160. Rachel's perfect prom- Part 1

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A/N: Based on the S3 prom ep where Rachel finds out from the prom posters that Finn is going with Quinn but in this one shot, instead of finding out from the prom posters, Rachel finds out from Puck and Blaine broke up with Kurt because of Kurt cheating on him with Chandler.

Dedicated to: ShannonCataldi Pugsbunny88 NikkiKay88 BurnedNMiami Damonlover81

It was the day of the prom at McKinley it was all anyone especially the girls could talk about it was also the day the prom king and queen campaign posters. Rachel hoped that this year's prom was better than the year before, and she was hoping it was because she was finally going to prom with her fiancé Finn. Rachel walked through the halls of McKinley with her head held high thinking about prom and dancing with Finn, when she is suddenly stopped by Puck who was really concerned. Rachel looked at her friend and said

"Noah please let me through. I need to see Finn to find out what time he is picking up tonight for prom as he hasn't said anything, and anytime I bring it up he changes the subject on me and becomes nervous." Puck didn't want Rachel to find out on her own from the posters that Finn was taking Quinn instead as he now knew from what Rachel had just told him, Rachel didn't know and he said

"And I know why he hasn't said anything to you, and why he hasn't made plans to pick you up my American Jewish princess." Rachel was confused and said

"What do you mean Noah?" Puck took out the rolled up poster and showed her what was on it as he unrolled it

"Your fiancé is going with Quinn instead Princess and is going for prom king with her as prom queen and they didn't tell you. And knowing both of them, especially Q it wouldn't at all be innocent with them." Rachel looked at the poster, she couldn't believe what she was looking at. Puck hugged Rachel and said

"It's okay my Jewish Princess, you don't need Finn." Rachel hugged Puck tight and said

"That's not what I'm crying at, well it is but I should have known he would always go back to Quinn. and I'm also crying because I just brought an expensive dress with saving up on baby sitting money and I was really looking forward to prom and looking forward to wearing it, now it's waste." Puck felt for Rachel, he knew how much she loved Finn but Finn never seemed to care, it was times like this that he was ashamed to call Finn his friend. Puck pulled the hug, wiped her tears and said

"Firstly you are going to give Finn his ring back, and tell him no to marrying him, and secondly you will be going to prom to wear that dress as I have an idea and no its not being my date as I'm going with Becky." Rachel gave a small smile at Puck and said

"I trust you Noah, and it's really sweet that you're going with Becky, even Brittany will say that too and you know that she would." Puck smiled at Rachel and said

"I know she would. now go break up with Finn." Rachel softly giggled as she left to go break up Finn. Puck knew that there was only one person that would agree to be Rachel's prom date at the last minute as he knew this person was in love with her. Puck walked to find Blaine at his locker, walked over to him and said

"I need your help Anderson." Blaine looked at him and said

"What with Puckerman?" Puck looked at him knowingly and said

"Finn is going to prom with Quinn and didn't tell her and as we speak she is dumping his ass because I told her too and she listens to me. Now Rachel needs a prom date and there's only one person that i know that will agree to go with her to our prom at the last minute, and you always paying attention to everything, anything and everyone you know who I'm talking about." Blaine closed his locker, leaned on it and said

"Ah yes Sebastian Smythe, Rachel is very lucky to have him pining after her. You want me to take you to him or not Puckerman?" Puck smirked at him and said

"Glad to see we are on the same page Anderson, and please." Blaine started walking with Puck and said

"You're lucky he's at the Lima Bean with his best friend Thaddeus Harwood." Puck was grateful for Blaine's help and he said

"And how are you post Kurt break up and handling seeing him with Chandler?" Blaine shrugged his shoulders and said

"I'm okay as I can be. He made his choice when he cheated on me with him, and between you and me Puck, I'm thinking about transferring back to Dalton for The Warblers. I only transferred for Kurt who kept pressuring me to do so. and with prom I'm actually going with someone from the Warblers who I did have a crush on for awhile but never did anything about it because of Kurt." Puck was pleased for Blaine and said

"Like I tell Rachel, do what makes you happy. usually i say do who makes you happy, but Rach tells me off for that saying so do what makes you happy." Blaine gave a small smile and said

"Thanks Puck." 

Sebastian was sat with Thad at the Lima Bean drinking his usual coffee order that always reminded him of home. They were talking about the up and coming benefit at Breadstixs, something in which Sebastian wanted to take Rachel too. When Sebastian got captain of the Warblers he named his best friend his co captain. him and Trent both, but Trent is currently away for family reasons so it was just him and Thad.

Sebastian picked up his coffee cup to drink it and said

"We have our setlist, do you think Rachel would be interested in something like this, I know it would mean that she would take Finn, but no harm in inviting her right?" Thad felt for his best friend pining after an engaged woman. He always saw the sadness in his friend's eyes everytime, and the fake supportive smile his friend tries so hard to hide. Thad gave a small smile and said

"She would love this Seb." Sebastian stayed silent and thought of Rachel like he always did when he saw Blaine and Puck walk in and walk over to him and Thad. Sebastian and Thad looked at each other and then at Blaine and Puck and Sebastian said

"What are you two doing here, don't you have your school's prom to get ready for. I know you do as Thad here is going with you Anderson." Puck looked at Blaine curiously and then back at Sebastian and said

"You are too." Sebastian confused and said

"I'm sorry what? how am I going to your school's prom when I don't go to the school and I'm not going with anyone from your school" Puck smiled at him and said

"You have a date Preppy, because congrats, you're now Rachel's date to the prom."

A/N: I couldn't get this idea out of my head last night, so I decided to flesh it out and create it, so hope you enjoy part 1

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