12. Being mad with their old show choir smytheberry style part 2

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A/N: This is only going to have 5 days considering there are 5 days for school and by popular choice, I give you a day by day of The Warblers being at McKinley High school and being apart of the New Directions, so let's see what Smytheberry has in store for the two show chiors

After Smytheberry eased their tension. It was time for The Warblers to head to McKinley High school to be part of The New Directions for a week. To say neither of them were happy about it, is an understatement. They were both mad, but Rachel and Sebastian were making them cooperate because of what they had done, and now not only do they have to be in the same school for a week, but they are not allowed to compete, and they have to write original songs and sing them in assembly, or else they will be singing run joey run for the rest of year.

Day 1

The Warblers minus Hunter, were at McKinley, they were being judged from the jocks, and being eyed from the Cheerleaders. They made their way to the New Directions room. When they entered, they saw Rachel and Sebastian, in the choir room, and The New Directions sitting in silent. The Warblers sat down in the chairs, and Jeff spoke

"Why are The New Directions so silent?" Rachel looked at Jeff and said

"It's because they are also being punished." The Warblers were surprised that Rachel would punish The New Directions. The Warblers didn't know what New Directions have done and everyone in the show choir world around Ohio knew what The Warblers done because of Hunter. The Warblers and New Directions were silent, and Sebastian spoke

"Both of teams have disappointed the show choir world very greatly, and both Rachel and I are disappointed in both teams." The Warblers and The New Directions looked down, and Rachel continued

"This week, you will be learning how to be a proper show choir team." As Rachel said that, Kitty piped up and said

"We do know how to be a proper show choir team." Rachel stared at her and said

"What you think Lip syncing is the way to go to be a proper show choir team Kitty." Kitty was silent, and didn't speak for the rest of the time. The Warblers were shocked to learn that the New Directions lip synced. Sebastian looked at The New Directions and The Warblers and said

"To learn how to be a proper show choir team, you will be in pairs and sing a song about what it feels like to be in another person's shoes and how they see life." The Warblers and The New Directions were a little surprised, and Rachel continued

"New Directions will be paired with a Warbler." Rachel and Sebastian paired them together, the pairs were

Kitty and Trent

Marley and Nick

Jake and Thad

Ryder and David

Brittany and Jeff

Unique and Wes

Jane and Skyler

As they were paired Hunter walked in. Rachel and Sebastian looked at each other, and then at Hunter and Sebastian said

"Hunter, you will be paired with Spencer."

The pairs sat next to each other, and started to talk to each other, and one by one they started to sing. Rachel and Sebastian were impressed that they did understand the assignment.

Day 2

The second day of The Warblers being at McKinley high school, Sebastian and Rachel thought it will be a good idea to keep them in their pairs and get them to understand each other better, but wearing each other's uniforms. New Directions and The Warblers were not impressed, and Hunter said

"This blazer is a warbler and Dalton tradition Smythe, you know that." Sebastian rolled his eyes at Hunter and said

"Being a warbler was a tradition before you exposed them to drugs and cheated in a competition." Hunter then kept his mouth shut, and Sebastian looked at Thad Harwood and said

"What do you think Thad?" Thad looked at Sebastian and the Warblers and said

"Let's do this, we need to get our tradition back, and the only way to do this, is to trust Sebastian and Rachel." Sebastian was pleased at Thad's decision and the Warblers agreed with him, the boys took off their blazers and gave them to The New Directions, who reluctantly took them and wore them for the rest of the day. Kitty wasn't happy with the decision, and made a point and said

"I'm not wearing this." Sebastian looked at Kitty and said

"So, you're the one that decided to lip sync." Kitty wasn't happy at that remark and took the blazer from Trent. The Warblers were then given red shirts because of McKinley Highschool having Red as the main colour. The Warblers weren't happy either, but didn't voice their opinions though.

The Warblers and The New Directions were stick with their partner for the rest of the day, and by the end of the day, they had to sit in a circle in the choir room and say one thing they learnt about the exercise as The New Directions gave The Warblers back their blazers

Day 3

By the third day, Sebastian and Rachel thought it would be a good idea to bring in some mentors for the group, the mentors were Puck, Santana, Quinn, Blaine and Sam. Tough mentors who would give them insight on how to be a proper show choir team without cheating. Santana, Quinn and Blaine weren't not happy about what they done. Santana, walked up to Hunter and slapped him everyone else were shocked and surprised, but not as surprising at the fact that Quinn had slapped Kitty. It resulted in a fight, but what The New Directions and The Warblers didn't know was the fact that Sebastian and Rachel had planned this, to get them to see the effects of cheating has on the show choir world. Once the fighting had stopped. Rachel and Sebastian looked at the two show choir teams and Sebastian said

"That is effect of cheating in the show choir world." The Warblers and New Directions were confused at what he said, and Nick said

"You and Rachel planned this fight." Rachel and Sebastian nodded their heads and Rachel said

"These 5 people, knows what its like to cut corners in life and cheat." They were confused and Marley said

"How?" Sebastian looked at them and said

"Well Puck cut corners and has been put on probation so many times, we were lucky that he wasn't today, Quinn cut corners and lost everything that she loved because Puck got her pregnant, Blaine cheated on Kurt and it almost cost him the love of his life and Santana was Sue Sylvester's spy and leaking their setlist." Both teams were shocked at the revelation that cheating has done either in the show choir or in our everyday life.

Day 4

The day after the fight happened, The Warblers and The New Directions were slowly starting to accept what they had done was wrong. Thad was starting to become more of a leader, and Hunter wasn't happy about it because he was going to lose his captaincy to him because of his mistake. All Hunter wanted to do was beat New Directions, he didn't know it will not only cost them Regionals but also his captaincy. He was mad, but he had to listen to Sebastian and Rachel.

Day 5

The New Directions and The Warblers accepted what they had done, and because they didn't write any original songs they had to sing run joey run in the school assembly together. Once they finished their performance the Warblers went back to Dalton, Sebastian went with Rachel to New York, and Hunter announced he was transferring to McKinley

Sebastian's POV

I walked hand in hand with Rachel to her New York apartment, where I will be staying with her after this year. Once we walked in, I stared at her deeply in her eyes and said

"I say this week went well, don't you think." Rachel smiled at me, kissed me deeply, and when we pulled away, she said

"It did."

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