73. Baby project part 1

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Dedicated to:  Pugsbunny88 and ShannonCataldi

When Sebastian has transferred to McKinley he didn't count on being in health class with the one and only Rachel Berry. Let alone be assigned her partner for the whole year. Rachel was annoyed that she had to be partnered with Sebastian, and not her boyfriend Finn who was paired with Quinn. Rachel was angry at her teacher, and was determined to talk to them after class to change partners. She was not going to be paired with Sebastian for the whole year.

Once class had ended and everyone had walked out, Rachel walked up to the teacher and pleaded with her

"Miss Holliday, please let me change partners. Please. I can't work with Sebastian, he tried to blackmail me in the past. So please can I change partners?" Holly Holliday turned to Rachel and said

"No you can't change partners Rachel. I think being partnered with Sebastian would help you a lot." Rachel looked at her like she was crazy and said

"How would being partnered with him, help me?" Holly gave Rachel an encouraging smile and said

"It would help you keep an open mind about him. Rachel you can't judge a book by its cover. Maybe he had more of a reason for his past actions, like you did with sunshine when you sent her to a crackhouse. The Past is in the past. I think you and Sebastian would get along, if you let each other that is." Rachel left the classroom and thought about what Miss Holliday had told her. As she walked out, she saw Sebastian. She wasn't happy and said

"Oh it's you." Sebastian looked at her and said

"Yes it's me Broadway. I get that you're upset that you're paired with me and not your boyfriend. But between you and me. I say you're the luckiest girl in the class." Rachel looked at him confused and said

"How am I the luckiest girl in class Sebastian?" Sebastian gave Rachel a smile. A real smile and he said

"Because you're partnered with me Streisand, and you got yourself the hottest guy in class." Rachel rolled her eyes at him and said

"Are you always this conceited?" Sebastian smirked at her and said

"Barbra I wouldn't be me, if I wasn't and besides I know I'm hot, you know I'm hot, and it would be totally disastrous if I called myself hot and I was ugly." Rachel glared at him as they entered the choir room and said

"Oh that would be horrible now wouldn't it?" Sebastian smiled at her and said

"Yes, yes it would Streisand." They sat down in their chairs and Sebastian turned to her and said

"You know what Streisand?" Rachel sighed in frustration and said

"What?" Sebastian smiled and said

"I think you and I will be best friends by the end of the year." Rachel rolled her eyes and said

"I don't think so." Rachel tried to ignore Sebastian the entire glee lesson, but she couldn't, and when an insult to Kurt came, and Finn stood up to him, Rachel smiled at Finn and said

"Well done Finn." As she said that, Santana smirked at her and said

"You think your sweetheart here is good. He's lying to you. He and I got it on last year." Sebastian was horrified at what he heard and was worried for Rachel. He knew how much Rachel loved Finn. Rachel looked at Santana and said

"He wouldn't do that." Santana looked at her and said

"Ask Quinn, Britt and the whole Cheerio squad hobbit, since Quinn has also been sleeping with him too." Rachel couldn't believe what she was hearing. She got up, and raced out of class. Sebastian stood up at the same time as Finn, and then said to him

"You've done enough Frankenteen, and you're the last person she would want to see." Sebastian then raced out the room even before Puck and Blaine could, trying to find Rachel. He looked everywhere and then realised that she would have been in the auditorium. Sebastian had walked in, and sat down in the chair behind her. He stayed silent and he then said

"I'm sorry Rachel. I know how much you loved him, and at least you did find out if it was Satan, because I doubt Frankenteen would have told you." Rachel was quiet and then said

"That's very kind of you Sebastian, and you are right at least I did find out from someone." They both stayed silent, as Sebastian stayed with her, knowing that she needed someone to stay with her. When the bell rang for next class, Sebastian stood up, held his hand out and said

"Come on, we have another health lesson, at least you aren't paired with him." Rachel gave Sebastian a small smile, took his hand and said

"And again you are right Sebastian. I'm not. Which is a good thing." Rachel stood up, and she let Sebastian walk her to class. They walked in silence, and Rachel was enjoying Sebastian's company for the first time. They walked in, and Rachel immediately felt numb because of Finn and what happened. Sebastian sensed that Rachel felt awkward and worried, he squeezed her hand and whispered

"Don't let them get to you Streisand, you're better than them." Rachel gave him a brave smile and said

"Thank you." Rachel and Sebastian walked to their seats once more, as Finn approached them. Finn took Rachel's hand and said

"Rach, please let me explain." Rachel took her hand out of Finn's and said

"There's nothing to explain Finn. You lied to me, and you cheated on me. I doubt you were ever going to tell me. I might be angry at the fact that you slept with Santana and Quinn and didn't tell me. But at least Santana told me, and at least Quinn would have told me too, and in case you haven't figured it out Finn, we are over for good." As she said that, Finn looked at her, and then sat down in his seat next to Quinn. As he did, Holly Holliday walked in with two other teachers carrying fake babies and said

"You're first paired assignment of the year, is to look after these fake babies for two weeks." Everyone groaned, but not Sebastian, he was quite pleased, because it meant he got to spend more time and spend after school with Rachel, and he didn't mind at all.

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