58. Corny pick up lines part 2

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A/N: I loved writing the first one.

Rachel and Sebastian sat across from each other in the Lima Bean drinking coffee, eating a muffin each while their glee clubs new directions and the warblers look at them weirdly and glaring at them for talking, secretly they were in love with each other, but didn't want the other to know and didn't want their respective team to know in fear they would be made to choose. Sebastian smirked at her, as he lifted up his coffee and said

"That's a nice shirt, can I talk you out of it?" Rachel giggled and said

"As Trent would say, I'm a lady." Sebastian laughed and then said

"For some reason, I was feeling a little off today. But when you came along, you definitely turned me on." Rachel rolled her eyes and said

"Maybe it's the coffee." Sebastian just wanted to kiss Rachel then and there, but he feared rejection. Sebastian put his coffee down and said

"I lost my teddy bear. Can I sleep with you tonight?" Rachel looked at him shocked and said

"You have a teddy bear?" Sebastian smirked and said

"Yeah it's you." Rachel blushed, which made Sebastian think the feelings weren't one sided after all, and he then said

"You're definitely on my to-do list tonight." Rachel folded her arms and said

"I bet you say that to all the girls." Sebastian smiled at her and said

"What other girls?" Rachel blushed, and Sebastian smirked and said

"I would flirt with you, but I'd rather seduce you with my awkwardness." Rachel laughed and said

"You are no Barry Allen to be awkward." Sebastian chuckled, picked up his coffee and then said

"You are like my favourite cup of coffee, hot and lip smacking." As Sebastian said that to Rachel, she blushed a bright shade which made Sebastian smile and said

"Do you work at Starbucks? Because I like you a latte." Rachel folded her arms and said

"Coffee pick up lines really?" Sebastian smirked and said

"Are they working?" Rachel raised an eyebrow and said

"I'm not you, so what do you think?" Sebastian laughed and said

"I think if I had a star for every time you brightened my day, I'd have a galaxy in my hand." Rachel blushed once more, which made Sebastian smile and say

"Come on Rach, do you want to be my dirty little secret?" Rachel threw her napkins at him and said

"Really Sebastian?" He laughed as he dodged her napkins and said

"I'd say God Bless you, but it looks like he already did." Rachel raised an eyebrow and said

"How?" Sebastian smirked and said

"With me." Rachel threw the rest of her napkins at him and said

"You are way too corny" Sebastian laughed and said

"Damn, if being sexy was a crime, you'd be guilty as charged!" Rachel blushed, which made Sebastian smirk and say

"You remind me of a magnet, because you sure are attracting me over here!" Rachel blushed even redder in which Sebastian laughed at as finished his muffin, and he said

"Is your name Google? Because you have everything I've been searching for." Rachel looked at him shocked and said

"I'm no cheerleader so it can't be everything." Sebastian hated it when Rachel put herself down, he leaned over took her hands in his which made their glee clubs shocked and surprised and Sebastian looked into her eyes and said

"Hey, you're pretty and I'm cute. Together we'd be Pretty Cute." Rachel blushed and said

"You don't mean that, it's just a pick up line." Sebastian hated it when people mainly Santana and Quinn put Rachel down, because truth be told, Sebastian believes Rachel is the most beautiful girl in his world, and only Blaine, Nick and Thad knew how much Sebastian loves Rachel, and knew how much Rachel loves Sebastian. Sebastian squeezed Rachel's hands and said

"I do mean it, because I was wondering if you had an extra heart. Mine was just stolen." Rachel smiled and said

"Probably stolen by many of the other girls that fall at you feet." Sebastian was shocked at her comeback, and Thad, Nick and Blaine tried not to laugh at her comeback or Sebastian's shocked face, as he said

" Hello. Cupid called. He wants to tell you that he needs my heart back." Rachel rolled her eyes at him and said

"How long as that one been working for you?" Sebastian smirked and said

"When my buddies bet me that I wouldn't be able to start a conversation with the hottest person in the Lima Bean. Wanna buy some drinks with their money?" As Sebastian said that, the warblers were quiet, that was until Rachel said

"Why use their money, when you have your own. One soy vanilla low fat latte please with a side order of a blue berry muffin." Sebastian shook her head, stood up walked over to the counter, and then walked back to her with a blueberry muffin and her latte. Rachel smiled as Sebastian said

"You know sweetie, my lips won't kiss themselves." Rachel looked at her muffin, then at Sebastian, and placed her muffin on Sebastian lips and said

"There, now they won't have to kiss themselves." Nick and Blaine laughed at the whole scene, and thought Sebastian has his work cut out for him. Sebastian was shocked, took a bit of her muffin before she put the muffin on the plate and he said

"Oh no, I'm choking! I need mouth to mouth, quick!" Rachel laughed at him and said

"That was pretty good, but I'm not qualified enough." Sebastian shook his head at her and said

"Mmmm, you bring a new meaning to the word "edible." Rachel was shocked, and said

"But how would you know, you have never kissed me." Sebastian looked at her and smirked, leaned forward and kissed her. Rachel was shocked, as was the warblers and the new directions, and when Sebastian pulled away, he smiled at her and said

"I just did and you really do bring a new meaning to the word "edible." Rachel blushed and said

"So do you." As she said that she kissed him again, which shocked their respective glee clubs once more except Nick, Thad and Blaine of course.

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