It was Rachel's birthday, and everyone had forgotten even her best friends Kurt and Blaine. She left glee club early, wanting to be alone on her birthday, so she went to The Lima Bean. She ordered her coffee, and then sat down. She sighed sadly because no-one remembered her birthday.
As she was about to take a drink, a chair beside her pulled out, and a presence sat next to her, and then the person spoke
"Why so sad pretty girl?" Rachel looked at up, and was met with green eyes. She knew it was Sebastian. She sighed and said
"Why do you care Sebastian?" Sebastian stared at Rachel's bambi eyes and said
"I care quite a lot actually, so tell me Streisand, what has you upset?" Rachel looked down, and then at Sebastian and said
"Today's my birthday, and no-one cared, and no-one remembered, not even Kurt or Blaine." When Rachel said that, she looked at Sebastian and waited for him to laugh, but what shocked her the most, was when he pulled her hair out of her face and said
"That's not very nice of them." Rachel was shocked, and Sebastian said
"A beautiful girl like you, shouldn't be alone on her birthday."Rachel then looked down, and Sebastian said
"Let's go." Rachel then looked at Sebastian confused, and said
"Where are we going?" Sebastian smirked and said
"To celebrate your birthday, Smythe style." Sebastian then stood up, held his hand out, and said
"Let's go Rach, we may as well." Rachel smiled, and took his hand. Sebastian lead her out of The Lima Bean, and walked to the cinema. When they got there, Sebastian turned to Rachel and said
"What movie?" Rachel looked at the movies, and then said to Sebastian
"I don't mind." Sebastian smirked and said
"Two tickets to see Funny Girl please." Rachel eyes went wide with excitement, and said
"How did you know that it is playing?" Sebastian paid for the tickets, and popcorn, and said to Rachel
"I did some research." Rachel wasn't convinced at what he had said, but saw the musical with him anyway. When it finished, Sebastian lead Rachel out, and said
"What do you want to do now birthday girl?" Rachel thought about it for a moment and said
"What about coming back to mine, and we can watch movies for the rest of the day?" Sebastian looked at her and said
"Okay." Sebastian lead Rachel out of the cinema, and drove her back to her place. When they got there, Rachel saw that her dads weren't home. Rachel sighed sadly again, and it didn't go unnoticed to Sebastian. Sebastian held her hand and said
"What's wrong Rach?" Rachel looked up at him and said
"My dads aren't home for my birthday." Sebastian, held Rachel's hand for a little longer, until one of them moved. Rachel opened her door, and walked inside her house, and as she did Sebastian followed behind her. They walked to the living room, and put on a movie to watch.
Halfway through the first movie Sebastian paid no attention to the screen, but to Rachel instead. He had always admired her, and was always in love with her, but he could never tell Rachel that. As Sebastian stared at Rachel, he smiled a devious grin, and then tickled Rachel. Sebastian kept tickling Rachel, until she got free and ran away giggling and hid from him.
Sebastian chased after her, and went to find her. A few minutes later he heard the beautiful laugh that he fell in love with, and crept up behind Rachel, and tickled her again. They stopped for air, and to catch their breath, until Rachel ran away from him again. Sebastian shook his head at her, and chased after her again. As Sebastian was chasing after her, Rachel said
"This isn't fair, I'm the birthday girl." Sebastian laughed at what she said, and he said
"Oh but Rachie, you and I both know that you always have an advantage." As soon as Sebastian said that, he regretted it, and Rachel stood there looking at him shocked, and said
"What did you just say?" Sebastian sighed and said
"You always get an advantage." As he said that, Rachel said
"How?" Sebastian smiled at her and said
"Being absolutely undeniably beautiful is always an advantage, an advantage that you have." Rachel was shocked, and was almost in tears. Sebastian walked up to her, and hugged her and said
"I didn't mean to make you cry." Rachel pulled apart from the hug slightly and said
"Their happy tears." Sebastian smiled down at her, and hugged her again, and he then stared into her bambi eyes, and said
"Happy Birthday Broadway." As he said that, Sebastian kissed Rachel on the lips, putting all his feelings into the one kiss. Sebastian lifted Rachel up, and carried her to her bed, and when they got up there and closed her door, Rachel took off Sebastian's blazer. Sebastian pulled away from her and said
"Are you sure Rach? I don't want to rush anything." Rachel smiled at him and said
"I'm sure." Sebastian smiled back at her, kissed her and continued on. When they finished making love, Sebastian held her tight and said
"I love you Rach." Rachel looked at him shocked, and said
"You do." Sebastian smiled, kissed her and said
"Of course I do." Rachel smiled, kissed him again and said
"I love you too." Sebastian then held Rachel close to him as they laid down on her bed underneath the sheets, and before Rachel fell asleep, Rachel kissed Sebastian again and said
"Best birthday ever." Sebastian smirked and said
"I'll say, you got birthday sex and a doting, charming boyfriend." Rachel laughed, and then laid her down on Sebastian's chest and fell asleep in Sebastian's arms, where Rachel thought it was
The Best way to end her birthday

Sebastian and Rachel One Shots (Smytheberry)
FanfictionIf you love Glee like I do, and love Sebastian and Rachel together, here is a oneshot book about them, for you. Disclaimer: I don't own Glee, otherwise Rachel and Sebastian will be together Also no hate on Finchel fans, but I feel that Sebastian and...