98. Dance teacher part 3

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A few weeks later, Rachel decided that she would bring Henri some snacks to eat while he waited for Sebastian. She really did love spending time with Henri, and the times he and Sebastian invited her to hang out with them, and seeing them together, and seeing Sebastian again, her feelings that she had buried long time ago for him, had started to slowly resurface.

After teaching the class, and helping the kids, like usual she waited with Henri for Sebastian. She handed him the paper and coloured pencils and even showed him the small container that was filled with carrots. Henri was pleased about it, and while he was colouring and eating the carrots, he looked at her and said

"My daddy use to talk about you all the time." Rachel looked at him surprised and said

"Really?" Henri nodded his head yes and said

"He would tell me stories about you." Rachel was even more shocked that Sebastian Smythe spoke about her to his son. She didn't know what to do or say. She sat there quietly and Henri then said

"Did I say something bad, that made you sad. If I did I'm really sorry Miss Berry." Rachel smiled at Henri and said

"You didn't Henri, and I'm not sad at all, I promise." Henri smiled at her and continued colouring and as he finished eating the carrots, he saw Sebastian walking towards them. He smiled, quickly picked up the picture so Rachel couldn't see it, and ran up to him. Henri smiled and said

"I drew you another picture and miss Berry even brought me a snack to eat while we waited for you daddy, it was only carrots." Sebastian was stunned at what Rachel had done for him, but also pleased. Sebastian smiled and said

"I'm happy about that, and did you have fun in class today my little warbler." Henri nodded his head and said

"I did daddy, you can even ask miss Berry." Henri looked to where Rachel was, but couldn't find her, he pouted and turned to his dad, and said

"She's gone, she was here. I think I upset her daddy. I didn't mean to though." Sebastian sat Henri down on the bench, kneeled in front of him and said

"Henri Francois Smythe what did you do?" Henri looked down, started playing with the end of his shirt and said

"While Miss Berry and I waited for you, I told her that you would talk about her all the time, and tell me stories about her, and then she went really quiet." Sebastian looked at Henri, he didn't know what to do, because his son might have possibly told his teacher that he Sebastian was in love with her. Sebastian took Henri's tiny hands in his and said

"Henri, why did you tell her that?" Henri looked at his dad with small tears and said

"Because daddy." Sebastian wiped his son's tears and said

"Because why little warbler?" Henri took out the paper from his pocket and showed him the picture. Sebastian looked at the picture, and he understood why his son did what he did. He hugged Henri tight and said

"It's okay Henri." Henri hugged Sebastian more tight and said

"And you've been different around her, since you first saw her again, and it's fun having her around too. So I thought maybe if I told her, she could be apart of our family." Sebastian kissed Henri's hair and said

"Little warbler, it doesn't work like that, but I do have an idea that might work." Henri looked at him and said

"Which is?" Sebastian took Henri's hand to leave and said

"Don't worry little warbler."

The next day as Rachel was waiting with Henri for Sebastian, with a completely different atmosphere, she still couldn't wrap her around the fact that Sebastian told Henri stories about her. As she was waiting, she saw Sebastian walking towards them, this time though she stayed until he walked up to them. Henri placed the picture he drew the day before face down showing Sebastian's note on the back next to Rachel, placing his dad's idea in motion. Rachel watched Sebastian leave with Henri, and when she had stood up after picking up the coloured pencils and paper, she saw the picture. She picked it up and started reading Sebastian's note


I guess you picked up from my son that I love you, and have for a really long time. If you are willing, turn this over. Please remember that its not just me now, it's Henri too. Everything is now in your hands.


Rachel was confused about Sebastian's note, and she had turned it around. She saw Henri's picture that he had drawn the day before. It was of her, Sebastian and Henri as a family. Rachel couldn't believe the drawing, and couldn't believe that Sebastian is in love with her. Rachel folded the picture up, placed it in her bag, and then went to Sebastian's place.

Henri looked at Sebastian as he was about to read his flash comic, and said

"Do you think Miss Berry would come or not?" Sebastian ruffled his son's hair and said

"I don't know my little warbler but let's read your flash comic." As he opened the comic to read, they heard a soft knock on the door. Sebastian looked at Henri concerned and said

"Stay here." Sebastian placed the comic on the coffee table, stood up, and walked to the door. When he opened it he saw Rachel standing there, holding the picture that Henri had drawn. Rachel looked at him and said

"I love you too. And I know it's not just you Sebastian. I love spending time with Henri, I love waiting for you with him and seeing him run up to you. He's apart of you, and I care about him as much as I care about you." At those words, Sebastian stepped forward and kissed Rachel. When they pulled apart Rachel looked at him and said

"If you let me and after you read to him, would it be okay if I sing to him." Sebastian smiled at her, and said

"Why don't you ask him?" Sebastian stepped aside for Rachel to walk in, and Henri looked up and saw her. He smiled widely as Rachel walked over to him, and she said

"After your dad reads to you, would it be okay if I sing to you?" Henri smiled and said

"Of course, daddy always said he wished I could hear you sing."

Later that night, Sebastian got his wish as he heard Rachel singing to his son. He smiled when Rachel walked out and he said

"Be apart of our family?" Rachel kissed him and said

"I thought I already was."

A few months later Rachel surprised Henri with adopting him, to officially be his mum, which Sebastian loved a lot, and with the help of their son, Sebastian had proposed to Rachel, who obviously said yes.

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