington." Rachel felt for Sebastian, she knew how much being captain meant to him, and said

"I'm sorry Sebby, I know how much that meant to you, you are still lacrosse captain, and maybe you and Thad could come up with something good so you can be captain of the warblers again, I can help with ideas if you want me to." Sebastian hugged Rachel tight and said

"I like that idea, and you are right I am still lacrosse captain." They laid silence, just enjoying each other's company. Rachel thought about Sebastian, and thought of who he liked. Rachel lifted her head to look at him and said

"We're best friends right Sebby?" Even though it hurt him when she said that. He looked into her brown bambi eyes and said

"Yes of course we are Rachel." Rachel was nervous and said

"And we tell each other everything don't we?" Sebastian was confused at her question, and he said

"We do tell each other everything. And what we tell each other we don't tell Thad at all." Rachel sat up, looked at him and said

"Please be honest with me, and don't change the subject." Sebastian looked at amused at his crush and said

"I promise I will be honest with you Rachie and won't change the subject either." Rachel took a deep breath and said

"Who do you like?" Sebastian was nervous, because it was her, and he said

"No-one, But I do love someone." Rachel was disappointed as she thought it wasn't her but someone from Crawford or even a Cheerio. Rachel shook away her thought and said

"She must be very lucky then Sebby." Sebastian smiled lovingly at her, stared and got lost in her eyes and said

"She is very lucky, I've been in love with her since I first met her. She's everything I have dreamed of. She's the one, she's my dream girl." Rachel was even more disappointed but was happy for her best friend though, and if meant he was in love with someone else, then she must let him be with her, even if it will hurt her heart and shatter it in a million pieces. Rachel gave him a smile and said

"Really? Well since we are best friends, I want to meet her, I want to meet the girl that has captured your heart Sebby. Go call her please." Sebastian gave Rachel his signature smirk to her, stood up from his bed, walked to his desk, picked up his phone and said

"Of course I'll ring her pretty girl." Rachel blushed like she always did when he called her that. Sebastian dialled Rachel's number as he saw her blush, and as he did, he heard her phone. Rachel tore her eyes away from Sebastian, and said

"Hold on I'm getting a call." Rachel pulled out her phone from her purse, without noticing the name and number flashing on her screen, she answered and put her phone to her ear as she looked at Sebastian and said

"Hello?" Sebastian gave Rachel a real lovingly smile at her, and said through the phone

"I love you Broadway."

Sebastian and Rachel One Shots (Smytheberry)Where stories live. Discover now