102. Why do you love me?

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Rachel walked into her New York apartment that she shared with her boyfriend of 5 five years Sebastian Smythe, after a stressful day at NYADA where her dance 101 teacher had really yelled at her, and called her out in front of the class by calling her names, insulting her and insulting her nose. It had been going on for two months, and she hides it from Sebastian, not wanting him to worry about anything that happens at her school.

With the things that Cassandra have been saying, it has been affecting her, and is been making her question why Sebastian even loves her. As Rachel walked inside the apartment, she places her bag down by the door, and then walks into hers and Sebastian's bedroom, and looks at herself in the full length mirror, and sees everything that Cassandra sees and points out to her every day.

Rachel picked on everything about herself, and as she did, tears started to fall, and when she couldn't take it anymore, she fell to the ground breaking down and just hearing the words from Cassandra July over and over again in her head. As she was crying she felt arms wrap around her tight, pulling her closer to them, Rachel knew that it was Sebastian.

Sebastian held Rachel tight and protected in his arms. He had walked in from his classes and saw his girlfriend sitting down and shaking on the floor, and he knew instantly that something was wrong. Sebastian held her tight while she calmed down, he kissed her hair, and wiped away her tears. Rachel stayed in Sebastian's arms as she stopped crying, and Sebastian said

"Pretty girl, what's wrong, you can tell me." Rachel didn't want to tell him, in fear he would leave or even worse confirm everything Cassandra has been saying about her. Rachel stayed silent not wanting him to know, and he said

"Talk to me Broadway." Rachel was still quiet debating if she should tell him. Rachel sat up to look at Sebastian, took a deep breath and asked

"Sebby?" Rachel paused trying to find the right way to ask the question, and she softly spoke

"Why do you love me, why do you want me, why did you pick me? You could have any girl you want, any girl to love, any girl to choose from, and you chose me. Why?" Sebastian was surprised, surprised that she's questioning his love, but he knew that she wanted the reassurance. Sebastian lifted his hand to his girlfriend's cheek and wiped away her tears with his thumb and said

"I love you because of how talented you are, you're beautiful, smart, funny, sweet, an angelic angel, you're generous and you have the most kindest heart I know. You understand me and you just get me. You love me for who I am, you motivate me to be a better person, you have always believed in me, you are my best cuddle buddy, you give me the best cuddles and hugs, you give me space and freedom when I need it, you love and care about my family, I love your smile, eyes, and voice, we have so much in common with each other, you listen to me and hear me, you never judge me, we have so many sweet memories together, you always know how to cheer me up, you forgive me and never mention it again, I love how I miss you every time we are apart. Streisand, I love you without any reasons." Sebastian leaned forward, kissed her temple and said

"I want you because you are you. I picked you because my heart chose you the first time I saw you, and i don't want any girl, I want you." Rachel was touched by his words, and started to get so emotional about what he had said. Rachel leaned into his touch and said

"I love you." Sebastian, stood up, stood her up, picked her up into his arms, walked to their bed and cuddled under the blankets together and said

"I love you too pretty girl, but why the reassurance." Rachel laid her head on his chest listening to the sound of his heart, and said

"You aren't going to like it." Sebastian looked at her and said

"Tell me." Rachel took a deep breath and said

"My dance 101 teacher at NYADA, she hates me, she insults me, she's mean and rude and she yells at me. She claims its because i need to what its like to be critised in the real world. But the way she does it and the words she says, it gets to me." Sebastian felt for his girlfriend and said

"How long has this been going on for?" Rachel sighed and softly spoke

"Two months. At first i tried to ignore it, but I couldn't take it anymore, and everything she says it made me start to question why you love me, and i only didn't tell you because i didn't want you to worry so much, and I was scared that one day you'll wake up and realise that you could do so much better than me, that you would leave me and realise that I wasn't enough." Sebastian leaned forward, kissed her and then said

"I love you, and we have been together for 5 years Love and I will always worry about you, you're my lovely Rachel, and the thought of just seeing you heartbroken because of me, and seeing you with someone else, would break me into a million pieces. I don't want anyone else, I want you." Rachel was pleased to his words and said

"Sorry I doubted Sebby." Sebastian smiled at her and said

"Don't worry about it Rachie. But next time talk to me." Rachel smiled back at him and said

"I will, i promise." Sebastian smirked and said

"Good, and now let me show you how much i love you." Sebastian then kissed Rachel as he rolled on top of her.

The next day after Rachel had finished her nightmare dance class with her nightmare teacher, she was packing up her things, when she felt arms around her she knew it was Sebastian. She smiled and said

"I was just about to find you so we could have lunch together." Sebastian kissed her cheek and said

"And miss suprising you." As he said that. They heard someone clear their throat. They turned and saw Cassandra July. Sebastian smirked at her and said

"I heard a lot about you from my girlfriend, and if you don't start treating her with respect like you do with everyone else in the class, I'll have my father who is a state attorney sue you." Sebastian then took Rachel's hand and walked out of the classroom to have lunch with her leaving Cassandra standing there shocked and it was moments where Sebastian was defending her honour that made Rachel fall in love with him all over again.

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