100. Go fish promises

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A/N: 100 one shots...

Dedicated to: Pugsbunny88 DanielleJackson379 ShannonCataldi NikkiKay88 mssophiewhite

A 10 year old Rachel sat across with cards in her hands from a 10 year old Sebastian who also had card in his hands, at a creative arts summer camp in France. They were playing go fish, a 7 card game that can be competitive and a game of complete strategy, Rachel and Sebastian always made their games interesting by adding their own rule to each new round, and this go fish game was no different, as Sebastian made a rule that if they say go fish, they had to make a promise to the other and like always it's the winner that gets to pick the new rule for the next round.

As they were nearing the end of the game and Rachel looked at her only card and looked at Sebastian's two cards. She knew he had to have the pair to her 6, for her to win the game and pick the new rule for their next game, but Rachel also knew there were 5 cards left in the pile. Rachel looked at the 10 year old boy sitting in front of her and said

"Sebby do you have a 6?" Sebastian smiled at her and said

"Go fish Rachie. And don't forget to make a promise." Rachel rolled her eyes and said

"I won't." Rachel leaned forward to pick up the card, gave Sebastian a smile and said

"I promise to be your best friend forever Sebby." Sebastian smiled at her and said

"Do you have a 9?" Rachel looked at him and said

"Go fish, and don't forget the promise." Sebastian picked up a card from the deck and said

"I promise that I will play go fish with you forever Rachie."

As the game went on, in the end Rachel had won that round, and picked a new rule.

Years later, Rachel now attends McKinley and Sebastian attends Dalton. The two had drifted apart, much to both of their dismay. Rachel was currently in the Lima bean reading her favourite book, when Sebastian had walked up to her. Rachel looked up at him and said

"Come to blackmail me again Sebastian?" Sebastian smirked and said

"Tempted yes, but if I recall it was a picture of Hudson, and not you Rachel." Rachel closed her book and said

"I have you know he broke up with me because of you." Deep down Sebastian was pleased, as that was his main goal, and he said

"Shame I thought you two were very strong." Rachel rolled her eyes and went to open her book once more to ignore him, and as she did Sebastian placed a deck of cards in front of her on the table and said

"You know our rules broadway, the winner picks the new rule for the round." Rachel looked at the cards on the table and then at Sebastian and said

"And if I recall I won the last time we played so I pick our new rule." Sebastian smirked and said

"That won't do Streisand, my cards my rule." Rachel placed her book in her bag to give her attention to Sebastian and the game and said

"True but I won the last game. Remember you gave me a 8 of hearts, so I could win, my win my rule." Sebastian leaned forward to her and said

"When we were 10 that might have worked, but we're 18, so whole new game, and I already picked out a rule for us." Rachel rolled her eyes at him, sighed in defeat and said

"Fine, what's the rule?" Sebastian picked up the cards, began shuffling them and said

"Going back to when we were 10 in France, at the creative arts summer camp, each time we say go fish we say a promise to each other." He then handed Rachel her seven cards, and she said

"Okay, but since you shuffled and dealt, I go first." Sebastian smiled at her and said

"I believe the saying is ladies first." Rachel began her turn and when Sebastian said go fish, she picked up her card and said

"I promise that I won't be dropping out of regionals." Sebastian loved Rachel's competitiveness, and when she said go fish, he picked up his card and said

"I promise that I won't ever hurt you."

As the game went on and as Rachel said

"Go fish." Sebastian picked up his card, looked at Rachel and said

"I promise to never blackmail you again." Rachel was shocked with his promise, and she said

"Do you have a 6?" Sebastian looked at his cards, saw the 6 for her in his hand, but he wanted to keep the game going, because who knows when the next time they would be able to play, he plan of his own. He looked at Rachel and said

"Go fish." Rachel picked up her card and said

"I promise that I won't let anyone get between our friendship again." Sebastian was shocked to find out that someone got between their friendship and he said

"Was it Hudson or Hummel?" Rachel looked at him and said

"Both actually." Sebastian was now upset at the revelation but he wasn't that surprised it was Kurt and Finn that stopped him and Rachel from being best friends. Sebastian looked at his hand and said

"Do you have a 9?" Rachel looked at her own hand, saw the 9, and began to contemplate if she should give him the card, as she missed being around him, she had a secret crush on him that was there when they were 10, even when she was with Finn, she still had that crush on Sebastian. Rachel looked up from her hand and said

"Go fish." Sebastian picked up his card and said

"I promise to always be honest with you." Rachel wondered if they were still playing the game, when she received another go fish from him, she picked up her card and decided that now would be time to spill her secret and said

"I promise to only be faithful to you." Sebastian was stunned at Rachel's promise, and wondered if his feelings aren't sided after all, he had received another go fish and when he picked up his card he said

"I promise to only love you." Rachel looked up at him and said

"You love me?" Sebastian smiled at him and said

"Of course I do. You are the only person I want to play this game with, being a part from you broke my heart." Rachel placed her remaining cards face down so he didn't see them, leaned forward and kissed him, when they pulled apart Rachel said

"I love you too, have since I was 10 and I only want to play this game with you too." Sebastian smiled kissed her and said

"Let's get back to the game, so I can win." Rachel smirked as she sat back down and said

"You mean so I can win." Before they could get back to their game, they heard

"What's this?" They looked and saw Finn standing next to their table. Sebastian smirked at him and said

"A date, now please go so I can enjoy my date with my girlfriend." Sebastian then smiled at Rachel as Finn left and he said

"Where were we?" Rachel smiled at him and said

"I think we were, promising each other that we will always be together." Sebastian smirked and said

"I think we were, and also go fish."

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