150. Sebastian and Rachel- Part 1

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Rachel and Sebastian grew up together. They were always in each other's classes, and what made their friendship everything was that their parents were also best friends too and unbeknownst to the two kids they had a crush on each other that even their parents picked it up.

At the age of 10 Sebastian had to leave with his parents for France but he never forgot Rachel, and he never forgot their first kiss in his tree house either.

They were now sixteen and Sebastian and his parents are back in Ohio. And Sebastian is making it his mission to get Rachel back, he just hopes that Rachel remembers him.

Sebastian will admit that he tried to date other girls to forget about Rachel but he could never forget her at all. He walked into the coffee shop with his room mate Blaine while also wearing his new Dalton uniform. Sebastian was anxious to see Rachel and was hoping that he would see her at the Lima Bean.

Blaine noticed Sebastian's anxious antics when Blaine's own boyfriend Kurt who was also in a Dalton uniform walked over to them.

"You doing okay Seb?" Sebastian nodded his head and said

"I'm just excited to see my old best friend and still crush again, i just hope that she hasn't forgotten about me, its been six years since i last saw her, so I'm hoping that she hasn't forgotten me at all." At those words Kurt relaxed, which didn't go unnotice to Blaine and Sebastian. But Sebastian didn't care all he cared about was Rachel.

As soon as he picked up his coffee the door of the Lima Bean opened and in walked Rachel. Sebastian smiled widely at the sight of Rachel, but his smile fell when he saw Rachel hand in hand with someone else.

"Who's that with Rachel?" Blaine and Kurt looked at each confused that the new guy knew their friend. Kurt was the first to speak

"You know Rachel? She's mine and Blaine's best friend. I'm Kurt by the way, and the person with Rachel is her on and off again boyfriend Finn. If they're together now, it wouldn't be long before they break up again because of his unloyalty, lies and always choosing Quinn. But I'll warn you if you date her while they broken up." Sebastian quickly looked at Kurt and said

"About what?" Kurt looked at him and said

"If you date her. You feel the wrath of Finn. He has anger issues, Puck and Jesse know that personally, and Finn hates anyone that is with Rachel when he isn't with her. Her ex Jesse took her to prom a few weeks a go as a way to make up for what he did the year before and he was trying to change from the person he used to be, and Finn who was with his own girlfriend Quinn and going for prom King and her prom Queen. Finn got angry in the first place that Rachel was bringing Jesse as a date, but as soon as they started dancing Finn beat up Jesse in front of Rachel at the prom and on top of that his girlfriend at the time Quinn slapped her for no reason, the thing with Finn he likes the attention but not the commitment." Sebastian was shocked at what Kurt had said about Finn and even Sebastian knew what Finn was doing was unhealthy and really toxic and puts Rachel's mental well being at risk.

"That's not healthy. Does he realise the mental risk he's doing to Rachel's well-being? What he's doing is really toxic behaviour and is suffocating her." Blaine knew Sebastian was right and said

"Kurt and I are all for you dating her as would the warblers but be careful with him Seb, I'd hate for you to get hurt, as would Rachel."

Sebastian knew he had to do something to save the love of his life from the toxicity and an idea came to his mind and spoke as he watched Rachel

"You said Rachel didn't exactly have a good time at prom right?" Blaine was curious and said

"We did Seb. Why what's on your mind?" Sebastian looked at Klaine and asked

"Don't worry about it. I have a plan." Sebastian watched Rachel and Finn intently, and he stood up quickly and walked over to her as soon as Finn left her to go to the bathroom.

Sebastian across from her and said

"Long time no see Rachel, it's been what six years?" Rachel knew the voice and smiled widely when she saw Sebastian.

She stood up and stood him up and hugged him tight.

"I missed you so much Sebby. There wasn't a day that went past when I didn't think about you at all. I just hope you had fun in France."

Sebastian hugged Rachel back tight and they then sat down across from one another once more and Sebastian said

"I did but France didn't have you Rach." Rachel felt her heart beat fast, her feelings for Sebastian were buried long a go and she was scared of falling for him because of Finn.

Sebastian softly spoke

"My parents are hosting a fancy party, and I would love it if you could be there Rach, since your dads would be automatically invited, I thought I would invite you personally." Rachel thought about what Sebastian had said, but she also didn't want Finn to hurt him because she was giving another big attention.

Rachel was about to speak when she saw Finn over Sebastian's shoulder and she said

"I would love to Sebby, and also you should leave." Sebastian was happy that Rachel was wanting to go and he was about to leave when they heard

"What is this?" Both Rachel and Sebastian looked up and saw Finn. Sebastian looked at him and said

"Don't worry, I'm just catching up with my best friend from child hood." Finn didn't believe Sebastian at all and said

"I don't believe you." Finn then looked at Rachel and said

"We're done, and by the way I've been texting Quinn behind your back and she and i have continued to see each other" Finn then left, and Sebastian gently reached over for Rachel's hand and said

"It's his loss Rach. Come on, let's take you over to your best friends." They stood up and Sebastian protectively put his arm around her to console her as they walked over to Kurt and Blaine.

They sat down and Sebastian said

"And now you can put your focus and mind on my parents fancy party where you are my guest, and also able to focus on New York and Broadway, like you always spoke about what you wanted to do when we were kids."

Rachel was still raw from her break up, and was nervous

"I'm more nervous that Finn will hurt you Sebby because you're with me and my attention is on you and not him."

Sebastian squeezed her hand and said

"We'll cross that line when that happens." Rachel nodded her head and Kurt then said

"And since Sebastian invited you to a fancy party tonight why don't you spend the day with me and we can go shopping for a new dress for you. Take your mind off Finn and everything." Rachel gave a small smile and said

"I would like that Kurt." They stood up and left the Lima Bean and Blaine looked at Sebastian and said

"I know I only met you today but what are you planning?" Sebastian looked at Blaine as he sat back in his chair and picked up his coffee and said

"I'm merely planning to get Rachel to date me and also try and persuade her dads to get her at Crawford away from Finn and Quinn both, and what better way than to start with my parents fancy house party."

A/N: post 150.

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