44. An arranged marriage part 1

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Welcome to a world where William McKinley was an all female public high school and Dalton Academy was a all male private high school. The fathers of the girls at McKinley High were not only the same sex but they had to hold a formal ball for their daughters to find the best suitor for them from the all boys private high school Dalton Academy at the age of 18, but the ball had to be at McKinley high school. Rachel was turning 18 on Saturday and she was worried about the ball, and worried about what the suitor her dads will approve of.

Rachel just walked down the stairs to go to school when her younger sister Marley had seen her which made her dads turn and her dad Hiram smiled at her and said

"Rachel darling, we need to discuss your formal ball to find you the very best suitor." Rachel just nodded her head and said

"Could we maybe discuss it after I finish school?" Her dads agreed, as she and Marley walked out the door to go to school. they walked in silence as Marley knew Rachel just wanted time to think. As they were walking to school, they met up with Rachel's best friend Lucy Quinn Fabray or just Quinn Fabray, and Quinn's husband Hunter Clarington. They walked up to the couple, as Quinn spotted them, she smiled at Rachel and said

"Rachie, excited for Saturday?" As Quinn said that Hunter looked at her confused, and said

"Saturday?" Quinn giggles and said

"Rachel, turns 18 on Saturday, which means she finds a husband at her formal 18th ball." As she said that, Rachel rolled her eyes and said

"I prefer the term suitor than husband." Quinn giggled and Hunter then said

"Rachel, it's not that bad, who knows you may end up with a good person." Rachel looked at Hunter and sighed

"Maybe, but what if I don't?" Hunter held Quinn in his arms and said

"Then, keep dodging and refuse him." Marley looked at Rachel and said

"Exactly like Hunter said, it won't be bad Rachie."As Marley and Hunter said that, Rachel realised that they were right, and before Rachel could say anything more, Quinn said

"As much as I don't want to leave, Marley, Rachel and I have to get school, and so do you Hunt." Hunter reluctantly let go of Quinn and said

" I know, I'll see you later." He kissed her and then walked in the direction of Dalton. Rachel looked at her best friend and said

"How did you get so lucky to be with a good person Quinny?" Quinn looked at Rachel as they started walking to McKinley with Mckinley and said

"I really don't know." They walked inside the building as Rachel, Marley and Quinn walked in different directions for the lockers and went to class. Quinn walked into English and sat down next to Rachel and said

" I hope I pick a good person on Saturday." Quinn looked at her best friend as she sat down and said

"You will Rachie, I know you will and so does Marley." As she said that, class had started, and else where at Dalton, Hunter walked into Dalton, and spotted his friends. Finn looked at him and said

"Nice of you join us Hunter." Hunter rolled his eyes and said

"Well it's not my fault I have a wife." As he said that, Finn stayed silent. Puck then looked at Hunter and said

"How's it going being married to Quinn?" Hunter smiled and said

"Great." As he said that, his friends knew they weren't going to get details at all, but Hunter knew his best friend Sebastian wanted to know, but not about Quinn, but Quinn's best friend Rachel Barbra Berry. Sebastian looked at Hunter not wanting to press anything about Rachel in front of the guys, and said

"How is she?" Sebastian wanted to know about Rachel, because he loves her, he wants to be the one that Rachel picked on Saturday night. Hunter knew his best friend loved the brunette girl, and he said

"She's fine Sebastian." At those words Sebastian knew that Rachel was worried about Saturday. Sebastian sighed and walked away from his friends so they didn't catch in about his feelings for the girl and his younger brother Skylar watched his brother with concern, as he knew that Sebastian wanted nothing more than to be Rachel's suitor, but he and Sebastian knew that it's up to Rachel, but he knew that his brother's heart will break his heart into a million pieces, and hurt him even more if Rachel didn't pick him. Sebastian walked into History which he shared with Hunter, and as he sat down in his seat next to him, Hunter said to him

"She could pick you on Saturday Sebastian, have hope." Sebastian calmed down slightly and said

"I know but there is a huge chance that she could pick Finn, or even Puck and Thad." Hunter shook his head at his best friend, because of how much the boy next to him loved the brunette girl.

The day dragged on as the school day was coming to an end. Rachel dreaded it and dreaded going home because of how much she wasn't looking forward to Saturday. She waited for Quinn and Marley outside the school, so they could walk home together like they always do. As she waited for them to walk out, a boy in a Dalton blazer walked up, and she knew it was Hunter.

Quinn walked out the building with Marley and saw Hunter and Rachel. They walked over to them, and walked with them to take Rachel and Marley home. Quinn looked at Rachel before she and Marley walked inside and said

"Want my advice for Saturday Rachel?" Rachel nodded her head yes and said

"Please." Quinn smiled and said

"When you meet the guys, and when you have to pick a suitor, follow your heart." As soon as Quinn said that, they reached Rachel's and house house. Rachel turned to Quinn and said

"Thanks Quinny." She and Marley bid Quinn and Hunter farewell, and they walked inside, where their dads were waiting for Rachel. They placed their bags down, and walked to the kitchen for in Rachel's words the dreaded organising of her formal ball. Her dad Leroy smiled at them as they walked in and said

"Rachel, we need to discuss your ball." Rachel sighed at what he had said, and said

"I know." Her dad Hiram said,

"You know it has to be at McKinley High." Rachel nodded her head yes, and said

"I know it does, and do all the boys at dalton have to be there?" Her dads nodded their heads yes, her dad Leroy said

"They do, and so do the ones that have their suitors at McKinley." Rachel felt at ease, until she heard the dreaded words

"Great, now let's get you and Marley dress fitted."

A/N: part 2 will be up soon :)

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