A/N: I am a sick person, so if there is any spelling mistakes, missed words I am sorry, and also expect a lot of updates today
Dedicated to: DanielleJackson379 thank you for the grant hug :)Rachel is sick at her loft in New York. Kurt had class, Santana had a shift at the Diner, and Blaine was out with Sam. Rachel was all alone, which she thought was good because it meant that she didn't have to get anybody else sick. As she was about to get back into a deep slumber, she heard knocking on the door. She got up from her bed, picked up a frying pan from her kitchen in fear she was going to be robbed like her neighbours were, and slowly walked to the door. When she reached the door, she slowly opened it and saw the boy who has had her heart since high school, Sebastian Smythe, the former dalton bad boy was on her doorstop.
Sebastian stood on the other side of her door, and realised that he fell in love with her all over again. He gave her genuine smile and then saw that she had a frying pan in her hand and he laughed, and said
"Mon Cher, as you can see I'm no intruder so you might want to put the frying pan away." As Sebastian said that, Rachel blushed, and let Sebastian in. She placed the frying pan in her kitchen, and she turned to Sebastian and said
"What are you doing here, Sebastian, I'm sick and I don't feel like any company today." When she said that, Sebastian looked at her and said
"That's exactly why I'm here." Rachel looked at him confused and he said
"I bumped into Blaine and Sam. Blaine told me that you were home alone and sick, so I thought what better way to cheer you up and help you get better than me." As Sebastian said that, Rachel blushed at her thoughts which made Sebastian smirk and say
"Need I know what has caused that blush mon Cheri?" Rachel shook her head no, and Sebastian walked towards Rachel, picked her up bridal style and carried her to her bed and said
"Stay here, and I will bring back soup, your favourite Barbra Streisand movies and anything that will cheer you up." Sebastian then placed Rachel on her bed, put her covers on, and then walked out of her room. Rachel laid in her bed thinking about the former bad boy himself, and started to wonder if this is all an act. As she laid in her bed, Sebastian had walked back in with soup, Barbra Streisand movies and everything else, like he had promised her. Sebastian placed funny girl in her DVD player and sat down on her bed with her, and gave her the soup.
As the movie started, Rachel sat up on her bed to watch the movie, and Sebastian turned his attention away from the movie and put his full attention on the sick girl next to him. Sebastian has always been in love with her, ever since he first blackmailed her to out Finn. He never liked Finn because of the way he treated the girl. Halfway through the movie, Rachel turned to Sebastian and saw that he was staring at her, and she tiredly said
"Do I have something on my face?" Sebastian smiled at her, and shook his head no, and she said
"Then why are you staring at me?" Sebastian smiled again and said
"Because you're beautiful, mon Cheri." Rachel blushed and said
"You're talking in French." Sebastian smirked and said
"That I am, mon amour, is it turning you on?" Rachel blushed but didn't answer, Sebastian laughed and said
"You blushing answer my question." As he said that, he had a theory that his feelings for the girl weren't one sided at all. Rachel turned her attention back to the movie completely ignoring Sebastian. Sebastian decided to test his theory by putting his arm around her. He noticed Rachel's blush, and decided to test the waters. He leaned towards her and said
"Rach?" Rachel turned her head and said
"Yeah?" Sebastian put his other hand on Rachel's face and said
"Can I kiss you?" Rachel stared at him and said
"But you'll get sick." Sebastian smiled and said
"I don't care." As he said that, Sebastian kissed her. He knew from that one kiss he needed more of her. It was everything he dreamed of and more. He was completely and utterly in love with her. They pulled apart and he said
"I love you." Rachel was shocked, surprised and happy. Sebastian didn't take the silence well, as if reading his mind, Rachel kissed him. Sebastian was pleased, because he knew that she was the one. They pulled apart, Rachel looked at him and said
"Say it again." Sebastian smiled, and said
"I love you, I love you." Over and over again. It was music to Rachel's ears, and she said
"You could have anyone to love in the world, and you choose me, why?" Sebastian held Rachel to him and said
"Because you're beautiful, smart, kind, funny, stubborn and everything I wish to have." As he said that, Rachel smiled and said
"I love you Sebastian, more than what you can imagine." Sebastian held Rachel closer to him as the credits to Funny Girl rolled on the screen, and he said
"I have loved you since high school, since i blackmailed you because I wanted Finn out the way." Rachel smiled at the revelation and said
"You got your wish, he broke up with me that day." Sebastian, rolled Rachel over so he was on top of her, kissed her lips and said
"I love you." As Sebastian said that, Rachel smiled and then fell into a slumber after she replied it back to Sebastian, Kurt was shocked to find Sebastian and Rachel in the same bed, but then saw how much they loved each other and a week later Sebastian ended up getting sick with the same thing Rachel had and this time it was Rachel's turn to look after him

Sebastian and Rachel One Shots (Smytheberry)
FanfictionIf you love Glee like I do, and love Sebastian and Rachel together, here is a oneshot book about them, for you. Disclaimer: I don't own Glee, otherwise Rachel and Sebastian will be together Also no hate on Finchel fans, but I feel that Sebastian and...