138. New Girl to Crawford- Part 2

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As Rachel sat there cuddled into Sebastian, she softly spoke

"How did you all find out about what happened?" The warblers looked at each other and Trent said

"It was me. Brittany told me everything that happened, because Quinn told her. And as soon as I found out I called an emergency warbler meeting, so we could help you." Rachel was shocked and didn't know what to say, and Thad then said

"I know its hard to believe but us warblers do care about you and we do respect you." Rachel didn't know what to say, but she was happy, and for the first time in a long time she was not only respected for who she is, but she had a place where she belonged, and even though she is at Crawford and organised a show choir team there, the warblers will still welcome her. As she sat there feeling grateful for the boys. She saw Kurt, Mercedes, Puck, Blaine and Sam walk in.

Rachel was nervous she didn't tell anyone that she moved schools not even Kurt. She didn't know what to do.

Sebastian sensed Rachel's nervousness when she saw her friends walk in. Sebastian kissed her temple and said

What's going on in that pretty little mind of yours pretty girl?" Rachel looked at Sebastian and said

"I'm nervous to see them." Sebastian held her close and said

"Well if anyone understands why you transferred it would be Kurt. He transferred to Dalton because of bullying, and Blaine would understand too because of what happened in his past that lead him to Dalton, and Mercedes, Puckerman and Sam would only want you safe." Rachel was unsure about it. But she trusted Sebastian.

The following day when Rachel got to school she sat with her friends Allegra, Iris, Caitlin and Esperanza, and also her fellow show choir team mates. Iris smiled at Rachel and said

"So you're with Sebastian, that's so cool, I always suspected that he had a crush on you. My cousin David said that Sebastian would talk non stop about you, and that whenever he did, Sebastian's face would light up like a Christmas tree in December." Rachel didn't know what to say and said

"I didn't know that." Allegra smiled widely and said

"It's true. Mine and Esperanza's brother Thad says the same thing, that Sebastian would do that. I don't know what exactly Sebastian would say. But he would talk non stop about you." Rachel blushed, and Esperanza said

"You look like you have something on your mind. What's going on Rach?" Rachel looked down and then at her friends and said

"I'm just thinking. Yesterday when I was at the Lima Bean with Seb and the Dalton boys, some people from my old school walked in and I used to be close with them, Blaine and my friend Noah and Sam especially. And I just feel guilty that I didn't tell them I transferred or even the reason that I did." Caitlin looked at her and said

"Only thing you can do is talk to them, and if they are really your friends they will understand why you did so, Blaine especially." Rachel took in Caitlin's words and said

"You're right." Iris looked at her and said

"And if you're really nervous about talking to them on your own, you could always have Sebastian there to support you." Rachel nodded her head at Iris, and thought she might just do that, and take Sebastian with her.

That afternoon when Mercedes, Blaine, Kurt, Puck and Sam walked in the Lima Bean. Rachel was nervous but she took in Caitlin's and Iris' advice, stood up and walked over to them with Sebastian.

They sat down across from them and Kurt was shocked and surprised and said

"I was wondering where you have been." Rachel gave a small smile at Kurt as Blaine, Sam, Mercedes and Puck looked at her uniform and at Sebastian, and Mercedes said

"You go to Crawford now and you're dating Smythe?" Rachel nodded her head and said

"I am, and I'm sorry I didn't tell you all. Really. I wanted to be safe and Sebastian helped me, and he cares about me, more than what Finn ever did." Sam knew that was a fact, because he knew his cousin is in fact in love with Rachel. Rachel continued and looked at Kurt

"And I know you would understand the most Kurt." Kurt reached over to take her hand and said

"All I want is you safe just like I was. I know Crawford isn't Dalton but you're safe. Safe from Quinn and Santana and their viciousness." Rachel was grateful that they understood why and still liked her even if they weren't at the same school anymore.

Sam turned to Mercedes, Blaine, Kurt and Puck and said

"Can you give a moment alone with Smytheberry please?" Mercedes kissed Sam's cheek, and stood up with Puck, Blaine and Kurt and walked away leaving Sam with Sebastian and Rachel.

Rachel looked at Sam curiousily and said

"What's going on Sammy?" Sam looked at Sebastian who nodded and then Rachel said

"Since you are with Sebastian, it's time you knew something that not everything knows about, that only Puck, Blaine and Mercedes know." Rachel was confused and Sebastian said

"Well Pretty Girl. Evans and I are cousins. Our mum's are sisters." Rachel gave a small smile and said

"I already knew that you were cousins." Rachel looked at Sebastian and said

"The only person besides me you never insult in New Directions is Sammy and now by proxy Mercedes since she is with Sammy." Rachel looked at Sam and said

"And the only person you ever really talk to at Dalton is Seb, and you make occasional visits to Dalton to see Seb." Sam and Sebastian blushed at what Rachel said. And she continued

"Your secret is safe with me. I have never told anyone at all." Sebastian and Sam were grateful and Sam said

"Thank you Rach." He hugged her and said

"I'm glad you're safe." Sam pulled apart the hug and, hugged Sebastian goodbye. Rachel was happy that she was not only safe but she still had her Mckinley friends, Crawford friends and Sebastian by her side and she couldn't be happier.

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